< イザヤ書 16 >
1 彼らはセラから荒野の道によって小羊をシオンの娘の山に送り、国のつかさに納めた。
[The rulers of Moab will say to each other, ] “We must send some [lambs] from Sela [city] as a gift to the ruler of Judah [to persuade him to not allow his army to attack us any more]. We should send them through the desert to the king.
2 モアブの娘らはアルノンの渡しで、さまよう鳥のように、巣を追われたひなのようである。
The women of Moab will be left alone at the (fords of/places where people can walk across) the Arnon [River]; they will be like [SIM] birds that have been pushed out of their nests.
3 「相はかって、事を定めよ。真昼の中でも、あなたの陰を夜のようにし、さすらい人を隠し、のがれて来た者をわたさず、
They will cry out, ‘Help us! Tell us what we should do! Protect us completely [MET], we who are running away [from our enemies], and do not (betray us/tell our enemies where we are).
4 モアブのさすらい人を、あなたのうちにやどらせ、彼らの避け所となって、滅ぼす者からのがれさせよ。しえたげる者がなくなり、滅ぼす者が絶え、踏みにじる者が地から断たれたとき、
Allow [those of us] who are fleeing from Moab to stay with you; hide/protect us from [our enemies who want to] destroy us!’ [Some day] there will be no one to oppress us, and our enemies will stop destroying [our land].
5 一つの玉座がいつくしみによって堅く立てられ、ダビデの幕屋にあって、さばきをなし、公平を求め、正義を行うに、すみやかなる者が真実をもってその上に座する」。
Then [Yahweh] will appoint someone to be king who will be [a descendant of King] David. As he rules [MTY], he will be merciful and truthful. He will always do what is fair/just and quickly do what is righteous.”
6 われわれはモアブの高ぶりのことを聞いた、その高ぶることは、はなはだしい。われわれはその誇と、高ぶりと、そのおごりとのことを聞いた、その自慢は偽りである。
We [people of Judah] have heard about [the people of] Moab; we have heard that they are very proud and conceited [DOU]; they are insolent, but what they proudly say about themselves is not true.
7 それゆえ、モアブは泣き叫べ、民はみなモアブのために泣き叫べ。全く撃ちのめされて、キルハレセテの干ぶどうのために嘆け。
[Some day all the people in] Moab will weep. They will all mourn, because [there will be no more] raisin cakes in Kir-Hareseth [city].
8 ヘシボンの畑と、シブマのぶどうの木とは、しぼみ衰えた。国々のもろもろの主が、その枝を打ち落したからである。その枝はさきにはヤゼルまでいたり、荒野にまではびこり、そのつるは広がって海を越えた。
The [crops in] the fields at Heshbon [city] will wither, and the vineyards at Sibmah [town] will wither also. The armies of [other] nations will destroy Moab, which is [like] [MET] a beautiful grapevine whose branches spread [north] to Jazer [town] and [east] to the desert. Its branches spread very far [west], to the west side of the [Dead] Sea.
9 それゆえ、わたしはヤゼルと共に、シブマのぶどうの木のために泣く。ヘシボンよ、エレアレよ、わたしは涙をもってあなたを浸す。ときの声が、あなたの果実と、あなたの収穫の上にふりかかってきたからである。
So I will weep for Jazer and for the grapevines of Sibmah. I will shed tears for all of you. I will cry because people will no longer shout joyfully, like they usually do when they gather the fruit that ripens in the (summer/hot season) and the other crops that they harvest.
10 喜びと楽しみとは土肥えた畑から取り去られ、ぶどう畑には歌うことなく、喜び呼ばわることなく、酒ぶねを踏んで酒を絞る者なく、ぶどうの収穫を喜ぶ声はやんだ。
People will no longer be glad at harvest time. No one will sing in the vineyards, no one will shout joyfully. No one will tread on grapes [to get grape juice for wine]; there will be nothing to shout about [joyfully].
11 それゆえ、わが魂はモアブのために、わが心はキルハレスのために、琴のように鳴りひびく。
I cry inwardly for Moab; my groaning is like [SIM] [a sad song played on] a harp. I am sad about Kir-Hareseth.
12 モアブが高き所に出て、おのれを疲れさせ、またその聖所にきて祈っても、効果はない。
[The people of] Moab will go and pray at their sacred shrines, but that will not help them. They will cry out to their gods in their temples, [but] none of them will be able to rescue the people.
13 これは主がさきにモアブについて語られたみ言葉である。
Yahweh has already spoken those things about Moab.
14 しかし今、主は語って言われる、「モアブの栄えはその大いなる群衆にもかかわらず、雇人の年期とひとしく三年のうちに、はずかしめを受け、残れる者はまことに少なく、力がない」。
But now he says that exactly three years from now, he will destroy all the things that [the people of] Moab have been proud of. Even though they have a huge number of people in Moab now, only a few people will remain alive, and they will be weak/helpless.