< 士師記 19 >

1 そのころ、イスラエルに王がなかった時、エフライムの山地の奥にひとりのレビびとが寄留していた。彼はユダのベツレヘムからひとりの女を迎えて、めかけとしていたが、
At that time the Israeli people had no king. There was a man from the tribe of Levi who lived in a remote place in the hilly area where the tribe of Ephraim lives. He had previously taken as a wife a woman who was a slave. She was from Bethlehem, in the area where the tribe of Judah lives.
2 そのめかけは怒って、彼のところを去り、ユダのベツレヘムの父の家に帰って、そこに四か月ばかり過ごした。
But she started to sleep with other men also. Then she left him and returned to her father’s house in Bethlehem. She stayed there for four months.
3 そこで夫は彼女をなだめて連れ帰ろうと、しもべと二頭のろばを従え、立って彼女のあとを追って行った。彼が女の父の家に着いた時、娘の父は彼を見て、喜んで迎えた。
Then her husband took his servant and two donkeys and went to Bethlehem. He went to ask her to come back to live with him again. When he arrived at her father’s house, she invited him to come in. Her father was happy to see him.
4 娘の父であるしゅうとが引き留めたので、彼は三日共におり、みな飲み食いしてそこに宿った。
The woman’s father asked him to stay. So he stayed there for three days. During that time he ate and drank and slept there.
5 四日目に彼らは朝はやく起き、彼が立ち去ろうとしたので、娘の父は婿に言った、「少し食事をして元気をつけ、それから出かけなさい」。
On the fourth day, they all got up early in the morning. The man from the tribe of Levi was preparing to leave, but the woman’s father said to him, “Eat something before you go.”
6 そこでふたりは座して共に飲み食いしたが、娘の父はその人に言った、「どうぞもう一晩泊まって楽しく過ごしなさい」。
So the two men sat down to eat and drink together. Then the woman’s father said to him, “Please stay another night. Relax/Rest and have a joyful time.”
7 その人は立って去ろうとしたが、しゅうとがしいたので、ついにまたそこに宿った。
The man from the tribe of Levi wanted to leave, but the woman’s father requested him to stay one more night. So he stayed again that night.
8 五日目になって、朝はやく起きて去ろうとしたが、娘の父は言った、「どうぞ、元気をつけて、日が傾くまでとどまりなさい」。そこで彼らふたりは食事をした。
On the fifth day, the man got up early and prepared to leave. But the woman’s father said to him again, “Have something to eat. Wait until this afternoon, [and then leave].” So the two men ate together.
9 その人がついにめかけおよびしもべと共に去ろうとして立ちあがったとき、娘の父であるしゅうとは彼に言った、「日も暮れようとしている。どうぞもう一晩泊まりなさい。日は傾いた。ここに宿って楽しく過ごしなさい。そしてあしたの朝はやく起きて出立し、家に帰りなさい」。
In the afternoon, when the man from the tribe of Levi and his slave wife and his servant got up to leave, the woman’s father said, “It will soon be dark. The day is almost over. Stay here tonight and have a good/joyful time. Tomorrow morning you can get up early and leave for your home.”
10 しかし、その人は泊まることを好まないので、立って去り、エブスすなわちエルサレムの向かいに着いた。くらをおいた二頭のろばと彼のめかけも一緒であった。
But the man from the tribe of Levi did not want to stay for another night. He put saddles on his two donkeys, and started to go with his slave wife [and his servant] toward Jebus [city], which is [now named] Jerusalem.
11 彼らがエブスに近づいたとき、日はすでに没したので、しもべは主人に言った、「さあ、われわれは道を転じてエブスびとのこの町にはいって、そこに宿りましょう」。
Late in the afternoon, they came near to Jebus. The servant said to his master, “We should stop in this city where the Jebus people-group live, and stay here tonight.”
12 主人は彼に言った、「われわれは道を転じて、イスラエルの人々の町でない外国人の町に、はいってはならない。ギベアまで行こう」。
But his master said, “No, it would not be good for us to stay here where foreign people live. There are no Israeli people here. We will go on to Gibeah [city].”
13 彼はまたしもべに言った、「さあ、われわれはギベアかラマか、そのうちの一つに着いてそこに宿ろう」。
He said to his servant, “Let’s go. It is not far to Gibeah. We can go there, or we can go a bit further to Ramah. We can stay in one of those two cities tonight.”
14 彼らは進んで行ったが、ベニヤミンに属するギベアの近くで日が暮れたので、
So they continued walking. When they came near Gibeah, where people from the tribe of Benjamin live, the sun was setting.
15 ギベアへ行って宿ろうと、そこに道を転じ、町にはいって、その広場に座した。だれも彼らを家に迎えて泊めてくれる者がなかったからである。
They stopped to stay there that night. They went to the public square of that city and sat down. But no one [who passed by] invited them to stay in their house for that night.
16 時にひとりの老人が夕暮に畑の仕事から帰ってきた。この人はエフライムの山地の者で、ギベアに寄留していたのである。ただしこの所の人々はベニヤミンびとであった。
Finally, in the evening, an old man came by. He had been working in the fields. He was from the hilly area of the tribe of Ephraim, but at that time he was living in Gibeah.
17 彼は目をあげて、町の広場に旅人のおるのを見た。老人は言った、「あなたはどこへ行かれるのですか。どこからおいでになりましたか」。
He realized that the man from the tribe of Levi was only traveling and did not have a home in that city. So he asked the man, “Where have you come from? And where are you going?”
18 その人は言った、「われわれはユダのベツレヘムから、エフライムの山地の奥へ行くものです。わたしはあそこの者で、ユダのベツレヘムへ行き、今わたしの家に帰るところですが、だれもわたしを家に泊めてくれる者がありません。
He replied, “We are traveling from Bethlehem to my home in the hilly area where people of the tribe of Ephraim live. I went from there to Bethlehem, but now we are going to [Shiloh] where Yahweh’s Sacred tent (OR, my house) is. No one here has invited us to stay in their house tonight.
19 われわれには、ろばのわらも飼葉もあり、またわたしと、はしためと、しもべと共にいる若者との食物も酒もあって、何も欠けているものはありません」。
We have straw and food for our donkeys, and bread and wine for me and the young woman and my servant. We do not need anything else.”
20 老人は言った、「安心しなさい。あなたの必要なものはなんでも備えましょう。ただ広場で夜を過ごしてはなりません」。
The old man said, “I wish that things will go well for you, but I would like to provide what you need. Do not stay here in the square tonight.”
21 そして彼を家に連れていって、ろばに飼葉を与えた。彼らは足を洗って飲み食いした。
Then the old man took them to his house. He gave food to the donkeys. He [gave water to the man and the woman and the servant to] wash their feet. And he gave them something to eat and drink.
22 彼らが楽しく過ごしていた時、町の人々の悪い者どもがその家を取り囲み、戸を打ちたたいて、家のあるじである老人に言った、「あなたの家にきた人を出しなさい。われわれはその者を知るであろう」。
While they were having a good/joyful time together, some wicked men from that city surrounded the house and started to bang on the door. They shouted to the old man, “Bring out to us the man who has come to your house. We want to have sex with him.”
23 しかし家のあるじは彼らのところに出ていって言った、「いいえ、兄弟たちよ、どうぞ、そんな悪いことをしないでください。この人はすでにわたしの家にはいったのだから、そんなつまらない事をしないでください。
The old man went outside and said to them, “Friends, I will not do that. That would be a very evil thing. This man is a guest in my house. You should not do such a terrible/disgraceful/shameful thing!
24 ここに処女であるわたしの娘と、この人のめかけがいます。今それを出しますから、それをはずかしめ、あなたがたの好きなようにしなさい。しかしこの人にはそのようなつまらない事をしないでください」。
Look, my daughter is here. She is [still] a virgin. And this man’s slave wife is here. I will bring them out to you now. You may do to them whatever you wish, but do not do such a terrible/disgraceful/shameful thing to this young man!”
25 しかし人々が聞きいれなかったので、その人は自分のめかけをとって彼らのところに出した。彼らはその女を犯して朝まで終夜はずかしめ、日ののぼるころになって放し帰らせた。
But the men did not pay attention to what he said. So the man from the tribe of Levi took his slave wife and sent her to them, outside the house. They raped [EUP] her and abused her all night. Then at dawn, they allowed her to go.
26 朝になって女は自分の主人を宿してくれた人の家の戸口にきて倒れ伏し、夜のあけるまでに及んだ。
She returned to the old man’s house, where her husband was staying, but she fell down at the doorway and lay there all night.
27 彼女の主人は朝起きて家の戸を開き、出て旅立とうとすると、そのめかけである女が家の戸口に、手を敷居にかけて倒れていた。
In the morning, when the man from the tribe of Levi got up, he went outside of the house to continue his journey. He saw his slave wife lying there at the doorway of the house. Her hands were on the doorsill.
28 彼は女に向かって、「起きよ、行こう」と言ったけれども、なんの答もなかった。そこでその人は女をろばに乗せ、立って自分の家におもむいたが、
He said to her, “Get up! Let’s go!” But she did not answer, [because she had died]. He put her body on the donkey and traveled to his home.
29 その家に着いたとき、刀を執り、めかけを捕えて、そのからだを十二切れに断ち切り、それをイスラエルの全領域にあまねく送った。
When he arrived home, he took a knife and cut the body of the slave woman into twelve pieces. Then he sent one piece to each area of Israel, [along with a message telling what had happened].
30 それを見たものはみな言った、「イスラエルの人々がエジプトの地から上ってきた日から今日まで、このような事は起ったこともなく、また見たこともない。この事をよく考え、協議して言うことを決めよ」。
Everyone who saw a piece of the body and the message said, “Nothing like this has ever happened before. Not since our ancestors left Egypt [have we heard of such a terrible thing]. We need to think carefully about it. Someone should decide what we should do.”

< 士師記 19 >