< ホセア書 14 >

1 イスラエルよ汝の神ヱホバに歸れよ汝は不義のために仆れたり
Return, Israel, to the Lord your God, because your sins have brought you down.
2 汝ら言詞をたづさへ來りヱホバに歸りていへ諸の不義は赦して善ところを受納れたまへ斯て我らは唇をもて牛のごとくに汝に献げん
Take words like these with you and come back to the Lord, saying to him, “Please take away all our guilt, accept what is good, and we will repay you with praise from our lips.
3 アツスリヤはわれらを授けじ我らは馬に騎らじまたふたたび我儕みづからの手にて作れる者にむかひわが神なりと言じ孤児は爾によりて憐憫を得べければなりと
Assyria can't save us; we will not ride our warhorses; we will never again say ‘You are our gods’ to the idols we have made. For in you orphans find mercy.”
4 我かれらの反逆を醫し悦びて之を愛せん我が怒はかれを離れ去たり
I will heal their unfaithfulness; I will love them freely, for I'm not angry with them any more.
5 我イスラエルに対しては露のごとくならん彼は百合花のごとく花さきレバノンのごとく根をはらん
I will be like the dew to Israel, they will blossom like lilies, they will send down roots like the cedars of Lebanon.
6 その枝は茂りひろがり其美麗は橄欖の樹のごとくその芬芳はレバノンのごとくならん
They shall send out new shoots, their splendor will be like the olive tree, their scent will be like the cedars of Lebanon.
7 その蔭に往む者かへり來らんかれらは穀物の如く活かへり葡萄樹のごとく花さきその馨香はレバノンの酒のごとくなるべし
Those who live under their shade shall return, they will flourish like grain, they will blossom like the vine, and they will be as famous as the wine of Lebanon.
8 エフライムはいふ我また偶像と何のあづかる所あらんやと我これに應へたり我かれを顧みん我は蒼翠の松のごとし汝われより果を得ん
Ephraim, how much more do I have to warn you about idols? I have answered and now I am watching. I am like a tree that is evergreen; your fruit is found in me.
9 誰か智慧ある者ぞその人はこの事を暁らん誰か頴悟ある者ぞその人は之を知んヱホバの道は凡て直し義者は之をむ然ど罪人は之に躓かん
Who is wise to understand these things? Who has discernment in understanding them? The Lord's paths are right—the good follow them, but rebels trip and fall along the way.

< ホセア書 14 >