< エレミヤ書 51 >
1 主はこう言われる、「見よ、わたしは、滅ぼす者の心を奮い起して、バビロンを攻め、カルデヤに住む者を攻めさせる。
This is what Yahweh says: “I will inspire/motivate [an army] to destroy Babylon [like a powerful] wind [MET], and [also] to destroy the people of Babylonia.
2 わたしはバビロンに、あおぎ分ける者をつかわす。彼らは、その災の日に、四方からこれを攻め、それをあおぎ分けて、その地をむなしくする。
I will send a foreign army to come to get rid of Babylonia [like a strong wind] that blows away chaff. They will attack from every direction on that day of disaster.
3 射手にはその弓を張らせることなく、よろいを着て立ち上がらせるな。その若き者をあわれむことなく、その軍勢をことごとく滅ぼせ。
[I will tell them, ] ‘Do not allow the archers [of Babylon] to [have time to] put on their armor or draw their bows. Do not spare the young men of Babylon. Completely destroy their army.’
4 彼らはカルデヤびとの地に殺されて倒れ、そのちまたに傷ついて倒れる。
Their soldiers will fall dead in Babylonia; [they will die after being] wounded in the streets.
5 イスラエルとユダはその神、万軍の主に捨てられてはいないが、しかしカルデヤびとの地にはイスラエルの聖者に向かって犯した罪が満ちている。
[I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, the Israelis’ God, have not abandoned Israel and Judah. [Even though] their land was full of people who sinned against [me], the Holy God of Israel, I am still their God.
6 バビロンのうちからのがれ出て、おのおのその命を救え。その罰にまきこまれて断ち滅ぼされてはならない。今は主があだを返される時だから、それに報復をされるのである。
[You people of Israel and Judah, ] flee from Babylon! Run away from there! Do not stay there and be killed when I punish [the people of Babylon]! It will be the time when I will get revenge; I will do to them what they deserve.
7 バビロンは主の手のうちにある金の杯であって、すべての地を酔わせた。国々はその酒を飲んだので、国々は狂った。
Babylon has been [like] [MET] a gold cup in my hand, [a cup that is full of wine] that caused people all over the earth [who drank some of it to become] drunk. [It is as though] the [rulers of] the nations drank the wine from Babylon, and it caused them to become crazy.
8 バビロンはたちまち倒れて破れた。これがために嘆け。その傷のために乳香を取れ。あるいは、いえるかも知れない。
But suddenly Babylon will be conquered. [You foreigners who live in Babylon, ] weep for its people. Give them medicine for their wounds; perhaps they can be healed.”
9 われわれはバビロンをいやそうとしたが、これはいえなかった。われわれはこれを捨てて、おのおの自分の国に帰ろう。その罰が天に達し、雲にまで及んでいるからだ。
We [foreigners] would have [tried to] heal them, but [now] they cannot be healed. [So we will not try to help them; ] we will abandon them, and return to our own lands, because [it is as though] the punishment they are receiving is so great that it reaches up to the clouds in sky, [so great that no one can measure it].
10 主はわれわれの正しいことを明らかにされた。さあ、われわれはシオンで、われわれの神、主のみわざを告げ示そう。
Yahweh has (vindicated us/shown that we were right); [so] let’s proclaim in Jerusalem everything that Yahweh our God has done [for us].
11 矢をとぎ、盾を取れ。主はメデアびとの王たちの心を引き立てられる。主のバビロンに思い図ることは、これを滅ぼすことであり、主があだを返し、その宮のあだを返されるのである。
[You enemy soldiers, ] sharpen your arrows! Lift up your shields, [because] Yahweh has incited your kings of Media [and Persia to march with their armies] to Babylon and to destroy it. That is how Yahweh will get revenge on [those foreigners who entered] his temple [in Jerusalem] and defiled it.
12 バビロンの城壁に向かって旗を立て、見張りを強固にし、番兵を置き、伏兵を備えよ。主がバビロンに住む者を攻めようと図り、その言われたことを、いま行われるからだ。
Lift up a battle flag close to the walls of Babylon! (Reinforce the/Appoint more) guards, and tell the watchmen to stand [in their positions]! Prepare an ambush, because Yahweh is about to accomplish all that he has planned to do to the people of Babylon.
13 多くの水のほとりに住み、多くの財宝を持つ者よ、あなたの終りが来て、その命の糸は断たれる。
Babylon is [a city] near the great [Euphrates] River, a city in which there are many rich people, but it is time for Babylon to be finished; the time [for the city] to exist is ended.
14 万軍の主はみずからをさして誓い、言われる、わたしは必ずあなたのうちに、人をいなごのように満たす。彼らはあなたに向かって、かちどきの声をあげる。
The Commander of the armies of angels has solemnly promised, using his own name, “Your cities will be filled with your enemies; I will cause them to be like [SIM] a swarm of locusts; and they will shout triumphantly [when they conquer your city].”
15 主はその力をもって地を造り、その知恵をもって世界を建て、その悟りをもって天をのべられた。
Yahweh created the earth by his power; he established it by his wisdom, and he stretched out the sky by his understanding.
16 彼が声を出されると、天に多くの水のざわめきがあり、また地の果から霧を立ちあがらせられる。彼は雨のためにいなびかりをおこし、その倉から風を取り出される。
When he speaks loudly, there is thunder in the sky; he causes clouds to form in every part of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain and releases the winds from his storehouses.
17 すべての人は愚かで知恵がなく、すべての金細工人はその造った偶像のために恥をこうむる。その偶像は偽り物で、そのうちに息がないからだ。
People are senseless, and they know very little [HYP]; those who make idols are [always] disappointed, because their idols [do nothing for them]. The images/statues that they make are not real [gods]; they are lifeless.
18 それらは、むなしいもの、迷いのわざである。罰せられる時になれば滅びるものである。
Idols are worthless; they deserve to be ridiculed; there will be a time when they will [all] be destroyed.
19 ヤコブの分である彼はこのようなものではない、彼は万物の造り主だからである。イスラエルは彼の嗣業としての部族である。彼の名は万軍の主という。
But the God whom [we] Israelis [worship] is not like those [idols]; he is the one who created everything [that exists]; [we], the people of Israel, belong to him; his name is ‘the Commander of the armies of angels’.
20 おまえはわたしの鎚であり、戦いの武器である。わたしはおまえをもってすべての国を砕き、おまえをもって万国を滅ぼす。
Yahweh says [about the army of Babylonia] (OR, [about a nation that will attack Babylonia)], “You have been [like] [MET] my battle-axe and war-club; with your [power] I have shattered nations and destroyed [many] kingdoms.
21 おまえをもってわたしは馬と、その騎手とを砕き、おまえをもって戦車とそれに乗る者とを砕く。
With your [power] I have shattered armies [of other nations]: I destroyed [their] horses and their riders, [their] chariots and [their] chariot-drivers.
22 わたしはおまえをもって男と女とを砕き、おまえをもって老いた者と幼い者とを砕き、おまえをもって若い者と、おとめとを砕く。
With your [power] I shattered men and women, old people and children, young men and young women.
23 わたしはおまえをもって、羊飼と、その群れとを砕き、おまえをもって農夫と、くびきを負う家畜とを砕き、おまえをもっておさたちと、つかさたちとを砕く。
With your [power] I shattered shepherds and their flocks [of sheep], farmers and their oxen, governors and [their] officials.”
24 わたしはバビロンとカルデヤに住むすべての者とに、彼らがシオンで行ったもろもろの悪しき事のために、あなたがたの目の前で報いをすると、主は言われる。
But, Yahweh [also] says, “[Soon] I will repay/punish [you] people in Babylon and in the rest of Babylonia for all the evil things that you have done in Jerusalem.
25 主は言われる、全地を滅ぼし尽す滅ぼしの山よ、見よ、わたしはおまえの敵となる、わたしは手をおまえの上に伸べて、おまえを岩からころばし、おまえを焼け山にする。
[Babylonia is] [APO] like [MET] a great mountain [from which bandits descend] to (plunder/steal things from) people all over the earth. But I, Yahweh, am the enemy of you [people of Babylonia]. I will raise my fist to strike you. I will knock you down from the cliffs and cause you to be [only] a huge pile of burned rubble.
26 主は言われる、人がおまえから石を取って、隅の石とすることなく、また礎とすることもない。おまえはいつまでも荒れ地となっている。
Your [city] will be abandoned forever; [even] the stones in your [city] will never [again] be used for buildings. [Your city will be completely destroyed].”
27 地に旗を立て、国々のうちにラッパを吹き、国々の民を集めてそれを攻め、アララテ、ミンニ、アシケナズの国々をまねいてそれを攻め、軍の長を立ててそれを攻め、群がるいなごのように馬を上り行かせよ。
[Tell] the nations to lift up a battle flag! [Tell them to] shout the battle-cry! Gather all their armies to fight against Babylon! Prepare the nations to attack Babylon. Summon [the armies of] the kingdoms [north of Babylonia]—from Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz. Appoint a commander for them, and bring [a great number of] horses; [there must be a huge number of horses]; that [huge number] will resemble [SIM] a swarm of locusts.
28 国々の民を集めてそれを攻め、メデアびとの王たちと、そのおさたち、つかさたち、およびすべての領地の人々を集めてこれを攻めよ。
Prepare the [armies of other nations], armies that will be led by the kings of Media [and Persia], their governors and [their] officials.
29 その地は震い、かつもだえ苦しむ、主がその思い図ることをバビロンにおこない、バビロンの地を、住む人なき荒れ地とされるからだ。
[When they attack Babylon, it will be as though] the earth will shake and writhe [in pain], because [those armies] will accomplish everything that Yahweh has planned to do to Babylon; they will destroy it completely, [with the result that] no one will live there [again].
30 バビロンの勇士たちは戦いをやめて、その城にこもり、力はうせて、女のようになる。その家は焼け、その貫の木は砕かれる。
[When their enemies attack], the strongest warriors in Babylon will not fight. They will remain in their barracks, without any strength. They will be as timid/weak as [SIM] women. [The enemy soldiers] will burn the buildings in the city and pull down the bars [of the city gates].
31 飛脚は走って飛脚に会い、使者は走って使者に会い、バビロンの王に告げて、町はことごとく取られ、
Messengers will go quickly, one after another, to tell the king that his city has been captured.
32 渡し場は奪われ、とりでは火で焼かれ、兵士はおびえていると言う。
The places at which people can cross the river [to escape from the city] will be blocked. The dry reeds in the marshes/swamps will be set on fire, and the soldiers of Babylon will be terrified.
33 万軍の主、イスラエルの神はこう言われる、バビロンの娘は、打ち場のようだ、その踏まれる時が来たのだ。しばらくしてその刈り取られる時が来る」。
This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says; “Babylon is like [SIM] wheat on the ground where it is about to be threshed by [animals] tramping on it. Very soon [their enemies] will trample on [the city of] Babylon [MET].”
34 「バビロンの王ネブカデレザルはわたしを食い尽し、わたしを滅ぼし、わたしを、からの器のようにし、龍のようにわたしを飲み、わたしのうまい物でその腹を満たし、わたしを洗いざらいにした。
[The army of] Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, has attacked and crushed us [Israeli people], and we have no strength [left]. [It is as though] they have swallowed us like a [great] monster that filled its belly with all our tasty parts, and then has spit out [what it did not like].
35 わたしとわたしの肉親におこなった暴虐は、バビロンにふりかかる」とシオンに住む者は言わなければならない。「わたしの血はカルデヤに住む者にふりかかる」とエルサレムは言わなければならない。
[So] the people of [PRS] Jerusalem say [to Yahweh], “Cause the people of Babylon to suffer like they caused us to suffer! Cause the people of Babylonia to be punished for killing [MTY] our people!”
36 それゆえ主はこう言われる、「見よ、わたしはあなたの訴えをただし、あなたのためにあだを返す。わたしはバビロンの海をかわかし、その泉をかわかす。
And this is what Yahweh replies to the people of Jerusalem: “I will [be like your lawyer to] defend you, and I will avenge you. I will dry up the river in Babylon and [all] the springs of water.
37 バビロンは荒塚となり、山犬のすまいとなり、驚きとなり、笑いとなり、住む人のない所となる。
Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a place where jackals/wolves live. It will become a place that people are horrified about and will ridicule; it will be a place where no one lives.
38 彼らはししのように共にほえ、若いししのようにほえる。
The people of Babylon will [all] roar like young lions; they will growl like baby lions.
39 彼らの欲の燃えている時、わたしは宴を設けて彼らを酔わせ、彼らがついに気を失って、ながい眠りにいり、もはや目をさますことのないようにしようと主は言われる。
But while they are extremely hungry, I will prepare a [different kind of] feast for them. [It is as though] I will cause them to drink wine until they are very drunk, [with the result that] they will fall asleep. But they will never wake up from that sleep!
40 わたしは彼らを小羊のように、また雄羊や雄やぎのように、ほふり場に下らせよう。
I will bring them down to a place where they will be slaughtered, like [SIM] [someone who takes] lambs or rams or goats [to where they will be slaughtered for sacrifices].
41 ああ、バビロンはついに取られた、全地の人の、ほめたたえた者は捕えられた。ああ、バビロンはついに国々のうちに驚きとなった。
People all over the earth [now] (honor/praise) Babylon; they say that it is a great city. But I will cause it to become a [place about which people of all] nations are horrified.
42 海はバビロンにあふれかかり、どよめく波におおわれた。
The [enemies of Babylon] will cover the city [like] huge waves of the sea [DOU].
43 その町々は荒れて、かわいた地となり、砂原となり、住む人のない地となる。人の子はひとりとしてそこを過ぎることはない。
The towns in Babylonia will become ruins, Babylonia will become a dry desert area. It will be a land in which no one lives and which no one walks through.
44 わたしはバビロンでベルを罰し、そののみこんだものを口から取り出す。国々が川のように彼に流れ入ることはなくなる。バビロンの城壁は倒れた。
And I will punish Bel, [the god that the people] of Babylon [worship], and I will cause the people to give back what they have stolen [MET]. [People of other] nations will no longer come to [worship] Bel. And the walls of Babylon will collapse.”
45 わが民よ、あなたがたはその中から出て、おのおの主の激しい怒りを免れ、その命を救え。
[Yahweh also says, ] “My people, come out of Babylon! Run away from there! Run, because [I], Yahweh, am extremely angry [MTY] [with the people of Babylon, and I will get rid of them]!
46 心を弱くしてはならない、この地で聞くうわさを恐れてはならない。うわさはこの年にもくれば、また次の年にもくる。この地に暴虐があり、つかさとつかさとが攻めあうことがある。
Do not be discouraged/worried [IDM] or afraid when you hear reports [about what is happening in Babylon]. People will report rumors like that every year, rumors about violent things being done in the land, and rumors about leaders fighting against each other.
47 それゆえ見よ、わたしがバビロンの偶像を罰する日が来る。その全地ははずかしめられ、その殺される者はみなその中に倒れる。
But it will soon be the time for me to get rid of the idols in Babylon. [People all over] the land will be ashamed [because of being defeated]; and the corpses of their [soldiers] will lie in the streets.
48 天と地とそのうちにあるすべてのものはバビロンの事で喜び歌う。滅ぼす者が北の方からここに来るからであると主は言われる。
Then all [the angels in] heaven and all the [people on] [PRS] the earth will rejoice, because from the north will come [armies] that will destroy Babylon.
49 イスラエルの殺された者たちのために、バビロンは倒れなければならない、バビロンのために全地の殺された者は倒れたのだ。
Like [the soldiers of Babylon] killed the people of Israel and [also] killed others all over the world [HYP], [the people of] Babylon must also be killed.
50 つるぎをのがれてきたあなたがたは、行け、立ちとどまってはならない。遠くから主を覚え、エルサレムを心にとめよ。
You [Israeli people] who have not been killed [MTY], get out of Babylon! Do not wait! [Even though you are in a land] far away [from Israel], think about Yahweh, and think about Jerusalem!”
51 『われわれはののしりを聞いたので、恥じている。異邦人が主の宮の聖所にはいったので、恥がわれわれの顔をおおった』。
[The Israeli people say], “We are ashamed. We are completely disgraced [DOU], because foreigners have entered Yahweh’s temple [and (defiled it/caused it to become unfit for worship)].”
52 主は言われる、それゆえ見よ、わたしがその偶像を罰する日が来る、傷つけられた者が、その全国にうめくようになる。
Yahweh replies, “[That is true], but there will soon be a time when I will destroy the idols in Babylon, and throughout Babylonia there will be wounded people who will groan.
53 たといバビロンが天に上っても、その城を高くして固めても、滅ぼす者はわたしから出て、これに臨むと主は言われる。
Even if [the walls around] Babylon could extend up to the sky, and if its walls/fortifications were extremely strong, I will send [armies] that will destroy the city. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”
54 聞け、バビロンの叫びを、カルデヤびとの地に起る大いなる滅びの騒ぎ声を。
Listen to [the people of] Babylon crying [for help]! And listen to the sounds of things being destroyed all over Babylonia!
55 主がバビロンを滅ぼし、その大いなる声を絶やされるのだ。その波は大水のように鳴りとどろき、その声はひびき渡る。
Yahweh will be destroying Babylon. He will cause the loud noises in the city to cease.
56 滅ぼす者がこれに臨み、バビロンに来た。その勇士たちは捕えられ、その弓は折られる。主は報いをする神であるから必ず報いられるのだ。
Enemy troops will surge against the city like [SIM] a great wave. They will capture the city’s mighty soldiers and break their weapons. [That will happen] because Yahweh is a God who punishes [his enemies] justly; he will punish them as they deserve.
57 わたしはその君たちと知者たち、おさたち、つかさたち、および勇士たちを酔わせる。彼らは、ながい眠りにいり、目をさますことはない。万軍の主と呼ばれる王がこれを言わせる。
The king, the Commander of the armies of angels says, “I will cause the city officials and wise men, the army captains and soldiers [in Babylon] to become drunk. They will fall asleep, but they will never wake up [again]!”
58 万軍の主はこう言われる、バビロンの広い城壁は地にくずされ、その高い門は火に焼かれる。こうして民の労苦はむなしくなり、国民はただ火のために疲れる」。
Yahweh also says, “The thick walls around Babylon will be flattened to the ground. The city gates will be burned. People [from other countries] will work hard [to save the city], but it will be (in vain/useless), because everything [that they have built] will be destroyed by fire.”
59 マアセヤの子であるネリヤの子セラヤが、ユダの王ゼデキヤと共に、その治世の四年にバビロンへ行くとき、預言者エレミヤがセラヤに命じた言葉。セラヤは宿営の長であった。
Seraiah was the man who made arrangements for the King of Babylon [whenever he traveled]. He was the son of Neraiah and grandson of Mahseiah. When he was about to go to Babylon with King Zedekiah, after Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost four years, the prophet Jeremiah gave him a message.
60 エレミヤはバビロンに臨もうとするすべての災を巻物にしるした。これはすなわちバビロンの事についてしるしたすべての言葉である。
Jeremiah had written on a scroll a list of all the disasters that he had written about, disasters that would soon occur in Babylon.
61 エレミヤはセラヤに言った、「あなたはバビロンへ行ったならば、忘れることなくこのすべての言葉を読み、
He said to Seraiah, “When you arrive in Babylon, read [aloud] everything that I have written [on this scroll].
62 そして言いなさい、『主よ、あなたはこの所を滅ぼし、人と獣とを問わず、すべてここに住む者のないようにし、永久にここを荒れ地としようと、この所について語られました』と。
Then pray, ‘Yahweh, you said that you will thoroughly destroy Babylon, with the result that people and animals will no [longer] live there. You said that it will be desolate forever.’
63 あなたがこの巻物を読み終ったならば、これに石をむすびつけてユフラテ川の中に投げこみ、
[Then], when you have finished reading [what I have written on] the scroll, tie it to a [heavy] stone and throw it into the Euphrates [River].
64 そして言いなさい、『バビロンはこのように沈んで、二度と上がってこない。わたしがこれに災を下すからである』と」。ここまではエレミヤの言葉である。
Then say, ‘In the same way, Babylon [and its people] will disappear and never exist again, because of the disasters that Yahweh will cause to occur there’” That is the end of Jeremiah’s messages.