< 伝道者の書 9 >
1 我はこの一切の事に心を用ひてこの一切の事を明めんとせり 即ち義き者と賢き者およびかれらの爲ところは神の手にあるなるを明めんとせり 愛むや惡むやは人これを知ることなし一切の事はその前にあるなり
All these things have I considered in my heart, that I might carefully understand them: there are just men and wise men, and their works are in the hand of God: and yet man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love, or hatred:
2 諸の人に臨む所は皆同じ 義き者にも惡き者にも善者にも 浄者にも穢れたる者にも 犠牲を献ぐる者にも犠牲を献げぬ者にもその臨むところの事は同一なり 善人も罪人に異ならず 誓をなす者も誓をなすことを畏るる者に異ならず
But all things are kept uncertain for the time to come, because all things equally happen to the just and to the wicked, to the good and to the evil, to the clean and to the unclean, to him that offereth victims, and to him that despiseth sacrifices. As the good is, so also is the sinner: as the perjured, so he also that sweareth truth.
3 諸の人に臨むところの事の同一なるは是日の下におこなはるる事の中の惡き者たり 抑人の心には惡き事充をり その生る間は心に狂妄を懐くあり 後には死者の中に往くなり
This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men: whereby also the hearts of the children of men are filled with evil, and with contempt while they live, and afterwards they shall be brought down to hell. ()
4 凡活る者の中に列る者は望あり 其は生る犬は死る獅子に愈ればなり
There is no man that liveth always, or that hopeth for this: a living dog is better than a dead lion.
5 生者はその死んことを知る 然ど死る者は何事をも知ずまた應報をうくることも重てあらず その記憶らるる事も遂に忘れらるるに至る
For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know nothing more, neither have they a reward any more: for the memory of them is forgotten.
6 またその愛も惡も嫉も既に消うせて彼等は日の下におこなはるる事に最早何時までも関係ことあらざるなり
Their love also, and their hatred, and their envy are all perished, neither have they any part in this world, and in the work that is done under the sun.
7 汝往て喜悦をもて汝のパンを食ひ樂き心をも汝の酒を飮め 其は神久しく汝の行爲を嘉納たまへばなり
Go then, and eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with gladness: because thy works please God.
8 汝の衣服を常に白からしめよ 汝の頭に膏を絶しむるなかれ
At all times let thy garments be white, and let not oil depart from thy head.
9 日の下に汝が賜はるこの汝の空なる生命の日の間汝その愛する妻とともに喜びて度生せ 汝の空なる生命の日の間しかせよ 是は汝が世にありて受る分汝が日の下に働ける労苦によりて得る者なり
Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest, all the days of thy unsteady life, which are given to thee under the sun, all the time of thy vanity: for this is thy portion in life, and in thy labour wherewith thou labourest under the sun.
10 凡て汝の手に堪ることは力をつくしてこれを爲せ 其は汝の往んところの陰府には工作も計謀も知識も智慧もあることなければなり (Sheol )
Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it earnestly: for neither work, nor reason, nor wisdom, nor knowledge shall be in hell, whither thou art hastening. (Sheol )
11 我また身をめぐらして日の下を観るに 迅速者走ることに勝にあらず強者戦争に勝にあらず 智慧者食物を獲にあらず 明哲人財貨を得にあらず 知識人恩顧を得にあらず 凡て人に臨むところの事は時ある者偶然なる者なり
I turned me to another thing, and I saw that under the sun, the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to the skillful: but time and chance in all.
12 人はまたその時を知ず 魚の禍の網にかかり烏の烏羅にかかるが如くに世の人もまた禍患の時の計らざるに臨むに及びてその禍患にかかるなり
Man knoweth not his own end: but as fishes are taken with the hook, and as birds are caught with the snare, so men are taken in the evil time, when it shall suddenly come upon them.
13 我日の下に是事を観て智慧となし大なる事となせり
This wisdom also I have seen under the sun, and it seemed to me to be very great:
14 すなはち茲に一箇の小き邑ありて その中の人は鮮かりしが大なる王これに攻きたりてこれを囲みこれに向ひて大なる雲梯を建たり
A little city, and few men in it: there came against it a great king, and invested it, and built bulwarks round about it, and the siege was perfect.
15 時に邑の中に一人の智慧ある貧しき人ありてその智慧をもて邑を救へり 然るに誰ありてその貧しき人を記念もの無りし
Now there was found in it a man poor and wise, and he delivered the city by his wisdom, and no man afterward remembered that poor man.
16 是において我言り智慧は勇力に愈る者なりと 但しかの貧しき人の智慧は藐視られその言詞は聴れざりしなり
And I said that wisdom is better than strength: how then is the wisdom of the poor man slighted, and his words not heard?
17 静に聴る智者の言は愚者の君長たる者の號呼に愈る
The words of the wise are heard in silence, more than the cry of a prince among fools.
18 智慧は軍の器に勝れり一人の惡人は許多の善事を壊ふなり
Better is wisdom, than weapons of war: and he that shall offend in one, shall lose many good things.