< エゼキエル書 34 >
Then the word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
2 「人の子よ、イスラエルの牧者たちに向かって預言せよ。預言して彼ら牧者に言え、主なる神はこう言われる、わざわいなるかな、自分自身を養うイスラエルの牧者。牧者は群れを養うべき者ではないか。
“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to them, 'The Lord Yahweh says this to the shepherds: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who are shepherding themselves. Should not shepherds guard the flock?
3 ところが、あなたがたは脂肪を食べ、毛織物をまとい、肥えたものをほふるが、群れを養わない。
You eat the fatty portions and you dress in wool. You slaughter the fatlings of the flock. You do not shepherd at all.
4 あなたがたは弱った者を強くせず、病んでいる者をいやさず、傷ついた者をつつまず、迷い出た者を引き返らせず、うせた者を尋ねず、彼らを手荒く、きびしく治めている。
You have not strengthened those who have diseases, nor do you heal the ones who are ill. You do not bind up the ones who are broken, and you do not restore the outcasts or seek the lost. Instead, you rule over them through strength and violence.
5 彼らは牧者がないために散り、野のもろもろの獣のえじきになる。
Then they were scattered without a shepherd, and they became food for all the living beasts in the fields, after they were scattered.
6 わが羊は散らされている。彼らはもろもろの山と、もろもろの高き丘にさまよい、わが羊は地の全面に散らされているが、これを捜す者もなく、尋ねる者もない。
My flock strays on all of the mountains and on every high hill, and it is dispersed over the entire surface of the earth. Yet no one is searching for them.
Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of Yahweh:
8 主なる神は言われる、わたしは生きている。わが羊はかすめられ、わが羊は野のもろもろの獣のえじきとなっているが、その牧者はいない。わが牧者はわが羊を尋ねない。牧者は自身を養うが、わが羊を養わない。
As I live—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—because my flock has become plunder and food for all the beasts in the fields, because there was no shepherd and none of my shepherds sought my flock, but the shepherds guarded themselves and did not shepherd my flock.
Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of Yahweh:
10 主なる神はこう言われる、見よ、わたしは牧者らの敵となり、わたしの羊を彼らの手に求め、彼らにわたしの群れを養うことをやめさせ、再び牧者自身を養わせない。またわが羊を彼らの口から救って、彼らの食物にさせない。
The Lord Yahweh says this: Behold! I am against the shepherds, and I will require my flock from their hand. Then I will dismiss them from shepherding the flock; neither will the shepherds any longer shepherd themselves since I will take away my flock from their mouths, so that my flock will no longer be food for them.
11 主なる神はこう言われる、見よ、わたしは、わたしみずからわが羊を尋ねて、これを捜し出す。
For the Lord Yahweh says this: Behold! I myself will seek out my flock and I will look after them,
12 牧者がその羊の散り去った時、その羊の群れを捜し出すように、わたしはわが羊を捜し出し、雲と暗やみの日に散った、すべての所からこれを救う。
like a shepherd seeking his flock on the day he is within the midst of his scattered flock. Thus I will seek my flock, and I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on the day of clouds and darkness.
13 わたしは彼らをもろもろの民の中から導き出し、もろもろの国から集めて、彼らの国に携え入れ、イスラエルの山の上、泉のほとり、また国のうちの人の住むすべての所でこれを養う。
Then I will bring them out from among the peoples; I will gather them from the lands and bring them to their land. I will put them in pastures on the mountainsides of Israel, by the streams, and in every settlement in the land.
14 わたしは良き牧場で彼らを養う。その牧場はイスラエルの高い山にあり、その所で彼らは良い羊のおりに伏し、イスラエルの山々の上で肥えた牧場で草を食う。
I will put them in good pastures; the high mountains of Israel will be their grazing places. They will lie down there in good places for grazing, in abundant pastures, and they will graze on the mountains of Israel.
15 わたしはみずからわが羊を飼い、これを伏させると主なる神は言われる。
I myself will shepherd my flock, and I myself will make them lie down—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—
16 わたしは、うせたものを尋ね、迷い出たものを引き返し、傷ついたものを包み、弱ったものを強くし、肥えたものと強いものとは、これを監督する。わたしは公平をもって彼らを養う。
I will seek the lost and restore the outcast. I will bind up the broken sheep and heal the sick sheep but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd with justice.
17 主なる神はこう言われる、あなたがた、わが群れよ、見よ、わたしは羊と羊との間、雄羊と雄やぎとの間をさばく。
So now you, my flock—this is what the Lord Yahweh says—behold, I will be a judge between sheep and sheep and between rams and male goats.
18 あなたがたは良き牧場で草を食い、その草の残りを足で踏み、また澄んだ水を飲み、その残りを足で濁すが、これは、あまりのことではないか。
Is it not enough to feed on the good pasture, that you must trample down with your feet what is left of the pasture; and to drink from clear waters, that you must muddy the rivers with your feet?
19 わが羊はあなたがたが、足で踏んだものを食い、あなたがたの足で濁したものを、飲まなければならないのか。
Must my sheep eat what you have trampled with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet?
20 それゆえ、主なる神はこう彼らに言われる、見よ、わたしは肥えた羊と、やせた羊との間をさばく。
Therefore the Lord Yahweh says this to them: Behold! I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the thin ones,
21 あなたがたは、わきと肩とをもって押し、角をもって、すべて弱い者を突き、ついに彼らを外に追い散らした。
for you have pushed them with your sides and shoulders, and you have gored all of the weak ones with your horns until you have scattered them away from the land.
22 それゆえ、わたしはわが群れを助けて、再びかすめさせず、羊と羊との間をさばく。
I will save my flock and they will no longer be plunder, and I will judge between one sheep and another!
23 わたしは彼らの上にひとりの牧者を立てる。すなわちわがしもべダビデである。彼は彼らを養う。彼は彼らを養い、彼らの牧者となる。
I will set over them one shepherd, my servant David. He will shepherd them, he will feed them, and he will be their shepherd.
24 主なるわたしは彼らの神となり、わがしもべダビデは彼らのうちにあって君となる。主なるわたしはこれを言う。
For I, Yahweh, will be their God, and my servant David will be a prince among them—I, Yahweh, have declared this.
25 わたしは彼らと平和の契約を結び、国の内から野獣を追い払う。彼らは心を安んじて荒野に住み、森の中に眠る。
Then I will make a covenant of peace with them and remove the evil wild animals from the land, so that they will live securely in the wilderness and safely sleep in the forests.
26 わたしは彼らおよびわが山の周囲の所々を祝福し、季節にしたがって雨を降らす。これは祝福の雨となる。
I will also bring blessings on them and on the places around my hill, for I will send out showers in due season. These will be showers of blessing.
27 野の木は実を結び、地は産物を出す。彼らは心を安んじてその国におり、わたしが彼らのくびきの棒を砕き、彼らを奴隷とした者の手から救い出す時、彼らはわたしが主であることを悟る。
Then the trees of the field will produce their fruit, and the earth will yield its produce. My sheep will be secure in their land; then they will know that I am Yahweh, when I break the bars of their yoke, and when I rescue them from the hand of those who enslaved them.
28 彼らは重ねて、もろもろの国民にかすめられることなく、地の獣も彼らを食うことはない。彼らは心を安んじて住み、彼らを恐れさせる者はない。
They will no longer be plunder for the nations, and the wild animals on the earth will no longer devour them. For they will live securely, and no one will frighten them.
29 わたしは彼らのために、良い栽培所を与える。彼らは重ねて、国のききんに滅びることなく重ねて諸国民のはずかしめを受けることはない。
For I will provide them a land known for its crops; so they will not be victims of famine in the land, and they will not bear the scorn of the nations.
30 彼らはその神、主なるわたしが彼らと共におり、彼らイスラエルの家が、わが民であることを悟ると、主なる神は言われる。
Then they will know that I, Yahweh their God, am with them. They are my people, the house of Israel—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
31 あなたがたはわが羊、わが牧場の羊である。わたしはあなたがたの神であると、主なる神は言われる」。
For you are my sheep, the flock of my pasture, and my people, and I am your God—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.'”