< 士師記 5 >
1 その日デボラとアビノアムの子バラク謳ひていはく
Then sang Deborah, and Barak, son of Abinoam, —on that day, saying: —
2 イスラエルの首長みちびきをなし民また好んで出でたればヱホバを頌美よ
For the leadership of leaders in Israel, For the volunteering of the people, —Bless ye Yahweh!
3 もろもろの王よ聽けもろもろの伯よ耳をかたぶけよ我はそのヱホバに謳はん我はイスラエルの神ヱホバを讚へん
Hear, ye kings! Give ear, ye princes! I, unto Yahweh, —I, will sing, Will make melody to Yahweh, God of Israel.
4 ああヱホバよ汝セイルより出でエドムの野より進みたまひしとき地震ひ天また滴りて雲水を滴らせたり
O Yahweh! When thou didst come forth out of Seir, When thou didst march along out of the field of Edom, Earth, trembled, Heaven also, poured forth, —Yea, dark clouds, poured forth waters;
5 もろもろの山はヱホバのまへに撼動ぎ彼のシナイもイスラエルの神ヱホバのまへに撼動げり
From, mountains, came down streams In presence of Yahweh, —From this Sinai, In presence of Yahweh, God of Israel.
6 アナテの子シヤムガルのときまたヤエルの時には大路は通行る者なく途行く人は徑を歩み
In the days of Shamgar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the roads were forsaken, —and, the frequenters of highways, betook them to roundabout paths:
7 イスラエルの村莊には住者なく住む者あらずなりけるがつひに我デボラ起れり我起りてイスラエルに母となる
There was a failure of rulers, in Israel, a failure, —until I arose, a Deborah, arose, a mother in Israel: —
8 人々新しき神を選みければ戰鬪門におよべりイスラエルの四萬人のうちに盾或は鎗の見しことあらんや
They chose gods that were new, Then, —war at the gates! Was there, a shield, to be seen? or a spear? among forty thousand in Israel?
9 吾が心は民のうちに好んでいでたるイスラエルの有司等に傾けり汝らヱホバを頌美よ
My heart [saith] —for the governors of Israel, for the volunteers among the people, Bless ye Yahweh!
10 しろき驢馬に乗るもの毛氈に坐するものおよび路歩む人よ汝ら謳ふべし
Ye that ride on white asses, ye that sit on carpets, and ye that walk upon the road, speak!
11 矢叫の聲に遠かり水汲むところにおいてヱホバの義しき所爲をとなへそのイスラエルを治理めたまふ義しき所爲を唱へよその時ヱホバの民は門に下れり
In the place of the noise of bowmen among the wells, there, laud ye—the righteous acts of Yahweh, the righteous acts of his rule over Israel. Then, had come down to the gates the people of Yahweh.
12 興よ起よデボラ興よ起よ歌を謳ふべし起てよバラク汝の俘虜を擄へきたれアビノアムの子よ
Awake! awake! Deborah, Awake! awake! utter words of song, —Arise! Barak, and bind fast thy captives, O son of Abinoam!
13 其時民の首長等の殘餘者くだり來るヱホバ勇士の中にいまして我にくだりたまふ
Then, came down a remnant to the nobles—a people, —Yahweh, came down with me against the mighty.
14 エフライムより出る者ありその根アマレクにありベニヤミン汝のあとにつきて汝の民の中にありマキルよりは牧伯下りゼブルンよりは采配を執るものいたる
Out of Ephraim, [came down] they whose root was in Amalek, After thee, Benjamin, among thy tribes, —Out of Machir, had come down governors, And, out of Zebulun, such as bear aloft the staff of the marshal;
15 イッサカルの伯たちはデボラとともに居るイッサカルはバラクとおなじく足の進みて平地に至るルベンの河邊にて大に心にはかる事あり
And, my princes in Issachar, were with Deborah, yea, Issachar, was the support of Barak, Into the vale rushed they forth at his feet. Among the divisions of Reuben, great were the resolves of the heart:
16 何故に汝は圈のうちに止まりて羊の群に笛吹くを聽くやルベンの河邊にて大に心に考ふることあり
Wherefore abodes thou among the folds? To hear the mocking of the flocks? The divisions of Reuben, had great counsellings of heart.
17 ギレアデはヨルダンの彼方に臥し居る何故にダンは舟のかたはらに止まりしやアセルは濱邊に坐してその港に臥し居る
Gilead, beyond the Jordan, took his rest, but, Dan, wherefore remained he with the ships? Asher, abode by the shore of the seas, and, by his creeks, must needs rest.
18 ゼブルンは生命を捐て死を冐せる民なり野の高きところに居るナフタリまた是の如し
Zebulun—a people that scorned their souls unto death; and, Naphtali, —upon the heights of the field.
19 もろもろの王來りて戰へる時にカナンのもろもろの王メギドンの水の邊においてタアナクに戰へり彼ら一片の貨幣をも獲ざりき
On came kings, they fought, Then, fought the kings of Canaan, In Taanach, by the waters of Megiddo, —Plunder of silver, they took not away!
20 天よりこれを攻るものありもろもろの星其の道を離れてシセラを攻む
From heaven, was the battle fought, —The stars in their courses, fought against Sisera.
21 キシオンの河之を押し流しぬ是彼の古への河キシオンの河なりわが靈魂よ汝ますます勇みて進め
The torrent of Kishon, swept them away, the torrent of olden times, the torrent of Kishon! Let my soul march along, with victorious strength!
22 その時馬の蹄は強きももの馳に馳るに由りて地を踏鳴せり
Then, stamped hoofs of horses, With the gallopings, gallopings of his mighty steeds.
23 ヱホバの使いひけるはメロズを詛ふべし汝ら重ね重ねその民を詛ふべきなり彼等來りてヱホバを助けずヱホバを助けて猛者を攻めざればなり
Curse ye Meroz, saith the messenger of Yahweh, Curse ye with a curse, the inhabitants thereof, —because they came not in to the help of Yahweh, to the help of Yahweh, against the mighty.
24 ケニ人ヘベルの妻ヤエルは婦女のうちの最も頌むべき者なり彼は天幕に居る婦女のうち最も頌むべきものなり
Blessed above women, shall be Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite, —Above women in the tent, be blessed:
25 シセラ水を乞ふにヤエル乳を與ふ即ち貴き盤に乳の油を盛てささぐ
Water, he asked, Milk, she gave, —In a bowl for nobles, presented cream:
26 ヤエル釘子に手をかけ右の手に重き椎をとりてシセラを打ちその頭を碎きその鬢のあたりをうちて貫ぬく
Her hand, to the tent-pin, put she forth, and, her right hand, to the toilers’ mallet, —Then smote she Sisera, She shattered his head, Yea she split open and pierced through his temples:
27 シセラ、ヤエルの足の間に屈みて仆れ偃しその足のあはひに屈みて仆れその屈みたる所にて仆れ亡ぬ
Between her feet, he bowed—he fell, he lay, —Between her feet, he bowed—he fell, Where he bowed, There, he fell—destroyed!
28 シセラの母窓より望み格子のうちより叫びて言ふ彼が車のきたること何て遲きや彼が馬の歩何てはかどらざるやと
Through the window, looked out and shrilly cried, The mother of Sisera, through the lattice, —Why is his chariot ashamed to come? Why delay the wheels of his chariot?
29 その賢き侍女こたへをなす(母また獨語して斯いへり)
The wise ladies, her princesses, responded, —Nay! she, returned answer to, herself: —
30 かれら獲ものしてこれを分たざらんや人ごとに一人二人の女子を獲んシセラの獲るものは彩る衣ならんその獲る者は彩る衣にして文繍を施せる者ならん即ち彩りて兩面に文繍をほどこせる衣をえてその頸にまとはんと
Is it not They keep finding—dividing spoil, One damsel, two damsels, to every several hero, Spoil, of divers coloured raiment for Sisera, Spoil, of divers coloured raiment, embroidered, Coloured raiment richly embroidered, on the necks of them who are taken as spoil?
31 ヱホバよ汝の敵みな是のごとくに亡びよかしまたヱホバを愛するものは日の眞盛に昇るが如くなれよかしとかくて後國は四十年のあひだ太平なりき
So, perish all thine enemies, O Yahweh, But be, they who love him, as the going forth of the sun, in his might! And the land had rest forty years.