< 使徒の働き 22 >
1 兄弟にして父たる人々よ、我が汝等に述べんとする事由を聞け、と。
“Men, brothers and fathers, listen to my defense before you now.”
2 人々彼がヘブレオ語にて語るを聞きて一層沈黙せり。
When they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they were even more quiet, and he said:
3 斯てパウロ言ひけるは、我はユデア人にして、シリシアのタルソに生れ、此市中に育てられ、先祖の律法の眞理に從ひてガマリエルの足下に教へられ、律法の為に奮励せしは、恰も今日汝等一同の為せる如くなりき。
“I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, educated strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God, just as you all are today.
4 我が男女を縛り且拘留して、死に至らしむるまで此道を迫害せしは、
I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women,
5 司祭長及び長老會が我に就きて證明せるが如し。我又彼等より兄弟等に宛てたる書簡を受け、人々を縛りてエルザレムに牽き、刑を受けしめんとてダマスコへ往きつつありしに、
as also the high priest and all the council of elders can bear me witness. I even obtained letters from them to the brothers in Damascus, to bring those also who were there bound to Jerusalem to be punished.
6 ダマスコに近づかんとする途中、日中に忽ち大いなる光ありて我を圍照せり。
Now it happened, as I was going and approaching Damascus, about noon, suddenly a strong light from heaven shone around me.
7 然て地に倒れて、サウロよ、サウロよ、何故に我を迫害するぞ、と我に謂へる聲を聞き、
I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
8 主よ、汝は誰ぞ、と答へしに、我は汝が迫害せるナザレトのイエズスなり、と謂はれたり。
So I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Natsorean, whom you are persecuting.’
9 伴侶なる人々は光を見たれど、我に語れる者の聲をば聞分けざりき。
Those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not understand the voice of the One speaking to me.
10 然て我、主よ、何を為すべきぞ、と云ひたるに主曰はく、立ちてダマスコに往け、総て汝の為に定りたる事は其處にて言はるべし、と。
So I said, ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told about all that has been appointed to you to do.’
11 斯て我は彼光の輝の為に目見えざれば、伴侶の人に手を引かれてダマスコに至れり。
And since I could not see, because of the brightness of that light, I entered Damascus being led by the hand of those who were with me.
12 然るにアナニアとて、律法を遵奉し敬虔にして、當地に住めるユデア人一般に好評ある人、
Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the law, well spoken of by all the Jews who lived in Damascus,
13 我許に來り側に立ちて、兄弟サウロ、見よ、と言ひしかば我即時に之を見たり。
came to me, and standing by me said, ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight!’ And at that very moment I looked up at him.
14 彼又言ひけるは、我等の先祖の神は、汝をして御旨を知り、義なる者を見、其口づから聲を聞かしめん事を豫定し給へり。
Then he said: ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you to know His will, and to see the Righteous One, and to hear words from His mouth.
15 其は汝見聞せし事に就きて、萬民に彼が證人たるべければなり。
For you shall be a witness for Him to all men of the things that you have seen and heard.
16 今は何をか躊躇ふぞや、立ちて洗せられよ、御名を頼みて汝の罪を滌去れ、と。
And now, why hesitate? Get up, be baptized and wash away your sins, invoking the name of the Lord.’
17 斯て我エルザレムに返り、神殿にて祈れる折、氣を奪はるる如くになりて、
“Now it happened, when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I came to be in a trance
18 主を見奉りしが、主我に向ひて、急げ、早くエルザレムを出でよ、其は人々我に関する汝の證明を承容れざるべければなり、と曰へり。
and saw Him saying to me, ‘Hurry up and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not receive your testimony concerning me.’
19 其時我、主よ、我が曾て主を信ずる人々を監獄に閉籠め、之を諸會堂にて鞭ちし事、
So I said: ‘Lord, they know that I used to imprison and beat those believing into you, from one synagogue to another;
20 又主の證人ステファノの血の流されし時に立會ひ、且賛成して之を殺す人々の上衣を守りたりし事は、彼等の知る所なり、と言ひたるに、
and when the blood of your witness Stephen was shed, I myself was standing there and agreeing to his murder, even guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.’
21 主我に曰ひけるは、往け、汝を遠く異邦人に遣はすべし、と。
And He said to me, ‘Get going, because I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’”
22 人々此言まで聴きけるが、是に至りて聲張揚げ、斯る者を地上より取除けよ、活くるに足らず、と謂ひて、
Well they kept listening to him until this statement, and then they raised their voice and shouted, “Rid the earth of this fellow, for it isn't fitting for him to live!”
23 叫びつつ衣服を脱棄て、且空中に塵を投飛しければ、
As they were shouting, tearing off clothes and throwing dust into the air,
24 千夫長命じてパウロを兵営に牽入れしめ、又人々が彼に對して斯くまでに叫ぶことの何故なるかを知らんとて、鞭たしめ拷問せしめんとせり。
the commander ordered him to be taken into the barracks, directing that he be interrogated with lashes, in order to learn for what crime they kept shouting against him like that.
25 然れば人々革紐を以て縛りたるに、パウロ側に立てる百夫長に謂ひけるは、ロマ人にして而も宣告せられざる者を汝等が鞭つこと可きか、と。
But as they stretched him out with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion who stood by, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned?”
26 百夫長之を聞きて千夫長に近づき、告げて、汝如何にせんとするぞ、此人はロマの公民なる者を、と云ひしかば、
Well when the centurion heard that, he went and reported to the commander saying, “Consider what you are about to do, because this man is a Roman!”
27 千夫長近づきてパウロに謂ひけるは、我に告げよ、汝はロマ人なりや、と。パウロ、然り、と云ひしに、
So the commander went and said to him, “Tell me, are you a Roman?” So he said, “Yes.”
28 千夫長、我は大金を以て此公民権を得たり、と答へしかばパウロ、我は尚生れながらにして然り、と云へり。
The commander replied, “I acquired this citizenship at considerable cost.” And Paul said, “But I was so born.”
29 是に於て拷問せんとせし人々忽ち立去り、千夫長も亦、其ロマ公民たる事を知りて後は、之を縛りたるが為に懼れたり。
So those who were about to interrogate him withdrew immediately; and even the commander was apprehensive when he realized that he had put chains on a Roman.
30 第六項 パウロ衆議所に出頭しカイザリアへ護送せらる 翌日パウロがユデア人に訴へらるる所以を尚詳しく知らんとて、千夫長は其縲絏を釈き、命じて司祭等と全議會とを招集し、パウロを牽出して其前に立たしめたり。
But the next day, desiring to know for certain why he was accused by the Jews, he freed him from the bonds and ordered the chief priests and all their council to come, and brought Paul down and set him before them.