< ヨブ 記 18 >
Then Baldad the Sauchite answered and said,
2 「あなたはいつまで言葉にわなを設けるのか。あなたはまず悟るがよい、それからわれわれは論じよう。
How long wilt thou continue? forbear, that we also may speak.
3 なぜ、われわれは獣のように思われるのか。なぜ、あなたの目に愚かな者と見えるのか。
For wherefore have we been silent before thee like brutes?
4 怒っておのが身を裂く者よ、あなたのために地は捨てられるだろうか。岩はその所から移されるだろうか。
Anger has possessed thee: for what if thou shouldest die; would [the earth] under heaven be desolate? or shall the mountains be overthrown from their foundations?
But the light of the ungodly shall be quenched, and their flame shall not go up.
6 その天幕のうちの光は暗く、彼の上のともしびは消える。
His light [shall be] darkness in [his] habitation, and his lamp shall be put out with him.
7 その力ある歩みはせばめられ、その計りごとは彼を倒す。
Let the meanest of men spoil his goods, and let his counsel deceive [him].
8 彼は自分の足で網にかかり、また落し穴の上を歩む。
His foot also has been caught in a snare, [and] let it be entangled in a net.
And let snares come upon him: he shall strengthen those that thirst for his destruction.
10 輪なわは彼を捕えるために地に隠され、張り網は彼を捕えるために道に設けられる。
His snare is hid in the earth, and that which shall take him is by the path.
11 恐ろしい事が四方にあって彼を恐れさせ、その歩みにしたがって彼を追う。
Let pains destroy him round about, and let many [enemies] come about him,
12 その力は飢え、災は彼をつまずかすために備わっている。
[vex him] with distressing hunger: and a signal destruction has been prepared for him.
13 その皮膚は病によって食いつくされ、死のういごは彼の手足を食いつくす。
Let the soles of his feet be devoured: and death shall consume his beauty.
14 彼はその頼む所の天幕から引き離されて、恐れの王のもとに追いやられる。
And let health be utterly banished from his tabernacle, and let distress seize upon him with a charge from the king.
15 彼に属さない者が彼の天幕に住み、硫黄が彼のすまいの上にまき散らされる。
It shall dwell in his tabernacle in his night: his excellency shall be sown with brimstone.
16 下ではその根が枯れ、上ではその枝が切られる。
His roots shall be dried up from beneath, and his crop shall fall away from above.
17 彼の形見は地から滅び、彼の名はちまたに消える。
Let his memorial perish out of the earth, and his name shall be publicly cast out.
18 彼は光からやみに追いやられ、世の中から追い出される。
Let [one] drive him from light into darkness.
19 彼はその民の中に子もなく、孫もなく、彼のすみかには、ひとりも生き残る者はない。
He shall not be known among his people, nor his house preserved on the earth.
20 西の者は彼の日について驚き、東の者はおじ恐れる。
But strangers shall dwell in his possessions: the last groaned for him, and wonder seized the first.
21 まことに、悪しき者のすまいはこのようであり、神を知らない者の所はこのようである」。
These are the houses of the unrighteous, and this is the place of them that know not the Lord.