< イザヤ書 54 >

1 「子を産まなかったうまずめよ、歌え。産みの苦しみをしなかった者よ、声を放って歌いよばわれ。夫のない者の子は、とついだ者の子よりも多い」と主は言われる。
Yahweh says, “You [people of Jerusalem] [MET], start to sing! You [who are like] [MET] women who have never given birth to children, sing loudly and shout joyfully, because you, [who are like] [MET] childless women who have been abandoned [by their husbands], will [soon] have more children than women who have never had any children.
2 「あなたの天幕の場所を広くし、あなたのすまいの幕を張りひろげ、惜しむことなく、あなたの綱を長くし、あなたの杭を強固にせよ。
Make your tents larger; make them wider, and fasten them firmly with tent pegs.
3 あなたは右に左にひろがり、あなたの子孫はもろもろの国を獲、荒れすたれた町々をも住民で満たすからだ。
[You will need to make your city much larger] because [soon] you and your descendants will spread all over the land. They will force the people of [other] nations [who now live in your cities] to leave, and you will live [again] in those cities [that were previously abandoned].
4 恐れてはならない。あなたは恥じることがない。あわてふためいてはならない。あなたは、はずかしめられることがない。あなたは若い時の恥を忘れ、寡婦であった時のはずかしめを、再び思い出すことがない。
Do not be afraid; you will no [longer] be ashamed. Previously you were ashamed [because your enemies conquered you] and caused many of your women to become widows, but [soon] you will not even remember that.
5 あなたを造られた者はあなたの夫であって、その名は万軍の主。あなたをあがなわれる者は、イスラエルの聖者であって、全地の神ととなえられる。
[I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the Holy one of Israel, who rules over the whole earth, the one who created you, will be [like] [MET] a husband to you.
6 捨てられて心悲しむ妻、また若い時にとついで出された妻を招くように主はあなたを招かれた」とあなたの神は言われる。
You were like a woman whose husband left her, and caused you to be very sad; you were like a young woman who got married when she was [very] young, and then her husband abandoned her.
7 「わたしはしばしばあなたを捨てたけれども、大いなるあわれみをもってあなたを集める。
I abandoned you [people of Jerusalem] for a while, but [now] I am saying, ‘I will take you back.’
8 あふれる憤りをもって、しばしわが顔を隠したけれども、とこしえのいつくしみをもって、あなたをあわれむ」とあなたをあがなわれる主は言われる。
I was very angry with you for a while, and I turned away from you. But I will act mercifully toward you and I will faithfully love you forever. That is what [I], Yahweh, your protector, say to you.
9 「このことはわたしにはノアの時のようだ。わたしはノアの洪水を、再び地にあふれさせないと誓ったが、そのように、わたしは再びあなたを怒らない、再びあなたを責めないと誓った。
During the time that Noah lived, I solemnly promised that I would never again allow a flood to cover the earth. So [now] I solemnly promise that I will not be angry with you again and (rebuke you/threaten to punish you).
10 山は移り、丘は動いても、わがいつくしみはあなたから移ることなく、平安を与えるわが契約は動くことがない」とあなたをあわれまれる主は言われる。
Even if the mountains and hills shake and collapse, I will not stop faithfully loving you, and I will not cancel my agreement to cause things to go well for you. That is what [I], Yahweh, who act mercifully, say.
11 「苦しみをうけ、あらしにもてあそばれ、慰めを得ない者よ、見よ、わたしはアンチモニーであなたの石をすえ、サファイヤであなたの基をおき、
You [people of Jerusalem] [APO], [your enemies acted very violently toward you]; [it was as though] your city was battered by a severe storm, and no one helped you. But [now] I will cause your city to be rebuilt with stones made of (turquoise/valuable stones), and I will cause the foundations of the city to be made of (sapphires/valuable blue stones).
12 めのうであなたの尖塔を造り、紅玉であなたの門を造り、あなたの城壁をことごとく宝石で造る。
I will cause the towers on the city wall to be made of (rubies/valuable red stones), and all the gates of the city will be made of [other] very valuable stones.
13 あなたの子らはみな主に教をうけ、あなたの子らは大いに栄える。
I will be the one who will teach you people and cause things to go well with you.
14 あなたは義をもって堅く立ち、しえたげから遠ざかって恐れることはない。また恐怖から遠ざかる、それはあなたに近づくことがないからである。
Your [government] will be strong because of acting justly/fairly; no one will (oppress you/cause you to suffer); you will not be afraid, because there will be nothing [PRS] that will (terrorize you/cause you to become extremely afraid).
15 たとい争いを起す者があってもわたしによるのではない。すべてあなたと争う者は、あなたのゆえに倒れる。
If any army attacks you, it will not be because I have incited them to do that, and you will defeat any group that attacks you.
16 見よ、炭火を吹きおこして、その目的にかなう武器を造り出す鍛冶は、わたしが創造した者、また荒し滅ぼす者も、わたしが創造した者である。
Think about this: (Blacksmiths/Men who make things from metal) fan the coals to make a very hot flame in order to produce weapons that can be used [in battles], but I am the one who has produced blacksmiths! And I am also the one who created people who destroy [other people and cities].
17 すべてあなたを攻めるために造られる武器は、その目的を達しない。すべてあなたに逆らい立って、争い訴える舌は、あなたに説き破られる。これが主のしもべらの受ける嗣業であり、また彼らがわたしから受ける義である」と主は言われる。
[But I am promising you that I will] not allow you to be defeated/injured by soldiers using weapons that have been made to attack you, and when others try to accuse you, you will (refute them/show that they are wrong). That is the reward that I will give to the people who serve me; I will defend them; that is what [I], Yahweh, promise.”

< イザヤ書 54 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark