< ルカの福音書 3 >

1 皇帝テベリオ在位の第十五年、ポンテオ・ピラトがユダヤの総督、ヘロデがガリラヤの領主、その兄弟ピリポがイツリヤ・テラコニテ地方の領主、ルサニヤがアビレネの領主、
When the Emperor Tiberius had been ruling [the Roman Empire] for 15 years, and while Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea [district], and Herod [Antipas] was ruling Galilee [district], and his brother Philip was ruling Iturea and Trachonitis [districts], and Lysanius was ruling Abilene [district],
2 アンナスとカヤパとが大祭司であったとき、神の言が荒野でザカリヤの子ヨハネに臨んだ。
and while Annas and Caiaphas were the high priests [in Jerusalem], God gave messages to Zechariah’s son John while he was living in the desolate region.
3 彼はヨルダンのほとりの全地方に行って、罪のゆるしを得させる悔改めのバプテスマを宣べ伝えた。
[So] John went all over the area close to the Jordan [River]. He kept telling people, “If you want [God] to forgive you for your sins, you must (repent/turn away from your sinful behavior) [before you ask me] to baptize [you]!”
4 それは、預言者イザヤの言葉の書に書いてあるとおりである。すなわち「荒野で呼ばわる者の声がする、『主の道を備えよ、その道筋をまっすぐにせよ』。
John was the one who [fulfilled] these words that had [been written] by the prophet Isaiah {that the prophet Isaiah had written} on a scroll [long ago]: In a desolate area, someone [SYN] will be heard shouting [to the people who pass by], “Prepare yourselves [to receive] the Lord when he comes! [Make yourselves ready so that you will be prepared when he comes], [just like people] straighten out the road [MET] [for an important official] [MET, DOU]!
5 すべての谷は埋められ、すべての山と丘とは、平らにされ、曲ったところはまっすぐに、わるい道はならされ、
[Just like people] level off all the places where the land rises and [just like they] fill all the ravines, and [just like people] make the road straight wherever it is crooked, and [just like people] make smooth the bumps in the road, [similarly you need to remove all the obstacles which prevent God from blessing you]!
6 人はみな神の救を見るであろう」。
Then people [SYN] everywhere will understand how God can save [MTY] [people].”
7 さて、ヨハネは、彼からバプテスマを受けようとして出てきた群衆にむかって言った、「まむしの子らよ、迫ってきている神の怒りから、のがれられると、おまえたちにだれが教えたのか。
Although large groups of people came to John to be baptized {in order that he would baptize them}, [he knew that many of them were not sincere]. So he kept saying to them, “You [people are evil] [MET] [like] poisonous snakes! [I] warn you that [God] will some day punish [MTY] [everyone] who sins. And (do not think that you can escape [from his punishing] [MTY] [you if you do not turn from your sinful behavior!/did someone tell you] that you can escape [from his punishing] [MTY] [you if you do not turn from your sinful behavior]?) [RHQ] (OR, Who told you that you could escape [God’s punishment?])
8 だから、悔改めにふさわしい実を結べ。自分たちの父にはアブラハムがあるなどと、心の中で思ってもみるな。おまえたちに言っておく。神はこれらの石ころからでも、アブラハムの子を起すことができるのだ。
Do what is appropriate for people who have truly turned from their sinful behavior! [God promised to give Abraham many] descendants. In order to fulfill that promise, God does not need you! I tell you that he can change these stones to make them descendants of Abraham! So do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We [(exc)] are descendants of Abraham, [so God will not punish us, even though we have] sinned!’
9 斧がすでに木の根もとに置かれている。だから、良い実を結ばない木はことごとく切られて、火の中に投げ込まれるのだ」。
[God is ready to punish you if you do not turn away from your sinful behavior, just like a man] [MET] lays his axe at the roots [of a fruit] tree [to chop it down and throw it into the fire if it does not produce good fruit] [MET].”
10 そこで群衆が彼に、「それでは、わたしたちは何をすればよいのですか」と尋ねた。
[Then] various ones in the crowd asked John, “What shall we [(exc)] do [to escape God punishing us] (OR), [to show that we have repented]?”
11 彼は答えて言った、「下着を二枚もっている者は、持たない者に分けてやりなさい。食物を持っている者も同様にしなさい」。
He answered them, “If any of you has two shirts, you should give one of them to someone who has no shirt. If any of you has [plenty of] food, you should give some to those who have no food.”
12 取税人もバプテスマを受けにきて、彼に言った、「先生、わたしたちは何をすればよいのですか」。
[Some] tax collectors came [and asked] to be baptized ([asked him] to baptize them}. They asked him, “Teacher, what shall we [(exc)] do [to please God]?”
13 彼らに言った、「きまっているもの以上に取り立ててはいけない」。
He said to them, “Do not take from the people any more money than [the Roman government] tells you to take!”
14 兵卒たちもたずねて言った、「では、わたしたちは何をすればよいのですか」。彼は言った、「人をおどかしたり、だまし取ったりしてはいけない。自分の給与で満足していなさい」。
Some soldiers asked him, “What about us? What should we [(exc)] do [to please God]?” He said to them, “Do not [say to anyone], ‘[If you(sg) do not give me] some money, I will hurt you,’ and do not take [people to court and] falsely accuse them of doing something wrong! And be content with your wages.”
15 民衆は救主を待ち望んでいたので、みな心の中でヨハネのことを、もしかしたらこの人がそれではなかろうかと考えていた。
People were expecting [that the Messiah would come soon]. Because of that, many of them wondered about John. [Some of them asked him] if he was the Messiah.
16 そこでヨハネはみんなの者にむかって言った、「わたしは水でおまえたちにバプテスマを授けるが、わたしよりも力のあるかたが、おいでになる。わたしには、そのくつのひもを解く値うちもない。このかたは、聖霊と火とによっておまえたちにバプテスマをお授けになるであろう。
John replied to them all, “No, [I am not]. I used [only] water when I baptized you. But [the Messiah] will soon come! He is far greater than I am. [He is so great that] I am not worthy to [be like his slave and] untie his sandals [MET] [like] a slave would do! He will put [his] Holy Spirit within [MTY] you [to truly change your lives], and [he will judge others of you and punish you in] the fire [MET] [in hell]. (questioned)
17 また、箕を手に持って、打ち場の麦をふるい分け、麦は倉に納め、からは消えない火で焼き捨てるであろう」。
He [is like a man] [MET] [who wants to] clear away the grain on the ground where it has been threshed {they have threshed it}. That man [uses] a huge fork [to throw the grain into the air] to separate the wheat from the chaff [MET], and then he cleans up the threshing area. [Similarly, God] will [separate righteous people from the evil people, like a man who] gathers the wheat into his storage area, and then he will burn [those who are like] chaff with a fire (that will never be put out/that will burn forever).”
18 こうしてヨハネはほかにもなお、さまざまの勧めをして、民衆に教を説いた。
John kept telling people many things to urge them [to turn to God], as he told them the good message [from God].
19 ところが領主ヘロデは、兄弟の妻ヘロデヤのことで、また自分がしたあらゆる悪事について、ヨハネから非難されていたので、
He also rebuked [the ruler of the district], Herod [Antipas. He rebuked him] for [marrying] Herodias, his brother’s wife, [while his brother was still alive], and for doing many other evil things.
20 彼を獄に閉じ込めて、いろいろな悪事の上に、もう一つこの悪事を重ねた。
But Herod [had his soldiers] put John in prison. That was another evil thing he did.
21 さて、民衆がみなバプテスマを受けたとき、イエスもバプテスマを受けて祈っておられると、天が開けて、
[But before John was put in prison], when many people were being baptized {when he was baptizing many people}, after Jesus was baptized {he baptized Jesus} and Jesus was praying, the sky opened.
22 聖霊がはとのような姿をとってイエスの上に下り、そして天から声がした、「あなたはわたしの愛する子、わたしの心にかなう者である」。
Then the Holy Spirit, resembling a dove, descended upon [Jesus]. And [God] [SYN/EUP] spoke to Jesus from heaven, saying, “You [(sg)] are my Son, whom I love dearly. I am very pleased with you!”
23 イエスが宣教をはじめられたのは、年およそ三十歳の時であって、人々の考えによれば、ヨセフの子であった。ヨセフはヘリの子、
When Jesus began [his work for God], he was about 30 years old. It was {[People]} thought that he was [the son of] Joseph. [Joseph was the son] of Heli.
24 それから、さかのぼって、マタテ、レビ、メルキ、ヤンナイ、ヨセフ、
[Heli was the son] of Matthat. [Matthat was the son] of Levi. [Levi was the son] of Melchi. [Melchi was the son] of Jannai. [Jannai was the son] of Joseph.
25 マタテヤ、アモス、ナホム、エスリ、ナンガイ、
[Joseph was the son] of Mattathias. [Mattathias was the son] of Amos. [Amos was the son] of Nahum. [Nahum was the son] of Esli. [Esli was the son] of Naggai.
26 マハテ、マタテヤ、シメイ、ヨセク、ヨダ、
[Naggai was the son] of Maath. [Maath was the son] of Mattathias. [Mattathias was the son] of Semein. [Semein was the son] of Josech. [Josech was the son] of Joda.
27 ヨハナン、レサ、ゾロバベル、サラテル、ネリ、
[Joda was the son] of Joanan. [Joanan was the son] of Rhesa. [Rhesa was the son] of Zerubbabel. [Zerubbabel was the son] of Shealtiel. [Shealtiel was the son] of Neri.
28 メルキ、アデイ、コサム、エルマダム、エル、
[Neri was the son] of Melchi. [Melchi was the son] of Addi. [Addi was the son] of Cosam. [Cosam was the son] of Elmadam. [Elmadam was the son] of Er.
29 ヨシュア、エリエゼル、ヨリム、マタテ、レビ、
[Er was the son] of Joshua. [Joshua was the son] of Eliezer. [Eliezer was the son] of Jorim. [Jorim was the son] of Matthat. [Matthat was the son] of Levi.
30 シメオン、ユダ、ヨセフ、ヨナム、エリヤキム、
[Levi was the son] of Simeon. [Simeon was the son] of Judah. [Judah was the son] of Joseph. [Joseph was the son] of Jonam. [Jonam was the son] of Eliakim.
31 メレヤ、メナ、マタタ、ナタン、ダビデ、
[Eliakim was the son] of Melea. [Melea was the son] of Menna. [Menna was the son] of Mattatha. [Mattatha was the son] of Nathan. [Nathan was the son] of David.
32 エッサイ、オベデ、ボアズ、サラ、ナアソン、
[David was the son] of Jesse. [Jesse was the son] of Obed. [Obed was the son] of Boaz. [Boaz was the son] of Sala. [Sala was the son] of Nahshon.
33 アミナダブ、アデミン、アルニ、エスロン、パレス、ユダ、
[Nahshon was the son] of Amminadab. [Amminadab was the son] of Admin. [Admin was the son] of Arni. [Arni was the son] of Hezron. [Hezron was the son] of Perez. [Perez was the son] of Judah.
34 ヤコブ、イサク、アブラハム、テラ、ナホル、
[Judah was the son] of Jacob. [Jacob was the son] of Isaac. [Isaac was the son] of Abraham. [Abraham was the son] of Terah. [Terah was the son] of Nahor.
35 セルグ、レウ、ペレグ、エベル、サラ、
[Nahor was the son] of Serug. [Serug was the son] of Reu. [Reu was the son] of Peleg. [Peleg was the son] of Eber. [Eber was the son] of Shelah.
36 カイナン、アルパクサデ、セム、ノア、ラメク、
[Shelah was the son] of Cainan. [Cainan was the son] of Arphaxad. [Arphaxad was the son] of Shem. [Shem was the son] of Noah. [Noah was the son] of Lamech.
37 メトセラ、エノク、ヤレデ、マハラレル、カイナン、
[Lamech was the son] of Methuselah. [Methuselah was the son] of Enoch. [Enoch was the son] of Jared. [Jared was the son] of Mahalalel. [Mahalalel was the son] of Cainan.
38 エノス、セツ、アダム、そして神にいたる。
[Cainan was the son] of Enos. [Enos was the son] of Seth. [Seth was the son] of Adam. [Adam was the man] God created.

< ルカの福音書 3 >