< ヨブ 記 24 >
1 なにゆえ、全能者はさばきの時を定めておかれないのか。なにゆえ、彼を知る者がその日を見ないのか。
Why are times not stored up by the Ruler of all, and why do those who have knowledge of him not see his days?
2 世には地境を移す者、群れを奪ってそれを飼う者、
The landmarks are changed by evil men, they violently take away flocks, together with their keepers.
3 みなしごのろばを追いやる者、やもめの牛を質に取る者、
They send away the ass of him who has no father, they take the widow's ox for debt.
4 貧しい者を道から押しのける者がある。世の弱い者は皆彼らをさけて身をかくす。
The crushed are turned out of the way; all the poor of the earth go into a secret place together.
5 見よ、彼らは荒野におる野ろばのように出て働き、野で獲物を求めて、その子らの食物とする。
Like asses in the waste land they go out to their work, looking for food with care; from the waste land they get bread for their children.
6 彼らは畑でそのまぐさを刈り、また悪人のぶどう畑で拾い集める。
They get mixed grain from the field, and they take away the late fruit from the vines of those who have wealth.
7 彼らは着る物がなく、裸で夜を過ごし、寒さに身をおおうべき物もない。
They take their rest at night without clothing, and have no cover in the cold.
8 彼らは山の雨にぬれ、しのぎ場もなく岩にすがる。
They are wet with the rain of the mountains, and get into the cracks of the rock for cover.
9 (みなしごをその母のふところから奪い、貧しい者の幼な子を質にとる者がある。)
The child without a father is forced from its mother's breast, and they take the young children of the poor for debt.
10 彼らは着る物がなく、裸で歩き、飢えつつ麦束を運び、
Others go about without clothing, and though they have no food, they get in the grain from the fields.
11 悪人のオリブ並み木の中で油をしぼり、酒ぶねを踏んでも、かわきを覚える。
Between the lines of olive-trees they make oil; though they have no drink, they are crushing out the grapes.
12 町の中から死のうめきが起り、傷ついた者の魂が助けを呼び求める。しかし神は彼らの祈を顧みられない。
From the town come sounds of pain from those who are near death, and the soul of the wounded is crying out for help; but God does not take note of their prayer.
13 光にそむく者たちがある。彼らは光の道を知らず、光の道にとどまらない。
Then there are those who are haters of the light, who have no knowledge of its ways, and do not go in them.
14 人を殺す者は暗いうちに起き出て弱い者と貧しい者を殺し、夜は盗びととなる。
He who is purposing death gets up before day, so that he may put to death the poor and those in need.
15 姦淫する者の目はたそがれを待って、『だれもわたしを見ていないだろう』と言い、顔におおう物を当てる。
And the man whose desire is for the wife of another is waiting for the evening, saying, No eye will see me; and he puts a cover on his face. And in the night the thief goes about;
16 彼らは暗やみで家をうがち、昼は閉じこもって光を知らない。
In the dark he makes holes in the walls of houses: in the daytime they are shutting themselves up, they have no knowledge of the light.
17 彼らには暗黒は朝である。彼らは暗黒の恐れを友とするからだ。
For the middle of the night is as morning to them, they are not troubled by the fear of the dark.
18 あなたがたは言う、『彼らは水のおもてにすみやかに流れ去り、その受ける分は地でのろわれ、酒ぶねを踏む者はだれも彼らのぶどう畑の道に行かない。
They go quickly on the face of the waters; their heritage is cursed in the earth; the steps of the crusher of grapes are not turned to their vine-garden.
19 ひでりと熱さは雪水を奪い去る、陰府が罪を犯した者に対するも、これと同様だ。 (Sheol )
Snow waters become dry with the heat: so do sinners go down into the underworld. (Sheol )
20 町の広場は彼らを忘れ、彼らの名は覚えられることなく、不義は木の折られるように折られる』と。
The public place of his town has no more knowledge of him, and his name has gone from the memory of men: he is rooted up like a dead tree.
21 彼らは子を産まぬうまずめをくらい、やもめをあわれむことをしない。
He is not kind to the widow, and he has no pity for her child.
22 しかし神はその力をもって、強い人々を生きながらえさせられる。彼らは生きる望みのない時にも起きあがる。
But God by his power gives long life to the strong; he gets up again, though he has no hope of life.
23 神が彼らに安全を与えられるので、彼らは安らかである。神の目は彼らの道の上にある。
He takes away his fear of danger and gives him support; and his eyes are on his ways.
24 彼らはしばし高められて、いなくなり、ぜにあおいのように枯れて消えうせ、麦の穂先のように切り取られる。
For a short time they are lifted up; then they are gone; they are made low, they are pulled off like fruit, and like the heads of grain they are cut off.
25 もし、そうでないなら、だれがわたしにその偽りを証明し、わが言葉のむなしいことを示しうるだろうか」。
And if it is not so, now, who will make it clear that my words are false, and that what I say is of no value?