< 創世記 8 >

1 神はノアと、箱舟の中にいたすべての生き物と、すべての家畜とを心にとめられた。神が風を地の上に吹かせられたので、水は退いた。
And he remembered God Noah and every animal and all the livestock which [were] with him in the ark and he made to pass God a wind over the earth and they subsided the waters.
2 また淵の源と、天の窓とは閉ざされて、天から雨が降らなくなった。
And they were shut up [the] springs of [the] deep and [the] floodgates of the heavens and it was restrained the rain from the heavens.
3 それで水はしだいに地の上から引いて、百五十日の後には水が減り、
And they turned back the waters from on the earth going and turning back and they decreased the waters from [the] end of fifty and one hundred day[s].
4 箱舟は七月十七日にアララテの山にとどまった。
And it rested the ark in the month seventh on [the] seven-teen day of the month on [the] mountains of Ararat.
5 水はしだいに減って、十月になり、十月一日に山々の頂が現れた。
And the waters they were going and decreasing until the month tenth in the tenth [month] on [day] one of the month they were seen [the] tops of the mountains.
6 四十日たって、ノアはその造った箱舟の窓を開いて、
And it was from [the] end of forty day[s] and he opened Noah [the] window of the ark which he had made.
7 からすを放ったところ、からすは地の上から水がかわききるまで、あちらこちらへ飛びまわった。
And he sent out the raven and it went out continuously and returned until dried up the waters from on the earth.
8 ノアはまた地のおもてから、水がひいたかどうかを見ようと、彼の所から、はとを放ったが、
And he sent out the dove from with him to see ¿ were they abated the waters from on [the] surface of the ground.
9 はとは足の裏をとどめる所が見つからなかったので、箱舟のノアのもとに帰ってきた。水がまだ全地のおもてにあったからである。彼は手を伸べて、これを捕え、箱舟の中の彼のもとに引き入れた。
And not found the dove a resting place for [the] sole of foot its and it returned to him into the ark for water [was] on [the] surface of all the earth and he stretched out hand his and he took it and he brought it to him into the ark.
10 それから七日待って再びはとを箱舟から放った。
And he waited again seven days other and he repeated to send out the dove from the ark.
11 はとは夕方になって彼のもとに帰ってきた。見ると、そのくちばしには、オリブの若葉があった。ノアは地から水がひいたのを知った。
And it came to him the dove to [the] time of evening and there! a leaf of olive freshly plucked [was] in mouth its and he knew Noah that they were abated the waters from on the earth.
12 さらに七日待ってまた、はとを放ったところ、もはや彼のもとには帰ってこなかった。
And he waited again seven days other and he sent out the dove and not it repeated to return to him again.
13 六百一歳の一月一日になって、地の上の水はかれた。ノアが箱舟のおおいを取り除いて見ると、土のおもては、かわいていた。
And it was in one and six hundred year in the first [month] on [day] one of the month they were dried up the waters from on the earth and he removed Noah [the] covering of the ark and he saw and there! they were dried up [the] surface of the ground.
14 二月二十七日になって、地は全くかわいた。
And in the month second on [the] seven and twenty day of the month was dry the earth.
15 この時、神はノアに言われた、
And he spoke God to Noah saying.
16 「あなたは妻と、子らと、子らの妻たちと共に箱舟を出なさい。
Go out from the ark you and wife your and sons your and [the] wives of sons your with you.
17 あなたは、共にいる肉なるすべての生き物、すなわち鳥と家畜と、地のすべての這うものとを連れて出て、これらのものが地に群がり、地の上にふえ広がるようにしなさい」。
Every animal which [is] with you some of all flesh among the bird[s] and among the livestock and among every creeping thing which creeps on the earth (bring out *Q(k)*) with you and they will swarm on the earth and they will be fruitful and they will multiply on the earth.
18 ノアは共にいた子らと、妻と、子らの妻たちとを連れて出た。
And he went out Noah and sons his and wife his and [the] wives of sons his with him.
19 またすべての獣、すべての這うもの、すべての鳥、すべて地の上に動くものは皆、種類にしたがって箱舟を出た。
Every animal every creeping thing and every bird every creeping [thing] on the earth to families their they went out from the ark.
20 ノアは主に祭壇を築いて、すべての清い獣と、すべての清い鳥とのうちから取って、燔祭を祭壇の上にささげた。
And he built Noah an altar to Yahweh and he took some of all - the livestock clean and some of every bird clean and he offered up burnt offerings on the altar.
21 主はその香ばしいかおりをかいで、心に言われた、「わたしはもはや二度と人のゆえに地をのろわない。人が心に思い図ることは、幼い時から悪いからである。わたしは、このたびしたように、もう二度と、すべての生きたものを滅ぼさない。
And he smelled Yahweh [the] odor of soothing and he said Yahweh to heart his not I will repeat to curse again the ground for sake of humankind for [the] inclination of [the] heart of humankind [is] evil since youth his and not I will repeat again to strike down every living [thing] just as I have done.
22 地のある限り、種まきの時も、刈入れの時も、暑さ寒さも、夏冬も、昼も夜もやむことはないであろう」。
Again all [the] days of the earth seed and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night not they will cease.

< 創世記 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark