< コリント人への手紙第一 14 >

1 汝等愛を求め、且霊的賜、殊に預言せん事を冀へ。
Make love your most important objective! But also do your best to gain spiritual gifts, especially the ability to speak God's message.
2 蓋他國語を語る者は人に語らずして神に語る者なり、其は霊によりて奥義を語るも、聞取る人なければなり。
Those who speak in a tongue are not talking to people, but to God, because nobody can understand them as they speak mysteries in the Spirit.
3 然れども預言する者は人に語りて其徳を立て、且之を勧め、之を慰む。
However, the words of those who speak for God build people up—they provide encouragement and comfort.
4 他國語を語る者は己が徳を立つれども、預言する者は神の教會の徳を立つ。
Those that speak in a tongue only build themselves up, but those who speak God's message build up the church. I would like it if you all spoke in tongues, but I'd prefer if you could speak God's message.
5 我は汝等が皆他國語を語る事を欲すれども、預言をする事に於ては尚切なり。其は他國語を語る人、教會の徳を立てん為に通訳するに非ざれば、預言する人は之に優ればなり。
Those who speak for God are more important than those who speak in tongues, unless they interpret what's been said, so that the church can be built up.
6 然れば兄弟等よ、我今汝等に至りて他國語を語るとも、もし黙示、或は知識、或は預言、或は教訓を以て語るに非ずば、汝等に何の益する所かあらん。
Brothers and sisters, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what benefit would I be to you unless I bring you some revelation, or knowledge, or prophetic message, or teaching?
7 魂なくして音を發するものすら、或は笛、或は琴、若異なる音を發するに非ずば、争でか其吹かれ、或は弾かるる所の何なるを知るべき。
Even when it comes to something non-living such as musical instruments like a flute or a harp: if they don't produce clear notes, how will you know what tune is being played?
8 喇叭もし定まりなき音を發せば、誰か戰闘の準備を為さんや。
Similarly, if the trumpet doesn't give a clear sound, who will get ready for battle?
9 斯の如く、汝等も言語を以て明かなる談話を為すに非ずば、争でか其言ふ所を知らるべき、空に向ひて語る者ならんのみ。
It's the same situation for you—unless you speak using words that are easy to understand, who will know what you're saying? What you say will be lost on the wind.
10 世に言語の類然ばかり夥しけれども、一として意味あらざるはなし。
There are surely many languages in this world, and there is meaning in every one of them.
11 我若音の意味を知らずば、我が語れる人に夷となり、語る者も我に夷とならん。
If I don't understand the language, those who speak make no sense to me, and I make no sense to them.
12 斯の如く、汝等も霊的賜を冀ふ者なれば、教會の徳を立てん為に豊ならん事を求めよ。
It's the same for you—if you are keen to have spiritual gifts, try to have many of those that will build up the church.
13 故に他國語を語る人は、亦通訳する事をも祈るべし。
Anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that they're able to translate what they say.
14 蓋我他國語を以て祈る時は、霊は祈ると雖も智恵は好果を得ざるなり。
For if I pray out loud in a tongue, my spirit is praying, but it does nothing for my understanding!
15 然らば之を如何にすべき、我は霊を以て祈り、又智恵を以て祈らん。霊を以て謳ひ又智恵を以て謳はん。
So then, what should I do? I will pray “in the Spirit,” but I will pray with my mind too. I will sing “in the Spirit,” but I will sing with my mind too.
16 蓋汝若霊[のみ]を以て祝せば、常人を代表する人、如何ぞ汝の祝言に答へてアメンと唱へんや、其は汝の何を言へるかを知らざればなり。
For if you only pray “in the Spirit,” how can ordinary people that don't have understanding say “Amen” after your prayer of thanks, since they haven't a clue what you said?
17 蓋汝が感謝するは善き事なれども、他の人は徳を立てざるなり。
You might have said a great prayer of thanks, but the other hasn't been helped!
18 我は汝等一同よりも多く他國語を語る事を我が神に感謝し奉る。
I thank God that I can speak in tongues more than all of you.
19 然れど教會に於て、他國語にて一萬の言を語るよりは、他の人をも教へん為に、我が智恵を以て五の言を語る事を好む。
But in church I would rather speak five understandable words to teach others than ten thousand words in a tongue nobody understands.
20 兄弟等よ、智恵に於ては汝等子兒となる事勿れ。惡心に於ては子兒たるべく、智恵に於ては大人たるべし。
Brothers and sisters, don't think like children. Be as innocent as babies in regard to evil, but be grown up in your understanding.
21 律法に録して、「主曰く、我此民に向ひて、異なる言語、異なる唇にて語らん、然も我に聴かじ」、とあり。
As Scripture records, “‘I will speak to my people through other languages and the lips of foreigners, but even then they won't listen to me,’ says the Lord.”
22 然れば他國語の徴となるは、信者の為に非ずして不信者の為なり、預言は却て不信者の為に非ずして信者の為なり。
Speaking in tongues is a sign, not to believers, but those who don't believe. Speaking God's prophetic message is the opposite: it is not for those who don't believe, but for believers.
23 故に若教會挙りて一處に集れる時、皆他國語にて語りなば、常人又は不信者の入來りて、汝等を狂へる者と謂はざらんや。
If the whole church is meeting together and you are all speaking in tongues, and some people come in who don't understand, or people who don't believe, won't they say that you are insane?
24 然れど若皆預言せば、入來る不信者常人は、一同に對して屈服し、一同の為に是非せられ、
But if everyone is speaking God's message, and someone comes in who isn't a believer, or someone who doesn't understand, they will be convinced and called to account by everyone's words.
25 心の秘密を暴露せられ、然平伏て神を禮拝し奉り、神實に汝等の中に在すと宣言するならん。
Their secrets throughts will be revealed, so they will fall to their knees and worship God, affirming that God is truly among you.
26 兄弟等よ、然らば之を如何にすべき。汝等が集る時は、各聖歌あり、教訓あり、黙示あり、他國語あり、通訳する事あり、一切の事皆徳を立てしめん為にせらるべし。
So then, brothers and sisters, what should you do? When you meet together, different people will sing, or teach, or share a special message, or speak in a tongue, or give an interpretation. But everything should be done to build up and encourage the church.
27 他國語を語る人あらば、二人、多くとも三人、順次に語りて、一人通訳し、
If anyone wants to speak in a tongue, make it just two, or three at the most, taking turns, and someone should interpret what is said.
28 若通訳する人なくば、教會の中に在りては、沈黙して己と神とに語るべし。
If there's no one there to interpret, those who speak in tongues should keep quiet in church and only speak to themselves, and God.
29 預言者は二人或は三人言ひて、他の人は判断すべし。
Similarly, have two or three of those who give God's prophetic message speak, and let everyone else think about what was said.
30 若坐せる者にして黙示を蒙る人あらば、前の者は黙すべし。
However, if a special revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, then the first speaker should give way to them.
31 其は人皆學びて勧を受くべく、汝等皆順次に預言する事を得ればなり。
You can all speak for God, one at a time, so that everyone can learn and be encouraged.
32 預言者の霊は預言者に從ふ、
It is for those who speak for God to control their prophetic inspiration,
33 蓋神は争の神に非ずして平和の神にて在す。聖徒の諸教會に於る如く、
for God is not a God of disorder but of peace and quiet. This is the way it should be in all the churches of God's people.
34 婦人は教會に於て黙すべし。律法にも云へる如く、彼等は語るを許されずして從ふべき者なり。
“Women should stay quiet in the churches—they shouldn't speak. They should respect their situation, as the laws states.
35 若何事をか學ばんと欲せば、自宅にて夫に問ふべし、其は教會に於て語るは婦人に取りて耻づべき事なればなり。
If they want to learn they can do so at home, asking their husbands. It is not proper for women to speak in church.”
36 神の御言は汝等より出でしものなるか、或は汝等にのみ至れるものなるか、
What? Did the word of God begin with you? Are you the only ones it came to?
37 人若或は預言者、或は霊に感じたるものと思はれなば、我が汝等に書送るは主の命なる事を知るべし。
Anyone who thinks they are a prophet, or that they have some spiritual gift, should be aware that what I'm writing to you is a command of the Lord.
38 若し知らずば、其人自らも知られざらん。
Those who ignore this will themselves be ignored.
39 然れば兄弟等よ、汝等預言せんことを冀ひて、他國語を語るを禁ずる勿れ。
So my brothers and sisters, make it your aim to speak for God. Don't prohibit speaking in tongues.
40 然れど一切の事正しく且秩序を守りて行はるべきなり。
Just make sure everything done is done properly and in an orderly manner.

< コリント人への手紙第一 14 >