< ゼカリヤ書 7 >

1 ダリヨス王の第四年の九月、すなわちキスリウという月の四日に、主の言葉がゼカリヤに臨んだ。
It happened in the fourth year of king Daryavesh that the word of the LORD came to Zechariah in the fourth day of the ninth month, the month of Chislev.
2 その時ベテルの人々は、シャレゼル、レゲン・メレクおよびその従者をつかわして、主の恵みを請い、
The people of Bethel sent Sharezer and Regem Melech, and their men, to entreat the LORD's favor,
3 かつ万軍の主の宮にいる祭司に問わせ、かつ預言者に問わせて言った、「わたしは今まで、多年おこなってきたように、五月に泣き悲しみ、かつ断食すべきでしょうか」。
and to speak to the priests of the house of the LORD of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, "Should I weep in the fifth month, separating myself, as I have done these so many years?"
4 この時、万軍の主の言葉がわたしに臨んだ、
Then the word of the LORD of hosts came to me, saying,
5 「地のすべての民、および祭司に告げて言いなさい、あなたがたが七十年の間、五月と七月とに断食し、かつ泣き悲しんだ時、はたして、わたしのために断食したか。
"Speak to all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying, 'When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and in the seventh month for these seventy years, did you at all fast to me, really to me?
6 あなたがたが食い飲みする時、それは全く自分のために食い、自分のために飲むのではないか。
When you eat, and when you drink, do you not eat for yourselves, and drink for yourselves?
7 昔エルサレムがその周囲の町々と共に、人が住み、栄えていた時、また南の地および平野にも、人が住んでいた時に、さきの預言者たちによって、主がお告げになった言葉は、これらの事ではなかったか」。
Aren't these the words which the LORD proclaimed by the former prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity, and its cities around her, and the Negev and the lowland were inhabited?'"
8 主の言葉が、またゼカリヤに臨んだ、
The word of the LORD came to Zechariah, saying,
9 「万軍の主はこう仰せられる、真実のさばきを行い、互に相いつくしみ、相あわれみ、
"Thus has the LORD of hosts spoken, saying, 'Execute true judgment, and show kindness and compassion every man to his brother.
10 やもめ、みなしご、寄留の他国人および貧しい人を、しえたげてはならない。互に人を害することを、心に図ってはならない」。
Do not oppress the widow, nor the fatherless, the foreigner, nor the poor; and let none of you devise evil against his brother in your heart.'
11 ところが、彼らは聞くことを拒み、肩をそびやかし、耳を鈍くして聞きいれず、
But they refused to listen, and turned their backs, and stopped their ears, that they might not hear.
12 その心を金剛石のようにして、万軍の主がそのみたまにより、さきの預言者によって伝えられた、律法と言葉とに聞き従わなかった。それゆえ、大いなる怒りが、万軍の主から出て、彼らに臨んだのである。
Yes, they made their hearts as hard as flint, lest they might hear the law, and the words which the LORD of hosts had sent by his Spirit by the former prophets. Therefore great wrath came from the LORD of hosts.
13 「わたしが呼ばわったけれども、彼らは聞こうとしなかった。そのとおりに、彼らが呼ばわっても、わたしは聞かない」と万軍の主は仰せられる。
It has come to pass that, as he called, and they refused to listen, so they will call, and I will not listen," said the LORD of hosts;
14 「わたしは、つむじ風をもって、彼らを未知のもろもろの国民の中に散らした。こうして彼らが去った後、この地は荒れて行き来する者もなく、この麗しい地は荒れ地となったのである」。
"but I will scatter them with a whirlwind among all the nations which they have not known. Thus the land was desolate after them, so that no man passed through nor returned: for they made the pleasant land desolate."

< ゼカリヤ書 7 >