< イザヤ書 5 >
1 わたしはわが愛する者のために、そのぶどう畑についてのわが愛の歌をうたおう。わが愛する者は土肥えた小山の上に、一つのぶどう畑をもっていた。
Let me make a song about my loved one, a song of love for his vine-garden. My loved one had a vine-garden on a fertile hill:
2 彼はそれを掘りおこし、石を除き、それに良いぶどうを植え、その中に物見やぐらを建て、またその中に酒ぶねを掘り、良いぶどうの結ぶのを待ち望んだ。ところが結んだものは野ぶどうであった。
And after working the earth of it with a spade, he took away its stones, and put in it a very special vine; and he put up a watchtower in the middle of it, hollowing out in the rock a place for the grape-crushing; and he was hoping that it would give the best grapes, but it gave common grapes.
3 それで、エルサレムに住む者とユダの人々よ、どうか、わたしとぶどう畑との間をさばけ。
And now, you people of Jerusalem and you men of Judah, be the judges between me and my vine-garden.
4 わたしが、ぶどう畑になした事のほかに、何かなすべきことがあるか。わたしは良いぶどうの結ぶのを待ち望んだのに、どうして野ぶどうを結んだのか。
Is there anything which might have been done for my vine-garden which I have not done? why then, when I was hoping for the best grapes did it give me common grapes?
5 それで、わたしが、ぶどう畑になそうとすることを、あなたがたに告げる。わたしはそのまがきを取り去って、食い荒されるにまかせ、そのかきをとりこわして、踏み荒されるにまかせる。
And now, this is what I will do to my vine-garden: I will take away the circle of thorns round it, and it will be burned up; its wall will be broken down and the beasts of the field will go through it;
6 わたしはこれを荒して、刈り込むことも、耕すこともせず、おどろと、いばらとを生えさせ、また雲に命じて、その上に雨を降らさない。
And I will make it waste; its branches will not be touched with the knife, or the earth worked with the spade; but blackberries and thorns will come up in it: and I will give orders to the clouds not to send rain on it.
7 万軍の主のぶどう畑はイスラエルの家であり、主が喜んでそこに植えられた物は、ユダの人々である。主はこれに公平を望まれたのに、見よ、流血。正義を望まれたのに、見よ、叫び。
For the vine-garden of the Lord of armies is the people of Israel, and the men of Judah are the plant of his delight: and he was looking for upright judging, and there was blood; for righteousness, and there was a cry for help.
8 わざわいなるかな、彼らは家に家を建て連ね、田畑に田畑をまし加えて、余地をあまさず、自分ひとり、国のうちに住まおうとする。
Cursed are those who are joining house to house, and putting field to field, till there is no more living-space for any but themselves in all the land!
9 万軍の主はわたしの耳に誓って言われた、「必ずや多くの家は荒れすたれ、大きな麗しい家も住む者がないようになる。
The Lord of armies has said to me secretly, Truly, numbers of great and fair houses will be waste, with no one living in them.
10 十反のぶどう畑もわずかに一バテの実を結び、一ホメルの種もわずかに一エパの実を結ぶ」。
For ten fields of vines will only give one measure of wine, and a great amount of seed will only give a small measure of grain.
11 わざわいなるかな、彼らは朝早く起きて、濃き酒をおい求め、夜のふけるまで飲みつづけて、酒にその身を焼かれている。
Cursed are those who get up early in the morning to give themselves up to strong drink; who keep on drinking far into the night till they are heated with wine!
12 彼らの酒宴には琴あり、立琴あり、鼓あり笛あり、ぶどう酒がある。しかし彼らは主のみわざを顧みず、み手のなされる事に目をとめない。
And corded instruments and wind-instruments and wine are in their feasts: but they give no thought to the work of the Lord, and they are not interested in what his hands are doing.
13 それゆえ、わが民は無知のために、とりこにせられ、その尊き者は飢えて死に、そのもろもろの民は、かわきによって衰えはてる。
For this cause my people are taken away as prisoners into strange countries for need of knowledge: and their rulers are wasted for need of food, and their loud-voiced feasters are dry for need of water.
14 また陰府はその欲望を大きくし、その口を限りなく開き、エルサレムの貴族、そのもろもろの民、その群集およびそのうちの喜びたのしめる者はみなその中に落ちこむ。 (Sheol )
For this cause the underworld has made wide its throat, opening its mouth without limit: and her glory, and the noise of her masses, and her loud-voiced feasters, will go down into it. (Sheol )
15 人はかがめられ、人々は低くせられ、高ぶる者の目は低くされる。
And the poor man's head is bent, and the great man goes down on his face, and the eyes of pride are put to shame:
16 しかし万軍の主は公平によってあがめられ、聖なる神は正義によって、おのれを聖なる者として示される。
But the Lord of armies is lifted up as judge, and the Holy God is seen to be holy in righteousness.
17 こうして小羊は自分の牧場におるように草をはみ、肥えた家畜および子やぎは荒れ跡の中で食を得る。
Then the lambs will get food as in their grass-lands, and the fat cattle will be feasting in the waste places.
18 わざわいなるかな、彼らは偽りのなわをもって悪を引きよせ、車の綱をもってするように罪を引きよせる。
Cursed are those who make use of ox-cords for pulling the evil thing, and the bands of a young ox for their sin!
19 彼らは言う、「彼を急がせ、そのわざをすみやかにさせよ、それを見せてもらおう。イスラエルの聖者の定める事を近づききたらせよ、それを見せてもらおう」と。
Who say, Let him do his work quickly, let him make it sudden, so that we may see it: let the design of the Holy One of Israel come near, so that it may be clear to us.
20 わざわいなるかな、彼らは悪を呼んで善といい、善を呼んで悪といい、暗きを光とし、光を暗しとし、苦きを甘しとし、甘きを苦しとする。
Cursed are those who give the name of good to evil, and of evil to what is good: who make light dark, and dark light: who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter!
21 わざわいなるかな、彼らはおのれを見て、賢しとし、みずから顧みて、さとしとする。
Cursed are those who seem wise to themselves, and who take pride in their knowledge!
22 わざわいなるかな、彼らはぶどう酒を飲むことの英雄であり、濃き酒をまぜ合わせることの勇士である。
Cursed are those who are strong to take wine, and great in making mixed drinks!
23 彼らはまいないによって悪しき者を義とし、義人からその義を奪う。
Who for a reward give support to the cause of the sinner, and who take away the righteousness of the upright from him.
24 それゆえ、火の舌が刈り株を食い尽すように、枯れ草が炎の中に消えうせるように、彼らの根は朽ちたものとなり、彼らの花はちりのように飛び去る。彼らは万軍の主の律法を捨て、イスラエルの聖者の言葉を侮ったからである。
For this cause, as the waste of the grain is burned up by tongues of fire, and as the dry grass goes down before the flame, so their root will be like the dry stems of grain, and their flower will go up in dust: because they have gone against the law of the Lord of armies, and have given no honour to the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 それゆえ、主はその民にむかって怒りを発し、み手を伸べて彼らを撃たれた。山は震い動き、彼らのしかばねは、ちまたの中で、あくたのようになった。それにもかかわらず、み怒りはやまず、なお、み手を伸ばされる。
For this reason the wrath of the Lord has been burning against his people, and his hand has been stretched out against them in punishment, and the hills were shaking, and their dead bodies were like waste in the open places of the town.
26 主は旗をあげて遠くから一つの国民を招き、地の果から彼らを呼ばれる。見よ、彼らは走って、すみやかに来る。
And he will let a flag be lifted up as a sign to a far-off nation, whistling to them from the ends of the earth: and they will come quickly and suddenly.
27 その中には疲れる者も、つまずく者もなく、まどろむ者も、眠る者もない。その腰の帯はとけず、そのくつのひもは切れていない。
There is no weariness among them, and no man is feeble-footed: they come without resting or sleeping, and the cord of their shoes is not broken.
28 その矢は鋭く、その弓はことごとく張り、その馬のひずめは火打石のように、その車の輪はつむじ風のように思われる。
Their arrows are sharp, and every bow is bent: the feet of their horses are like rock, and their wheels are like a rushing storm.
29 そのほえることは、ししのように、若いししのようにほえ、うなって獲物を捕え、かすめ去っても救う者がない。
The sound of their armies will be like the voice of a lion, and their war-cry like the noise of young lions: with loud cries they will come down on their food and will take it away safely, and there will be no one to take it out of their hands.
30 その日、その鳴りどよめくことは、海の鳴りどよめくようだ。もし地をのぞむならば、見よ、暗きと悩みとがあり、光は雲によって暗くなる。
And his voice will be loud over him in that day like the sounding of the sea: and if a man's eyes are turned to the earth, it is all dark and full of trouble; and the light is made dark by thick clouds.