< 箴言 知恵の泉 23 >

1 なんぢ侯たる者とともに坐して食ふときは 愼みて汝の前にある者の誰なるかを思へ
When you sit down to eat a meal with a (government official/king), think carefully about what (OR, who) is in front of you.
2 汝もし食を嗜む者ならば汝の喉に刀をあてよ
[Even] if you (have a big appetite/want to eat a lot of food), restrain yourself.
3 その珍饈を貪り食ふこと勿れ これ迷惑の食物なればなり
Do not want to eat [a lot of] his fine food, because he may be trying to trick you.
4 富を得んと思煩らふこと勿れ 自己の明哲を恃むこと勿れ
Do not [cause yourself to become very tired by] working very hard to become rich; be wise and stop doing that,
5 なんぢ虚しきに歸すべき者に目をとむるか 富はかならず自ら翅を生じて鷲のごとく天に飛さらん
because as soon as you look [MTY] at [all the money that you have acquired], it will be gone; it will [disappear as if it] suddenly grew wings [SIM] and flew up into the sky like an eagle.
6 惡目をする者の糧をくらふことなく その珍饈をむさぼりねがふことなかれ
[If] someone who is stingy [invites you to a meal], do not eat [a lot of] his fine food,
7 そはその心に思ふごとくその人となりも亦しかればなり 彼なんぢに食へ飮めといふこといへどもその心は汝に眞実ならず
because he will be thinking about how much [the food cost that you are eating]. He [will] say to you, “Eat and drink all that you want!”, but that is not what he [will] really be thinking.
8 汝つひにその食へる物を吐出すにいたり 且その出し懇懃の言もむなしくならん
[When you realize what he is really thinking, it will cause you to want to] vomit what you have eaten; and your kind words [telling him that you are enjoying the meal] will be wasted.
9 愚なる者の耳に語ること勿れ 彼なんぢが言の示す明哲を藐めん
(Do not [waste time by]/It is useless) talking to foolish people; they will [only] despise the wise things that you say.
10 古き地界を移すことなかれ 孤子の畑を侵すことなかれ
Do not [steal someone’s property by] removing a boundary marker that has been there for a long time, and do not take for yourself the land that belongs to orphans,
11 そはかれが贖者は強し 必ず汝に對らひて之が訴をのべん
because Yahweh is strong, and he is [like] a relative that has the responsibility to defend them, he will [stand up in court and] argue for them and against you.
12 汝の心を教に用ゐ 汝の耳を知識の言に傾けよ
Pay attention to what [your teachers] teach you, and try to learn from the wise things that they say.
13 子を懲すことを爲ざるなかれ 鞭をもて彼を打とも死ることあらじ
Do not refuse to discipline your children; if you punish/spank them, it will not cause them to die,
14 もし鞭をもて彼をうたばその霊魂を陰府より救ふことをえん (Sheol h7585)
and it may save them from [going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
15 わが子よもし汝のこころ智からば我が心もまた歓び
My son/child, if you [SYN] become wise, I [SYN] will be very happy.
16 もし汝の口唇ただしき事をいはば我が腎腸も喜ぶべし
I [SYN] will rejoice when I hear you [SYN] say what is right/wise.
17 なんぢ心に罪人をうらやむ勿れ ただ終日ヱホバを畏れよ
Do not envy sinful people; instead, revere Yahweh all of your life.
18 そは必ず應報ありて汝の望は廃らざればなり
[If you do that], you will be happy in the future, and [God] will certainly [do for you what you are] confidently expecting him to do.
19 わが子よ汝ききて智慧をえ かつ汝の心を道にかたぶけよ
My son/child, listen carefully to me and become wise, and think about (all that you do/your behavior).
20 酒にふけり肉をたしむものと交ること勿れ
Do not associate with those who drink a lot of (wine/strong drink) or with those who (are gluttons/eat more than they should),
21 それ酒にふける者と肉を嗜む者とは貧しくなり 睡眠を貪る者は敞れたる衣をきるにいたらん
because drunkards and gluttons will become poor; and if all that you do is eat and sleep, you will [soon] (be wearing rags/not have any money to buy clothes).
22 汝を生る父にきけ 汝の老たる母を軽んずる勿れ
Pay attention to what your father tells you, and (do not neglect/take care of) [LIT] your mother when she is old.
23 眞理を買へ これを售るなかれ 智慧と誡命と知識とまた然あれ
Try to know/learn what is wise, and get good instruction and understanding; and do not throw those things away.
24 義き者の父は大によろこび 智慧ある子を生る者はこれがために樂しまん
Righteous [children] will cause their parents to be very happy; those whose children are wise are proud of them.
25 汝の父母を樂しませ 汝を生る者を喜ばせよ
[Do what will] cause your father to be glad and enable your mother [also] to be happy.
26 わが子よ汝の心を我にあたへ 汝の目にわが途を樂しめ
My son, heed what I say to you, and allow what I do to be an example for you.
27 それ妓婦は深き抗のごとく 淫婦は狭き井のごとし
Prostitutes and immoral women [DOU] are [like] [MET] a deep pit or a well [that you may fall into].
28 彼は盗賊のごとく人を窺ひ かつ世の人の中に悖れる者を増なり
They wait [for you] like robbers [SIM], and they cause many men to (be unfaithful to/have sex with women who are not) their wives.
29 禍害ある者は誰ぞ 憂愁ある者は誰ぞ 争端をなす者は誰ぞ 煩慮ある者は誰ぞ 故なくして傷をうくる者は誰ぞ 赤目ある者は誰ぞ
I will tell you [RHQ] what kind of people are always miserable and sad. I will tell you [RHQ] which people are always causing arguments/quarrels and who are always complaining. I will tell you [RHQ] who are injured in fights and whose eyes are always red/bloodshot.
30 是すなはち酒に夜をふかすもの 往て混和せたる酒を味ふる者なり
[It is] those who drink a lot of wine, who try drinking other kinds of strong drinks.
31 洒はあかく盃の中に泡だち滑かにくだる 汝これを見るなかれ
Do not look with pleasure at red wine that looks nice, and which sparkles when it is [poured out] into cups, and which tastes good as you drink it,
32 是は終に蛇のごとく噬み蝮の如く刺すべし
because the next morning [you will feel like] you have been bitten by a poisonous snake [DOU].
33 また汝の目は怪しきものを見 なんぢの心は諕言をいはん
You [SYN] will [think that you are] seeing strange/weird things, and you [SYN] will not be able to think clearly or speak clearly.
34 汝は海のなかに偃すもののごとく帆桅の上に偃すもののごとし
You will think you are in a ship that is tossing on the sea; you be like [SIM] someone who is trying to sleep when the ship is rolling from one side to the other.
35 汝いはん人われを撃ども我いたまず 我を拷けども我おぼえず 我さめなばまた酒を求めんと
You will say, “[I think that] someone struck me, but he did not hurt me; he hit me, but I did not feel it. When will I (wake up/feel normal again) in order that I can drink some more wine?”

< 箴言 知恵の泉 23 >