< 出エジプト記 38 >
1 またアカシヤ材で燔祭の祭壇を造った。長さ五キュビト、幅五キュビトの四角で、高さは三キュビトである。
He made the altar of burnt offering of acacia wood. It was square. Its length was eight feet seven inches, its breadth was eight feet seven inches, and its height was five feet two inches.
2 その四すみの上に、その一部とし、それの角を造り、青銅で祭壇をおおった。
He made its horns on its four corners. Its horns were of one piece with it, and he overlaid it with bronze.
3 また祭壇のもろもろの器、すなわち、つぼ、十能、鉢、肉叉、火皿を造った。そのすべての器を青銅で造った。
He made all the vessels of the altar, the pots, the shovels, the basins, the forks, and the fire pans. He made all its vessels of bronze.
4 また祭壇のために、青銅の網細工の格子を造り、これを祭壇の出張りの下に取りつけて、祭壇の高さの半ばに達するようにした。
He made for the altar a grating of a network of bronze, under the ledge around it beneath, reaching halfway up.
5 また青銅の格子の四すみのために、環四つを鋳て、さおを通す所とした。
He cast four rings for the four ends of bronze grating, to be places for the poles.
6 アカシヤ材で、そのさおを造り、青銅でこれをおおい、
He made the poles of acacia wood, and overlaid them with bronze.
7 そのさおを祭壇の両側にある環に通して、それをかつぐようにした。祭壇は板をもって、空洞に造った。
He put the poles into the rings on the sides of the altar, with which to carry it. He made it hollow with planks.
8 また洗盤と、その台を青銅で造った。すなわち会見の幕屋の入口で務をなす女たちの鏡をもって造った。
He made the basin of bronze, and its base of bronze, out of the mirrors of the ministering women who ministered at the door of the Tent of Meeting.
9 また庭を造った。その南側のために百キュビトの亜麻の撚糸の庭のあげばりを設けた。
He made the court: for the south side southward the hangings of the court were of fine twined linen, one hundred seventy-two feet three inches;
10 その柱は二十、その柱の二十の座は青銅で、その柱の鉤と桁は銀とした。
their pillars were thirty-four feet five inches, and their sockets thirty-four feet five inches, of bronze; the hooks of the pillars and their fillets were of silver.
11 また北側のためにも百キュビトのあげばりを設けた。その柱二十、その柱の二十の座は青銅で、その柱の鉤と桁は銀とした。
For the north side one hundred seventy-two feet three inches; their pillars thirty-four feet five inches, and their sockets thirty-four feet five inches, of bronze; the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver.
12 また西側のために、五十キュビトのあげばりを設けた。その柱は十、その座も十で、その柱の鉤と桁は銀とした。
For the west side were hangings of eighty-six feet one inch, their pillars seventeen feet three inches, and their sockets seventeen feet three inches; the hooks of the pillars, and their fillets, of silver.
13 また東側のためにも、五十キュビトのあげばりを設けた。
For the east side eastward eighty-six feet one inch.
14 その一方に十五キュビトのあげばりを設けた。その柱は三つ、その座も三つ。
The hangings for the one side were twenty-five feet ten inches; their pillars five feet two inches, and their sockets five feet two inches;
15 また他の一方にも、同じようにした。すなわち庭の門のこなたかなたともに、十五キュビトのあげばりを設けた。その柱は三つ、その座も三つ。
and so for the other side: on this hand and that hand by the gate of the court were hangings of twenty-five feet ten inches; their pillars five feet two inches, and their sockets five feet two inches.
All the hangings around the court were of fine twined linen.
17 柱の座は青銅、柱の鉤と桁とは銀、柱の頭のおおいも銀である。庭の柱はみな銀の桁で連ねた。
The sockets for the pillars were of bronze. The hooks of the pillars and their fillets were of silver; and the overlaying of their capitals, of silver; and all the pillars of the court were filleted with silver.
18 庭の門のとばりは青糸、紫糸、緋糸、亜麻の撚糸で、色とりどりに織ったものであった。長さは二十キュビト、幅なる高さは五キュビトで、庭のあげばりと等しかった。
The screen for the gate of the court was the work of the embroiderer, of blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen. Thirty-four feet five inches was the length, and the height in the breadth was eight feet seven inches, like to the hangings of the court.
19 その柱は四つ、その座も四つで、ともに青銅。その鉤は銀、柱の頭のおおいと桁は銀である。
Their pillars were six feet eleven inches, and their sockets six feet eleven inches, of bronze; their hooks of silver, and the overlaying of their capitals, and their fillets, of silver.
20 ただし、幕屋および、その周囲の庭の釘はみな青銅であった。
All the pins of the tabernacle, and around the court, were of bronze.
21 幕屋、すなわちあかしの幕屋に用いた物の総計は次のとおりである。すなわちモーセの命に従い、祭司アロンの子イタマルがレビびとを用いて量ったものである。
This is the amount of material used for the tabernacle, even the Tabernacle of the Testimony, as they were counted, according to the commandment of Moses, for the service of the Levites, by the hand of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the cohen.
22 ユダの部族に属するホルの子なるウリの子ベザレルは、主がモーセに命じられた事をことごとくした。
Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made all that the LORD commanded Moses.
23 ダンの部族に属するアヒサマクの子アホリアブは彼と共にあって彫刻、浮き織をなし、また青糸、紫糸、緋糸、亜麻糸で、縫取りをする者であった。
With him was Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver, and a skillful workman, and an embroiderer in blue, in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen.
24 聖所のもろもろの工作に用いたすべての金、すなわち、ささげ物なる金は聖所のシケルで、二十九タラント七百三十シケルであった。
All the gold that was used for the work in all the work of the sanctuary, even the gold of the offering, was twenty-nine talents, and seven hundred thirty shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary.
25 会衆のうちの数えられた者のささげた銀は聖所のシケルで、百タラント千七百七十五シケルであった。
The silver of those who were numbered of the congregation was one hundred talents, and one thousand seven hundred seventy-five shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:
26 これはひとり当り一ベカ、すなわち聖所のシケルの半シケルであって、すべて二十歳以上で数えられた者が六十万三千五百五十人であったからである。
a beka a head, that is, half a shekel, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for everyone who passed over to those who were numbered, from twenty years old and upward, for six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty men.
27 聖所の座と垂幕の座とを鋳るために用いた銀は百タラントであった。すなわち百座につき百タラント、一座につき一タラントである。
The one hundred talents of silver were for casting the sockets of the sanctuary, and the sockets of the veil; one hundred sockets for the one hundred talents, a talent for a socket.
28 また千七百七十五シケルで柱の鉤を造り、また柱の頭をおおい、柱のために桁を造った。
Of the one thousand seven hundred seventy-five shekels he made hooks for the pillars, overlaid their capitals, and made fillets for them.
29 ささげ物なる青銅は七十タラント二千四百シケルであった。
The bronze of the offering was seventy talents, and two thousand four hundred shekels.
30 これを用いて会見の幕屋の入口の座、青銅の祭壇と、それにつく青銅の格子、および祭壇のもろもろの器を造った。
With this he made the sockets to the door of the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar, the bronze grating for it, all the vessels of the altar,
31 また庭の周囲の座、庭の門の座、および幕屋のもろもろの釘と、庭の周囲のもろもろの釘を造った。
the sockets around the court, the sockets of the gate of the court, all the pins of the tabernacle, and all the pins around the court.