< 創世記 41 >

1 二年の後パロ夢ることあり即ち河の濱にたちて
And it fortuned at. ij. yeres end that Pharao dreamed and thought that he stode by a ryuers syde and that there came out of the ryver
2 視るに七の美しき肥たる牝牛河よりのぼりて葦を食ふ
.vij. goodly kyne and fatt fleshed and fedd in a medowe.
3 その後また七の醜き痩たる牛河よりのぼり河の畔にて彼牛の側にたちしが
And him though that. vij. other kyne came vp after them out of the ryver euelfauored and leane fleshed and stode by the other vpon the brynke of the ryuer.
4 その醜き痩たる牛かの美しき肥たる七の牛を食ひつくせりパロ是にいたりて寤む
And the evill favored and Ienefleshed kyne ate vp the. vij. welfauored and fatt kyne: and be awoke their with.
5 彼また寢て再び夢るに一の莖に七の肥たる佳き穗いできたる
And he slepte agayne and dreamed the second tyme that. vij. eares of corne grewe apon one stalke rancke and goodly.
6 其のちに又しなびて東風に燒たる七の穗いできたりしが
And that. vij. thynne eares blasted with the wynde spronge vp after them:
7 その七のしなびたる穗かの七の肥實りたる穗を呑盡せりパロ寤て見に夢なりき
and that the. vij. thynne eares deuowrerd the. vij. rancke and full eares. And than Pharao awaked: and se here is his dreame.
8 パロ朝におよびてその心安からず人をつかはしてエジプトの法術士とその博士を皆ことごとく召し之にその夢を述たり然ど之をパロに解うる者なかりき
When the mornynge came his sprete was troubled And he sent and casted for all the soythsayers of Egypte and all the wyse men there of and told them his dreame: but there was none of them that coude interpretate it vnto Pharao.
9 時に酒人の長パロに告ていふ我今日わが過をおもひいづ
Than spake the chefe buttelar vnto Pharao saynge. I do remembre my fawte this daye.
10 嘗てパロその僕を怒て我と膳夫の長を侍衞の長の家に幽囚へたまひし時
Pharao was angrie with his servauntes and put in warde in the chefe marshals house both me and the chefe baker.
11 我と彼ともに一夜のうちに夢み各その解明にかなふ夢をみたりしが
And we dreamed both of vs in one nyght and ech mannes dreame of a sondrye interpretation.
12 彼處に侍衞の長の僕なる若きヘブル人我らと偕にあり我等これにのべたれば彼われらの夢を解その夢にしたがひて各人に解明をなせり
And there was with vs a yonge man an Hebrue borne servaunte vnto the chefe marshall. And we told him and he declared oure dreames to vs acordynge to ether of oure dreames.
13 しかして其事かれが解たるごとくなりて我はわが職にかへり彼は木に懸らる
And as he declared them vnto vs euen so it came to passe. I was restored to myne office agayne and he was hanged.
14 是に於てパロ人をやりてヨセフを召しければ急ぎてこれを獄より出せりヨセフすなはち髭を薙り衣をかへてパロの許にいり來る
Than Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preson. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment and went in to Pharao.
15 パロ、ヨセフにいひけるは我夢をみたれど之をとく者なし聞に汝は夢をききて之を解くことをうると云ふ
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.
16 ヨセフ、パロにこたへていひけるは我によるにあらず神パロの平安を告たまはん
And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me.
17 パロ、ヨセフにいふ我夢に河の岸にたちて見るに
Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: in my dreame me thought I stode by a ryvers syde and there came out of the ryver
18 河より七の肥たる美しき牝牛のぼりて葦を食ふ
vij fatt fleshed ad well fauored kyne and fedd in the medowe.
19 後また弱く甚だ醜き瘠たる七の牝牛のぼりきたる其惡き事エジプト全國にわが未だ見ざるほどなり
And then. vij. other kyne came vp after them poore and very euell fauored ad leane fleshed: so that I neuer sawe their lyke in all the lande of Egipte in euell fauordnesse.
20 その瘠たる醜き牛初の七の肥たる牛を食ひつくしたりしが
And the. vij. leane and euell fauored kyne ate vpp the first. vij. fatt kyne
21 已に腹にいりても其腹にいりし事しれず尚前のごとく醜かりき我是にいたりて寤めたり
And when they had eaten them vp a man cowde not perceaue that they had eate them: for they were still as evyll fauored as they were at the begynnynge. And I awoke.
22 我また夢に見るに七の實たる佳き穗一の莖にいできたる
And I sawe agayne in my dreame. vij. eares sprynge out of one stalk full and good
23 その後にまたいぢけ萎びて東風にやけたる七の穗生じたりしが
and. vij. other eares wytherd thinne and blasted with wynde sprynge vp after them.
24 そのしなびたる穗かの七の佳穗を呑つくせり我これを法術士に告たれどもわれにこれをしめすものなし
And the thynne eares deuowred the. vij. good cares. And I haue tolde it vnto the sothsayers but no man can tell me what it meaneth.
25 ヨセフ、パロにいひけるはパロの夢は一なり神その爲んとする所をパロに示したまへるなり
Then Ioseph sayde vnto Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And god doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to do.
26 七の美牝牛は七年七の佳穗も七年にして夢は一なり
The vij. good kyne are. vij yeare: and the. vij. good eares are. vij. yere also and is but one dreame.
27 其後にのぼりし七の瘠たる醜き牛は七年にしてその東風にやけたる七の空穗は七年の饑饉なり
Lykewyse the. vij. thynne and euell fauored kyne that came out after them are. vij. yeares: and the. vij. emptie and blasted eares shalbe vij. yeares of hunger.
28 是はわがパロに申すところなり神そのなさんとするところをパロにしめしたまふ
This is that which I sayde vnto Pharao that God doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to doo.
29 エジプトの全地に七年の大なる豐年あるべし
Beholde there shall come. vij. yere of great plenteousnes through out all the lande of Egypte.
30 その後に七年の凶年おこらん而してエジプトの地にありし豐作を皆忘るにいたるべし饑饉國を滅さん
And there shall aryse after them vij. yeres of hunger. So that all the plenteousnes shalbe forgeten in the lande of Egipte. And the hunger shall consume the lande:
31 後にいたるその饑饉はなはだはげしきにより前の豐作國の中に知れざるにいたらん
so that the plenteousnes shall not be once asene in the land by reason of that hunger that shall come after for it shalbe exceading great
32 パロのふたたび夢をかさね見たまひしは神がこの事をさだめて速かに之をなさんとしたまふなり
And as concernynge that the dreame was dubled vnto Pharao the second tyme it belokeneth that the thynge is certanly prepared of God ad that God will shortly brynge it to passe.
33 さればパロ慧く賢き人をえらみて之にエジプトの國を治めしめたまふべし
Now therfore let Pharao provyde for a man of vnderstondynge and wysdome and sett him over the lande of Egipte.
34 パロこれをなし國中に官吏を置てその七年の豐年の中にエジプトの國の五分の一を取たまふべし
And let Pharao make officers ouer the lande and take vp the fyfte parte of the land of Egipte in the vij. plenteous yeres
35 而して其官吏をして來らんとするその善き年の諸の糧食を斂めてその穀物をパロの手に蓄へしめ糧食を邑々にかこはしめたまふべし
and let them gather all the foode of these good yeres that come ad lay vp corne vnder the power of Pharo: that there may be foode in the cities
36 その糧食を國のために畜藏へおきてエジプトの國にのぞむ七年の饑饉に備へ國をして饑饉のために滅ざらしむべし
and there let them kepte it: that there may be foode in stoore in the lande agaynst the. vij. yeres of hunger which shall come in the lande of Egipte and that the lande perishe not thorow hunger.
37 パロとその諸の臣僕此事を善とす
And the saynge pleased Pharao ad all his seruauntes.
38 是に於てパロその臣僕にいふ我等神の靈のやどれる是のごとき人を看いだすをえんやと
Than sayde Pharao vnto his seruavauntes: where shall we fynde soch a ma as this is that hath the sprete of God in him?
39 しかしてパロ、ヨセフにいひけるは神是を盡く汝にしめしたまひたれば汝のごとく慧く賢き者なかるべし
wherfore Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: for as moch as God hath shewed the all this there is no man of vnderstondyng nor of wysdome lyke vnto the
40 汝わが家を宰るべしわが民みな汝の口にしたがはん唯位においてのみ我は汝より大なるべし
Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house and acordinge to thy worde shall all my people obey: only in the kynges seate will I be aboue the.
41 パロ、ヨセフにいひけるは視よ我汝をエジプト全國の冢宰となすと
And he sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I haue sett the ouer all the lande of Egipte.
42 パロすなはち指環をその手より脱して之をヨセフの手にはめ之を白布を衣せ金の索をその項にかけ
And he toke off his rynge from his fyngre and put it vpon Iosephs fingre and arayed him in raymet of bisse and put a golden cheyne aboute his necke
43 之をして己のもてる次の輅に乗らしめ下にゐよと其前に呼しむ是彼をエジプト全國の冢宰となせり
and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.
44 パロ、ヨセフにいひけるは我はパロなりエジプト全國に汝の允准をえずして手足をあぐる者なかるべしと
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao without thi will shall no man lifte vp ether his hande or fote in all the lande of Egipte.
45 パロ、ヨセフの名をザフナテパネアと名けまたオンの祭司ポテパルの女アセナテを之にあたへて妻となさしむヨセフいでてエジプトの地をめぐる
And be called Iosephs name Zaphnath Paenea. And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On. Than went Ioseph abrode in the lade of Egipte.
46 ヨセフはエジプトの王パロのまへに立し時三十歳なりきヨセフ、パロのまへを出て遍くエジプトの地を巡れり
And he was. xxx. yere olde whe he stode before Pharao kynge of Egipte. And than Ioseph departed from Pharao and went thorow out all the lande of Egipte.
47 七年の豐年の中に地山なして物を生ず
And in the. vij. pleteous yeres they made sheves and gathered
48 ヨセフすなはちエジプトの地にありしその七年の糧食を斂めてその糧食を邑々に藏む即ち邑の周圍の田圃の糧食を其邑の中に藏む
vp all the fode of the. vij. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egipte and put it in to the cities. And he put the food of the feldes that grewe rounde aboute euery cyte: euen in the same.
49 ヨセフ海隅の沙のごとく甚だ多く穀物を儲へ遂に數ふることをやむるに至る其は數かぎり無ればなり
And Ioseph layde vp corne in stoore lyke vnto the sande of the see in multitude out of mesure vntyll he left nombrynge: For it was with out nombre.
50 饑饉の歳のいたらざる前にヨセフに二人の子うまる是はオンの祭司ポテパルの女アセナテの生たる者なり
And vnto Ioseph were borne. ij. sonnes before the yeres of hunger came which Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On bare vnto him.
51 ヨセフその冢子の名をマナセ(忘)となづけて言ふ神我をしてわが諸の苦難とわが父の家の凡の事をわすれしめたまふと
And he called the name of the first sonne Manasse for God (sayde he) hath made me forgett all my laboure and all my fathers husholde.
52 又次の子の名をエフライム(多く生る)となづけていふ神われをしてわが艱難の地にて多くの子をえせしめたまふと
The seconde called he Ephraim for God (sayde he) hath caused me to growe in the lande of my trouble.
53 爰にエジプトの國の七年の豐年をはり
And when the. vij. yeres plenteousnes that was in the lands of Egypte were ended
54 ヨセフの言しごとく七年の凶年きたりはじむその饑饉は諸の國にあり然どエジプト全國には食物ありき
than came the. vij. yeres of derth acordynge as Ioseph had sayde. And the derth was in all landes: but in the lade of Egipte was there yet foode.
55 エジプト全國饑ゑし時民さけびてパロに食物を乞ふパロ、エジプトの諸の人にいひけるはヨセフに往け彼が汝等にいふところをなせと
When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger than cried the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao sayde vnto all Egipte: goo vnto Ioseph and what he sayth to you that doo
56 饑饉全地の面にありヨセフすなはち諸の倉廩をひらきてエジプト人に賣わたせり饑饉ますますエジプトの國にはげしくなる
And when the derth was thorow out all the lande Ioseph opened all that was in the cities and solde vnto the Egiptias And hunger waxed fore in the land of Egipte.
57 饑饉諸の國にはげしくなりしかば諸國の人エジプトにきたりヨセフにいたりて穀物を買ふ
And all countrees came to Egipte to Ioseph for to bye corne: because that the hunger was so sore in all landes.

< 創世記 41 >