< イザヤ書 4 >
1 その日、七人の女がひとりの男にすがって、「わたしたちは自分のパンをたべ、自分の着物を着ます。ただ、あなたの名によって呼ばれることを許して、わたしたちの恥を取り除いてください」と言う。
When that happens, [there will be very few unmarried men still alive]. [As a result], seven [unmarried] women will grab one man, and say, “Allow us [all] to marry you [IDM]! We will provide our own food and clothing. All that we want is to no longer be disgraced [because of not being married].”
2 その日、主の枝は麗しく栄え、地の産物はイスラエルの生き残った者の誇、また光栄となる。
[But] some day, Israel [MTY] will be [very] beautiful and great/glorious. The people of Israel who will still be there will be very proud of the wonderful fruit that grows in their land.
All the people who will remain in Jerusalem, who were not killed when Jerusalem was destroyed, whose names are listed among those who live there, will be [called] holy.
4 そして主が審判の霊と滅亡の霊とをもって、シオンの娘らの汚れを洗い、エルサレムの血をその中から除き去られるとき、シオンに残る者、エルサレムにとどまる者、すべてエルサレムにあって、生命の書にしるされた者は聖なる者ととなえられる。
[That will happen when] Yahweh washes away the guilt of the women of Jerusalem, and when he stops the violence [MET] [on the streets of Jerusalem] by punishing [the people of Jerusalem]. When he does that, it will be like a fire to burn up all the impure things.
5 その時、主はシオンの山のすべての場所と、そのもろもろの集会との上に、昼は雲をつくり、夜は煙と燃える火の輝きとをつくられる。これはすべての栄光の上にある天蓋であり、あずまやであって、
Then Yahweh will send a cloud of smoke every day and a flaming fire every night to cover Jerusalem and [all] those who gather there; it will be [like] a glorious canopy over the city
6 昼は暑さをふせぐ陰となり、また暴風と雨を避けて隠れる所となる。
that will shelter the people from the sun during the daytime and protect them when there are windstorms and rain.