< 士師記 19 >

1 其頃イスラエルに王なかりし時にあたりてエフライムの山の奧に一人のレビ人寄寓をりベテレヘムユダより一人の婦人をとりて妾となしたるに
A man was a dekene dwellinge in the side of the hil of Effraym, which dekene took a wijf of Bethleem of Juda.
2 その妾彼に背きて姦淫を爲し去てベテレヘムユダなるその父の家にかへり其所に四月といふ日をおくれり
And sche lefte hym, and turnede ayen in to the hows of hir fadir in Bethleem, and sche dwellide at hym foure monethis.
3 是に於てその夫彼をなだめて携かへらんとてその僕と二頭の驢馬をしたがへ起てかれの後をしたひゆきければその父の家に之を導きいたりしに女の父これを見て之に遇ことを悦こべり
And hir hosebonde suede hir, and wolde be recounselid to hir, and speke faire, and lede hir ayen with him; and he hadde in cumpany a child, and tweyne assis. And sche resseyuede hym, and brouyte him in to `the hows of hir fadir; and whanne hise wyues fadir hadde herd this, and `hadde seyn hym, he ran gladli to hym, and kisside the man.
4 而してその女の父なる外舅彼をひきとめたれば則ち三日これと共に居り皆食飮して其所に宿りしが
And the hosebonde of the douytir dwellide in `the hows of his wyues fadir in three daies, and eet and drank hoomli with hym.
5 四日におよびて朝早く起あがり彼たちて去んとしければ女の父その婿に言ふ少許の食物をもて汝の心を強くして然る後に去れよと
Sotheli in the fourthe dai he roos bi nyyt, and wolde go forth; whom `the fadir of his wijf helde, and seide to hym, Taaste thou first a litil of breed, and coumforte thi stomak, and so thou schalt go forth.
6 二人すなはち坐りて共に食飮しけるが女の父その人にいひけるは請ふ幸に今一夜を明し汝の心を樂ましめよと
And thei saten togidere, and eeten, and drunkun. And the fadir of the damysele seide to `the hosebonde of his douyter, Y beseche thee, that thou dwelle here to dai, and that we be glad togidere.
7 其人起て去んとしけるに外舅これを強たれば遂に復其所に宿り
And he roos, and bigan to wilne to go; and neuertheles `the fadir of his wijf helde hym mekeli, and made to dwelle at hym.
8 五日におよびて朝はやく起いでて去んとしたるに女の父これに言けるは請ふ汝の心を強くせよと是をもて日の昃るまでとどまりて共に食をなしけるが
Forsothe whanne the morewtid was maad, the dekene made redi weie; to whom `the fadir of his wijf seide eft, Y biseche, that thow take a litil of mete, and make thee strong til the dai encreesse, and aftirward go forth. Therfor thei eten togidere.
9 其人つひに妾および僕とともに去んとて起あがりければ女の父彼に言ふ視よ今は日暮なんとす請ふ今一夜を明されよ視よ日昃たり汝此にやどりて汝の心をたのしませ明日蚤く起て出たち汝の家にいたれよと
And the yong man roos to go with his wijf and child; to whom the fadir of his wijf spak eft, Biholde thou, that the dai is `lowere to the goynge doun, and it neiyeth to euentid; dwelle thou at me also to dai, and lede a glad dai, and to morewe thou schalt go forth, that thou go in to thin hows.
10 然るに其人止宿ることを肯はずして起て去りヱブスの對面に至れり是はエルサレムなり鞍おける二の驢馬彼とともにあり妾も彼とともなりき
The `hosebonde of the douytir nolde assente to hise wordis; but he yede forth anoon, and cam ayens Jebus, which bi another name is clepid Jerusalem; and he ledde with hym twei assis chargid, and the wijf.
11 彼らヱブスの近傍にをる時日はや沒んとしければ僕その主人にいひけるは請ふ來れ我等身をめぐらしてヱブス人の此邑にいりて其所に宿らんと
And now thei weren bisidis Jebus, and the day was chaungid in to nyyt. And the child seide to his lord, Come thou, Y biseche, bowe we to the citee of Jebus, and dwelle we therynne.
12 その主人これに言けるは我等は彼所に身をめぐらしてイスラエルの子孫の邑ならざる外國の人の邑にいるべからずギベアに進みゆかんと
To whom the lord answeride, Y schal not entre in to the citee of an alien folc, which is not of the sones of Israel, but Y schal passe `til to Gabaa;
13 すなはちその僕にいひけるは來れ我らギベアかラマか是等の處の一に就て止宿んと
and whanne Y schal come thidur, we schulen dwelle therynne, `ether certis in the citee of Rama.
14 皆すすみ往きけるがベニヤミンのギベアの近邊にて日暮たれば
Therfor thei passiden Jebus, and token the weie bigunnun. And the sunne yede doun to hem bisidis Gabaa, which is in the lynage of Beniamyn;
15 ギベアにゆきて宿らんとて其所に身をめぐらし入て邑の衢に坐しけるに誰も彼を家に接て宿らしむる者なかりき
and thei turneden to it, that thei schulden dwelle there. Whidur whanne thei hadden entrid, thei saten in the street of the citee, and no man wolde resseyue hem to herbore.
16 時に一人の老人日暮に田野の働作をやめて歸りきたる此人はエフライム山の者にしてギベアに寄寓れるなり但し此處の人はベニヤミン人なり
And lo! an eld man turnede ayen fro the feeld, and fro his werk in the euentid, and apperide to hem, which also hym silf was of the hil of Effraym, and he dwellide a pilgrym in Gabaa. Therfor men of that cuntrey weren the sones of Gemyny.
17 彼目をあげて旅人の邑の衢にをるを見たり老人すなはちいひけるは汝は何所にゆくなるや何所より來れるやと
And whanne the eld man reiside his iyen, he siy a man sittynge with hise fardels in the street of the citee; and he seide to `that man, Fro whennus comest thou? and whidur goist thou?
18 その人これにいひけるは我らはベテレヘムユダよりエフライム山の奧におもむく者なり我は彼所の者にて既にベテレヘムユダにゆき今ヱホバの室に詣らんとするなるが誰もわれを家に接ものあらず
Which answeride to hym, We yeden forth fro Bethleem of Juda, and we gon to oure place, which is in the side of the hil of Effraym, fro whennus we yeden to Bethleem; and now we gon to the hows of God, and no man wole resseyue vs vndur his roof,
19 然ど驢馬の藁も飼蒭もあり又我と汝の婢および僕等とともなる少者の用ふべき食物も酒も在て何も事缺るところなし
and we han prouendre and hey in to mete of assis, and breed and wyn in to myn vsis, and of thin handmayde, and of the child which is with me; we han no nede to ony thing, no but to herbore.
20 老人いひけるは願くは汝安かれ汝が需むる者は我そなへん唯衢に宿るなかれと
To whom the eld man answeride, Pees be with thee; Y schal yyue alle `thingis, that ben nedeful; oneli, Y biseche, dwelle thou not in the street.
21 かれをその家に携れ驢馬に飼ふ彼らすなはち足をあらひて食飮せしが
And he brouyte hym in to his hows, and yaf `mete to the assis; and after that thei waischiden her feet, he resseyuede hem `in to feeste.
22 その心を樂ませをる時にあたりて邑の人々の邪なる者その家をとりかこみ戸を打たたきて家の主人なる老人に言ふ汝の家にきたれる人をひき出せ我らこれを犯さんと
While thei eeten, and refreischiden the bodies with mete and drynk after the trauel of weie, men of that citee camen, the sones of Belial, that is, with out yok, and thei cumpassiden the `hows of the elde man, and bigunnun to knocke the doris; and thei crieden to the lord of the hows, and seiden, Lede out the man that entride in to thin hows, that we mysuse him.
23 是に於て家の主人なる人かれらの所にいでゆきてこれに言けるは否わが兄弟よ惡をなす勿れ此人すでにわが家にいりたればこの愚なる事をなすなかれ
And the elde man yede out to hem, and seide, Nyle ye, britheren, nyle ye do this yuel; for the man entride in to myn herbore; and ceesse ye of this foli.
24 我が處女なる女と此人の妾とあるにより我これを今つれいだすべければ汝らかれらを辱しめ汝等の好むところをこれに爲せ唯この人には斯る愚なる事を爲すなかれと
Y haue a douyter virgyn, and this man hath a wijf; Y schal lede out hem to you, that ye make lowe hem, and fille youre lust; oneli, Y biseche, that ye worche not this cursidnesse ayens kynde `ayens the man.
25 然るにその人々これを聽いれざるにより其人その妾をとりてこれを彼らの所にいだしやりければすなはちこれを犯して朝にいたるまで終夜これを辱しめ日のいづる頃にいたりて釋てり
Thei nolden assente to hise wordis; which thing the man siy, and ledde out his wijf to hem, and bitook to hem hir to be defoulid. And whanne thei hadden misusid hir al niyt, thei leften hir in the morewtid.
26 是をもて婦黎明にきたりてその夫のをる彼人の家の門に仆れ夜のあくるまで其處に臥をる
And whanne the derknessis departiden, the womman cam to the dore of the hows, where hir lord dwellide, and there sche felde doun.
27 その主朝におよびておきいで家の戸をひらきて出去んとせしがその妾の婦の家の門にたふれをりて手を閾の上におくを見ければ
Whanne the morewtid was maad, the man roos, and openyde the dore, `that he schulde fille the weie bigunnun; and lo! his wijf lay bifor the dore, with hondis spred in the threischfold.
28 これにむかひ起よ我ら出往んと言たれども何の答もあらざりき是によりてその人これを驢馬にのせたちて己の所におもむきしが
And he gesside `hir to reste, `and spak to hir, Rise thou, and go we. `And whanne sche answeride no thing, he vndirstode that sche was deed; and he took hir, and puttide on the asse, and turnede ayen in to his hows.
29 家にいたるにおよびて刀をとり其妾を執へて骨ぐるみこれを十二分にたちわりて之をイスラエルの四方の境におくりければ
And whanne he entride in `to that hows, he took a swerd, and departide in to twelue partis and gobetis the deed body of the wijf, and sente in to alle the termes of Israel.
30 之を見る者皆いふイスラエルの子孫がエジプトの地より出のぼりし日より今日にいたるまで斯のごとき事は行はれしことなく見えしことなし思をめぐらし相議りて言ふことをせよ
And whanne alle `men hadden herde this, thei crieden, Neuere siche a thing was don in Israel, fro that dai `in which oure fadris stieden fro Egipt `til in to `present tyme; seie ye sentence, and deme ye in comyn, what is nede to be doon.

< 士師記 19 >