< ヨナ書 4 >
But this seemed very wrong to Jonah and he became angry.
2 ヱホバに祈りて曰けるはヱホバよ我なほ本國にありし時斯あらんと曰しに非ずや さればこそ前にタルシシへ逃れたるなれ 其は我なんぢは矜恤ある神 憐憫あり 怒ること遲く慈悲深くして災禍を悔たまふものなりと知ばなり
He prayed to the Lord and said, “Ah, Lord, wasn’t this what I said when I was still in my own country? That was why I fled at once to Tarshish; for I knew that you are a gracious and merciful God, patient, and loving and ready to forgive.
3 ヱホバよ願くは今わが命を取たまへ 其は生ることよりも死るかた我に善ればなり
Therefore, Lord, I beg you, take my life from me; for it is better for me to die than to live!”
4 ヱホバ曰たまひけるは汝の怒る事いかで宣しからんや
But the Lord said, “Are you doing right in being angry?”
5 ヨナは邑より出てその東の方に居り己が爲に其處に一の小屋をしつらひその蔭の下に坐して府の如何に成行くかを見る
Then Jonah went out of the city and sat down on the east side, and there made a hut for himself and sat under it, waiting to see what would become of the city.
6 ヱホバ神 瓢を備へこれをして發生てヨナの上を覆はしめたり こはヨナの首の爲に庇蔭をまうけてその憂を慰めんが爲なりき ヨナはこの瓢の木によりて甚だ喜べり
And the Lord arranged for a bush to grow up over Jonah as a shade for his head to make him comfortable. The bush gave Jonah great pleasure;
7 されど神あくる日の夜明に虫をそなへて其ひさごを噛せたまひければ瓢は枯たり
but at dawn the next day God arranged for a worm which attacked the bush, so that it wilted.
8 かくて日の出し時神暑き東風を備へ給ひ又日ヨナの首を照しければ彼よわりて心の中に死ることを願ひて言ふ 生ることよりも死るかた我に善し
And when the sun rose, God arranged a hot east wind. And the sun beat upon Jonah’s head, so that he was faint and begged that he might die, saying, “It is better for me to die than to live.”
9 神またヨナに曰ひたまひけるは瓢の爲に汝のいかる事いかで宣しからんや 彼曰けるはわれ怒りて死るともよろし
But God said to Jonah, “Are you doing right in being angry about the bush?” He replied, “I have every right to be as angry as I could possibly be!”
10 ヱホバ曰たまひけるは汝は勞をくはへず生育ざる此の一夜に生じて一夜に亡びし瓢を惜めり
The Lord said, “You care about a bush which has cost you no trouble and which you have not made grow, which came up in a night and wilted in a night.
11 まして十二萬餘の右左を辨へざる者と許多の家畜とあるこの大なる府ニネベをわれ惜まざらんや
Should I not care for the great city Nineveh, in which there are one hundred and twenty thousand people who do not know their right hand from their left; and many cattle too?”