+ 創世記 1 >

1 元始に神天地を創造たまへり
In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.
2 地は定形なく曠空くして黒暗淵の面にあり神の靈水の面を覆たりき
But the earth was empty and unoccupied, and darknesses were over the face of the abyss; and so the Spirit of God was brought over the waters.
3 神光あれと言たまひければ光ありき
And God said, “Let there be light.” And light became.
4 神光を善と觀たまへり神光と暗を分ちたまへり
And God saw the light, that it was good; and so he divided the light from the darknesses.
5 神光を晝と名け暗を夜と名けたまへり夕あり朝ありき是首の日なり
And he called the light, ‘Day,’ and the darknesses, ‘Night.’ And it became evening and morning, one day.
6 神言たまひけるは水の中に穹蒼ありて水と水とを分つべし
God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.”
7 神穹蒼を作りて穹蒼の下の水と穹蒼の上の水とを判ちたまへり即ち斯なりぬ
And God made a firmament, and he divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament. And so it became.
8 神穹蒼を天と名けたまへり夕あり朝ありき是二日なり
And God called the firmament ‘Heaven.’ And it became evening and morning, the second day.
9 神言たまひけるは天の下の水は一處に集りて乾ける土顯べしと即ち斯なりぬ
Truly God said: “Let the waters that are under heaven be gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.” And so it became.
10 神乾ける土を地と名け水の集合るを海と名けたまへり神之を善と觀たまへり
And God called the dry land, ‘Earth,’ and he called the gathering of the waters, ‘Seas.’ And God saw that it was good.
11 神言たまひけるは地は青草と實蓏を生ずる草蔬と其類に從ひ果を結びみづから核をもつ所の果を結ぶ樹を地に發出すべしと即ち斯なりぬ
And he said, “Let the land spring forth green plants, both those producing seed, and fruit-bearing trees, producing fruit according to their kind, whose seed is within itself, over all the earth.” And so it became.
12 地青草と其類に從ひ實蓏を生ずる草蔬と其類に從ひ果を結てみづから核をもつ所の樹を發出せり神これを善と觀たまへり
And the land brought forth green plants, both those producing seed, according to their kind, and trees producing fruit, with each having its own way of sowing, according to its species. And God saw that it was good.
13 夕あり朝ありき是三日なり
And it became evening and the morning, the third day.
14 神言たまひけるは天の穹蒼に光明ありて晝と夜とを分ち又天象のため時節のため日のため年のために成べし
Then God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. And let them divide day from night, and let them become signs, both of the seasons, and of the days and years.
15 又天の穹蒼にありて地を照す光となるべしと即ち斯なりぬ
Let them shine in the firmament of heaven and illuminate the earth.” And so it became.
16 神二の巨なる光を造り大なる光に晝を司どらしめ小き光に夜を司どらしめたまふまた星を造りたまへり
And God made two great lights: a greater light, to rule over the day, and a lesser light, to rule over the night, along with the stars.
17 神これを天の穹蒼に置て地を照さしめ
And he set them in the firmament of heaven, to give light over all the earth,
18 晝と夜を司どらしめ光と暗を分たしめたまふ神これを善と觀たまへり
and to rule over the day as well as the night, and to divide light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.
19 夕あり朝ありき是四日なり
And it became evening and morning, the fourth day.
20 神云ひたまひけるは水には生物饒に生じ鳥は天の穹蒼の面に地の上に飛べしと
And then God said, “Let the waters produce animals with a living soul, and flying creatures above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.”
21 神巨なる魚と水に饒に生じて動く諸の生物を其類に從ひて創造り又羽翼ある諸の鳥を其類に從ひて創造りたまへり神之を善と觀たまへり
And God created the great sea creatures, and everything with a living soul and the ability to move that the waters produced, according to their species, and all the flying creatures, according to their kind. And God saw that it was good.
22 神之を祝して曰く生よ繁息よ海の水に充牣よ又禽鳥は地に蕃息よと
And he blessed them, saying: “Increase and multiply, and fill the waters of the sea. And let the birds be multiplied above the land.”
23 夕あり朝ありき是五日なり
And it became evening and morning, the fifth day.
24 神言給ひけるは地は生物を其類に從て出し家畜と昆蟲と地の獸を其類に從て出すべしと即ち斯なりぬ
God also said, “Let the land produce living souls in their kind: cattle, and animals, and wild beasts of the earth, according to their species.” And so it became.
25 神地の獸を其類に從て造り家畜を其類に從て造り地の諸の昆蟲を其類に從て造り給へり神之を善と觀給へり
And God made the wild beasts of the earth according to their species, and the cattle, and every animal on the land, according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
26 神言給けるは我儕に象りて我儕の像の如くに我儕人を造り之に海の魚と天空の鳥と家畜と全地と地に匍ふ所の諸の昆蟲を治めんと
And he said: “Let us make Man to our image and likeness. And let him rule over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and the wild beasts, and the entire earth, and every animal that moves on the earth.”
27 神其像の如くに人を創造たまへり即ち神の像の如くに之を創造之を男と女に創造たまへり
And God created man to his own image; to the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them.
28 神彼等を祝し神彼等に言たまひけるは生よ蕃殖よ地に滿盈よ之を服從せよ又海の魚と天空の鳥と地に動く所の諸の生物を治めよ
And God blessed them, and he said, “Increase and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the flying creatures of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
29 神言たまひけるは視よ我全地の面にある實蓏のなる諸の草蔬と核ある木果の結る諸の樹とを汝等に與ふこれは汝らの糧となるべし
And God said: “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant upon the earth, and all the trees that have in themselves the ability to sow their own kind, to be food for you,
30 又地の諸の獸と天空の諸の鳥および地に匍ふ諸の物等凡そ生命ある者には我食物として諸の青き草を與ふと即ち斯なりぬ
and for all the animals of the land, and for all the flying things of the air, and for everything that moves upon the earth and in which there is a living soul, so that they may have these on which to feed.” And so it became.
31 神其造りたる諸の物を視たまひけるに甚だ善りき夕あり朝ありき是六日なり
And God saw everything that he had made. And they were very good. And it became evening and morning, the sixth day.

+ 創世記 1 >