< ヨブ 記 26 >
2 なんぢ能力なき者を如何に助けしや 氣力なきものを如何に救ひしや
“How helpful you have been to this feeble man that I am. How supportive you have been to the weak.
3 智慧なき者を如何に誨へしや 穎悟の道を如何に多く示ししや
What good advice you have given to this ignorant man, demonstrating you have so much wisdom.
4 なんぢ誰にむかひて言語を出ししや なんぢより出しは誰が靈なるや
Who helped you speak these words? Who inspired you to say such things?
The dead tremble, those beneath the waters.
6 かれの御前には陰府も顯露なり 滅亡の坑も蔽ひ匿す所なし (Sheol )
Sheol lies naked before God, Abaddon is uncovered. (Sheol )
7 彼は北の天を虚空に張り 地を物なき所に懸けたまふ
He stretches the northern sky over empty space; he hangs the world on nothing.
He gathers the rain in his storm clouds which do not break under the weight.
He veils his throne; covering it with his clouds.
On the surface of the waters he set a boundary; he set a limit dividing light from darkness.
The pillars of heaven tremble; they shake with fear at his rebuke.
12 その權能をもて海を靜めその智慧をもてラハブを撃碎き
He calmed the sea with his power; because he knew what to do he crushed Rahab.
13 その氣嘘をもて天を輝かせ 其手をもて逃る蛇を衝とほしたまふ
The breath of his voice made the heavens beautiful; with his hand he pierced the gliding serpent.
14 視よ是等はただその御工作の端なるのみ 我らが聞く所の者は如何にも微細なる耳語ならずや 然どその權能の雷轟に至りては誰かこれを曉らんや
This is just a little of all he does—what we hear of him is hardly a whisper, so who can understand his thunderous power?”