< 雅歌 4 >
1 ああなんぢ美しきかな わが佳耦よ ああなんぢうるはしきかな なんぢの目は面帕のうしろにありて鴿のごとし なんぢの髪はギレアデ山の腰に臥たる山羊の群に似たり
Behold, thou art faire, my loue: behold, thou art faire: thine eyes are like the doues: among thy lockes thine heare is like the flocke of goates, which looke downe from the mountaine of Gilead.
2 なんぢの齒は毛を剪たる牝羊の浴塲より出たるがごとし おのおの雙子をうみてひとつも子なきものはなし
Thy teeth are like a flocke of sheepe in good order, which go vp from the washing: which euery one bring out twinnes, and none is barren among them.
3 なんぢの唇は紅色の線維のごとく その口は美はし なんぢの頬は面帕のうしろにありて柘榴の半片に似たり
Thy lippes are like a threede of scarlet, and thy talke is comely: thy temples are within thy lockes as a piece of a pomegranate.
4 なんぢの頸項は武器庫にとて建たるダビデの戍樓のごとし その上には一千の盾を懸け列ぬ みな勇士の大楯なり
Thy necke is as the tower of Dauid builte for defence: a thousand shieldes hang therein, and all the targates of the strong men.
5 なんぢの兩乳房は牝獐の雙子なる二箇の小鹿が百合花の中に草はみをるに似たり
Thy two breastes are as two young roes that are twinnes, feeding among the lilies.
6 日の涼しくなるまで 影の消るまでわれ沒藥の山また乳香の岡に行べし
Vntill the day breake, and the shadowes flie away, I wil go into the mountaine of myrrhe and to the mountaine of incense.
7 わが佳耦よ なんぢはことごとくうるはしくしてすこしのきずもなし
Thou art all faire, my loue, and there is no spot in thee.
8 新婦よ レバノンより我にともなへ レバノンより我とともに來れ アマナの巓セニルまたヘルモンの巓より望み 獅子の穴また豹の山より望め
Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, euen with me from Lebanon, and looke from the toppe of Amanah, from the toppe of Shenir and Hermon, from the dennes of the lyons, and from the mountaines of the leopards.
9 わが妹わが新婦よ なんぢはわが心を奪へり なんぢは只一目をもてまた頸玉の一をもてわが心をうばへり
My sister, my spouse, thou hast wounded mine heart: thou hast wounded mine heart with one of thine eyes, and with a chaine of thy necke.
10 わが妹わが新婦よ なんぢの愛は樂しきかな なんぢの愛は酒よりも遙にすぐれ なんぢの香膏の馨は一切の香物よりもすぐれたり 新婦よ なんぢの唇は蜜を滴らす なんぢの舌の底には蜜と乳とあり なんぢの衣裳の香氣はレバノンの香氣のごとし
My sister, my spouse, how faire is thy loue? howe much better is thy loue then wine? and the sauour of thine oyntments then all spices?
Thy lippes, my spouse, droppe as honie combes: honie and milke are vnder thy tongue, and the sauoure of thy garments is as the sauoure of Lebanon.
12 わが妹わがはなよめよ なんぢは閉たる園 閉ぢたる水源 封じたる泉水のごとし
My sister my spouse is as a garden inclosed, as a spring shut vp, and a fountaine sealed vp.
13 なんぢの園の中に生いづる者は石榴及びもろもろの佳果またコペル及びナルダの草
Thy plantes are as an orchard of pomegranates with sweete fruites, as camphire, spikenarde,
14 ナルダ 番紅花 菖蒲 桂枝さまざまの乳香の木および沒藥 蘆薈一切の貴とき香物なり
Euen spikenarde, and saffran, calamus, and cynamon with all the trees of incense, myrrhe and aloes, with all the chiefe spices.
15 なんぢは園の泉水 活る水の井 レバノンよりいづる流水なり
O fountaine of the gardens, O well of liuing waters, and the springs of Lebanon.
16 北風よ起れ 南風よ來れ 我園を吹てその香氣を揚よ ねがはくはわが愛する者のおのが園にいりきたりてその佳き果を食はんことを
Arise, O North, and come O South, and blowe on my garden that the spices thereof may flow out: let my welbeloued come to his garden, and eate his pleasant fruite.