< エゼキエル書 19 >

1 あなたはイスラエルの君たちのために悲しみの歌をのべて
And you take up a lamentation because of [the] princes of Israel.
2 言え、あなたの母はししのうちにあって、どんな雌じしであったろう。彼女は若いししのうちに伏して子じしを養った。
And you will say what? [was] mother your a lioness between lions she lay down in among young lions she reared cubs her.
3 彼女は子じしの一つを育てたが、それは若いししとなって、獲物をとることを学び、人を食べた。
And she brought up one of cubs her a young lion it was and it learned to tear prey human[s] it devoured.
4 国々の人は彼に対して叫び声をあげ、落し穴でこれを捕え、かぎでこれをエジプトの地に引いて行った。
And they heard concerning it nations in pit their it was caught and they brought it with hooks to [the] land of Egypt.
5 雌じしは自分の思いが破れ、その望みを失ったのを見たので、ほかの子じしをとって、これを若い子じしとした。
And she saw that she waited it was lost hope her and she took one of cubs her a young lion she made it.
6 彼はししのうちに行き来し、若いししとなって、獲物をとることを学び、人を食べた。
And it went about in among lions a young lion it was and it learned to tear prey human[s] it devoured.
7 彼はその要害を荒し、その町々を滅ぼした。そのほえる声によって、その地とその中に満ちるものとは皆恐れた。
And it knew widows its and cities their it laid waste and it was desolate [the] land and what fills it from [the] sound of roaring its.
8 そこで国々の人は彼に対して四方にわなを設け、彼に網を打ちかけ、落し穴で彼を捕えた。
And they set on it nations all around from provinces and they spread out over it net their in pit their it was caught.
9 彼らはかぎをもって、これをかごに入れ、これをバビロンの王のもとに連れて行き、これをおりの中に入れて、再びその声をイスラエルの山々に聞えさせないようにした。
And they put it in cage with hooks and they brought it to [the] king of Babylon they brought it in strongholds so that not it will be heard voice its again to [the] mountains of Israel.
10 あなたの母は水のほとりに移し植えられたぶどう畑のぶどうの木のようで、水が多いために実りがよく、枝がはびこった。
Mother your like vine in blood your at water planted fruitful and full of branches it was from waters many.
11 その強い幹は君たる者のつえとなった。それは茂みの中に高くそびえ、多くの枝をつけて高く見えた。
And they belonged to it branches of strength to scepters of rulers and it was lofty stature its above between branches and it was seen by height its by [the] abundance of branches its.
12 しかしこのぶどうの木は憤りによって抜かれ、地に投げうたれ、東風がそれを枯らし、その実はもぎ取られ、その強い幹は枯れて、火に焼き滅ぼされた。
And it was plucked up in rage to the ground it was thrown down and [the] wind of the east it dried up fruit its they were torn off and they became dry [the] branch of strength its a fire it consumed it.
13 今これは荒野に、かわいた、水のない地に移し植えられ、
And now [it is] planted in the wilderness in a land dry and thirst.
14 火がその幹から出て、その枝と実とを滅ぼしたので、強い幹で、君たる者のつえとなるべきものはそこにない。これが悲しみの言葉、また悲しみの歌となった。
And it went out fire from [the] branch of shoots its fruit its it consumed and not it was in it a branch of strength a scepter to rule [is] a lamentation it and it has become a lamentation.

< エゼキエル書 19 >