< ハバクク書 1 >

1 預言者ハバククが示を蒙りし預言の重負
The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.
2 ヱホバよ我呼はるに汝の民に聽たまはざること何時までぞや 我なんぢにむかひて強暴を訴ふれども汝は助けたまはざるなり
O YHWH, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
3 汝なにとて我に害惡を見せたまふや 何とて艱難を瞻望居たまふや 奪掠および強暴わが前に行はる且爭論あり鬪諍おこる
Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
4 是によりて律法弛み公義正しく行はれず惡き者義しき者を圍むが故に公義曲りて行はる
Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
5 汝ら國々の民の中を望み觀駭け 汝らの日に我一の事を爲ん 之を告る者あるとも汝ら信ぜざらん
Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.
6 視よ我カルデヤカ人を興さんとす 是すなはち猛くまた荒き國民にして地を縦横に行めぐり 己の有ならざる住處を奪ふ者なり
For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwellingplaces that are not theirs.
7 是は懼るべく又驚くべし 其是非威光は己より出づ
They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.
8 その馬は豹よりも迅く夜求食する豺狼よりも疾し 其騎兵は跑まはる 即ちその騎兵は遠き處より來る 其飛ことは物を食はんと急ぐ鷲のごとし
Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hasteth to eat.
9 是は全く強暴のために來り 其面を前にむけて頻に進むその俘虜を寄集むることは砂のごとし
They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.
10 是は王等を侮り君等を笑ひ諸の城々を笑ひ土を積あげてこれを取ん
And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it.
11 斯て風のごとくに行めぐり進みわたりて罪を獲ん 是は己の力を神とす
Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his eloah.
12 ヱホバわが神わが聖者よ 汝は永遠より在すに非ずや 我らは死なじ ヱホバよ汝は是を審判のために設けたまへり 磐よ汝は是を懲戒のために立たまへり
Art thou not from everlasting, O YHWH my Elohim, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O YHWH, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty Elohim, thou hast established them for correction.
13 汝は目清くして肯て惡を觀給はざる者 肯て不義を視たまはざる者なるに何ゆゑ邪曲の者を觀すて置たまふや 惡き者を己にまさりて義しき者を呑噬ふに何ゆゑ汝黙し居たまふや
Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treacherously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righteous than he?
14 汝は人をして海の魚のごとくならしめ君あらぬ昆蟲のごとくならしめたまふ
And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?
15 彼鈎をもて之を盡く釣あげ網をもて之を寄せ集め引網をもて之を捕ふるなり 是に因て彼歡び樂しむ
They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad.
16 是故に彼その網に犠牲を獻げその引網に香を焚く 其は之がためにその分肥まさりその食饒になりたればなり
Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous.
17 然ど彼はその網を傾けつつなほたえず國々の人を惜みなく殺すことをするならんか
Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?

< ハバクク書 1 >