< 列王記Ⅱ 9 >
1 時に預言者エリシャは預言者のともがらのひとりを呼んで言った、「腰をひきからげ、この油のびんを携えて、ラモテ・ギレアデへ行きなさい。
Meanwhile, the prophet Elisha summoned one of the other prophets. He said to him, “Get ready [IDM] and go to Ramoth [city] in [the] Gilead [region]. Take this jar of [olive] oil with you.
2 そこに着いたならば、ニムシの子ヨシャパテの子であるエヒウを尋ね出し、内にはいって彼をその同僚たちのうちから立たせて、奥の間に連れて行き、
When you arrive there, search for a man named Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat and grandson of Nimshi. Go with him into a room away from his companions,
3 油のびんを取って、その頭に注ぎ、『主はこう仰せられる、わたしはあなたに油を注いでイスラエルの王とする』と言い、そして戸をあけて逃げ去りなさい。とどまってはならない」。
and pour [some of] this oil on his head. Then say to him, ‘Yahweh declares that he is appointing you to be the king of Israel.’ Then open the door and run away as quickly as you can.”
4 そこで預言者であるその若者はラモテ・ギレアデへ行ったが、
So the young prophet went to Ramoth.
5 来て見ると、軍勢の長たちが会議中であったので、彼は「将軍よ、わたしはあなたに申しあげる事があります」と言うと、エヒウが答えて、「われわれすべてのうちの、だれにですか」と言ったので、彼は「将軍よ、あなたにです」と言った。
When he arrived, he saw that the commanders of the army were having a conference. He [looked at Jehu and] said, “Sir, I have a message for [one of] you.” Jehu replied, “Which one of us is the message for?” The young prophet replied, “It is for you, commander/sir.”
6 するとエヒウが立ちあがって家にはいったので、若者はその頭に油を注いで彼に言った、「イスラエルの神、主はこう仰せられます、『わたしはあなたに油を注いで、主の民イスラエルの王とする。
So Jehu got up and went with the young prophet into a house. There the young prophet poured some [olive] oil on Jehu’s head and said to him, “Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], declares this: ‘I am appointing you to be the king of my Israeli people.
7 あなたは主君アハブの家を撃ち滅ぼさなければならない。それによってわたしは、わたしのしもべである預言者たちの血と、主のすべてのしもべたちの血をイゼベルに報いる。
You must kill your master [King Joram], the son of Ahab, because I want to punish [Ahab’s wife] Jezebel for murdering [MTY] many of my prophets and other people who served me.
8 アハブの全家は滅びるであろう。アハブに属する男は、イスラエルにいて、つながれた者も、自由な者も、ことごとくわたしは断ち、
You must kill [not only Joram but] all of Ahab’s family. I want to get rid of every male in the family, including young ones and old ones.
9 アハブの家をネバテの子ヤラベアムのようにし、アヒヤの子バアシャの家のようにする。
I will get rid of Ahab’s family, like I got rid of the families of two other kings of Israel, Jeroboam and Baasha.
10 犬がイズレルの地域でイゼベルを食い、彼女を葬る者はないであろう』」。そして彼は戸をあけて逃げ去った。
And [when] Jezebel [dies], her corpse will not be buried. Dogs will eat her corpse there in Jezreel [city].’” After the young prophet said this, he left the room and ran.
11 やがてエヒウが主君の家来たちの所へ出て来ると、彼らはエヒウに言った、「変った事はありませんか。あの気違いは、なんのためにあなたの所にきたのですか」。エヒウは彼らに言った、「あなたがたは、あの人を知っています。またその言う事も知っています」。
When Jehu came out of the room to where his other commanders were, they said to him, “Is everything all right? Why did that mad fellow come to you?” He replied, “You know what kinds of things young prophets like him say.”
12 彼らは言った、「それは違います。どうぞわれわれに話してください」。そこでエヒウは言った、「彼はこうこう、わたしに告げて言いました、『主はこう仰せられる、わたしはあなたに油を注いで、イスラエルの王とする』」。
They said, “You are lying! Tell us what he said!” He replied, “He told me that Yahweh said, ‘I am appointing [MTY] you to be the king of Israel.’”
13 すると彼らは急いで、おのおの衣服をとり、それを階段の上のエヒウの下に敷き、ラッパを吹いて「エヒウは王である」と言った。
Then they all spread their cloaks on the steps of the building [for Jehu to walk out on], and they blew trumpets and shouted, “Jehu is now the king!”
14 こうしてニムシの子であるヨシャパテの子エヒウはヨラムにそむいた。(ヨラムはイスラエルをことごとく率いて、ラモテ・ギレアデでスリヤの王ハザエルを防いだが、
King Joram and his army had been defending Ramoth against the attacks by the army of the king of Syria. King Joram had returned to Jezreel [city], to recover from being wounded in the battle against the army of Hazael, the king of Syria. And Jehu made plans to kill Joram. He said to his other commanders, “If helping me is truly what you want, make sure that no one leaves this city to go to warn the people of Jezreel [about what I am planning to do].”
15 ヨラム王はスリヤの王ハザエルと戦った時に、スリヤびとに負わされた傷をいやすため、エズレルに帰っていた。)エヒウは言った、「もしこれがあなたがたの本心であるならば、ひとりもこの町から忍び出て、これをエズレルに告げてはならない」。
16 そしてエヒウは車に乗ってエズレルへ行った。ヨラムがそこに伏していたからである。またユダの王アハジヤはヨラムを見舞うために下っていた。
Then Jehu and his officers got into their chariots and rode to Jezreel, where Joram was still recovering. And King Ahaziah of Judah was there, visiting Joram.
17 さてエズレルのやぐらに、ひとりの物見が立っていたが、エヒウの群衆が来るのを見て、「群衆が見える」と言ったので、ヨラムは言った、「ひとりを馬に乗せてつかわし、それに会わせて『平安ですか』と言わせなさい」。
A guard was standing in the watchtower in Jezreel. He saw Jehu and his men approaching. He called out, “I see a lot of men [who are approaching]!” King Joram [heard what the watchman said, so he] said to his soldiers, “Send someone on a horse to go and find out if they are coming to be friendly to us or to attack us.”
18 そこでひとりが馬に乗って行き、彼に会って言った、「王はこう仰せられます、『平安ですか』」。エヒウ言った、「あなたは平安となんの関係がありますか。わたしのあとについてきなさい」。物見はまた告げて言った、「使者は彼らの所へ行きましたが、帰ってきません」。
So a man rode out to meet Jehu and said to him, “The king wants to know [if you are coming to be] friendly to us.” Jehu replied, “This is not the time for you [RHQ] to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and come behind me!” So the guard in the watchtower reported that the messenger had reached the group [that was approaching], but that he was not returning [alone].
19 そこで再び人を馬でつかわしたので、彼らの所へ行って言った、「王はこう仰せられます、『平安ですか』」。エヒウは答えて言った、「あなたは平安となんの関係がありますか。わたしのあとについてきなさい」。
So King Joram sent another messenger, who asked Jehu the same question. Again Jehu replied, “This is not the time [RHQ] for you to be concerned about acting friendly! Turn around and follow me!”
20 物見はまた告げて言った、「彼も、彼らの所へ行きましたが帰ってきません。あの車の操縦はニムシの子エヒウの操縦するのに似て、猛烈な勢いで操縦して来ます」。
Then the watchman reported again, “That messenger also reached them, but he is not coming back [alone]. And [the leader of the group must be] Jehu, the son of Nimshi, because he is driving [his chariot] furiously, [like Jehu does]!”
21 そこでヨラムが「車を用意せよ」と言ったので、車を用意すると、イスラエルの王ヨラムと、ユダの王アハジヤは、おのおのその車で出て行った。すなわちエヒウに会うために出ていって、エズレルびとナボテの地所で彼に会った。
Joram said [to his soldiers], “Get [my chariot] ready!” So they did that. Then King Joram and King Ahaziah both rode toward Jehu, each one in his own chariot. And [it happened that] they met Jehu at the field that had previously belonged to Naboth!
22 ヨラムはエヒウを見て言った、「エヒウよ、平安ですか」。エヒウは答えた、「あなたの母イゼベルの姦淫と魔術とが、こんなに多いのに、どうして平安でありえましょうか」。
When Joram met Jehu, he said to him, “Are you coming on a peaceful visit?” Jehu replied, “(How can there be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing very much (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel did?/There certainly cannot be peace while you and your people are prostrating themselves to worship idols and practicing (witchcraft/sorcery) like your mother Jezebel has been doing!)” [RHQ]
23 その時ヨラムは車をめぐらして逃げ、アハジヤにむかって、「アハジヤよ、反逆です」と言うと、
Joram cried out, “Ahaziah, they have deceived us! [They want to kill us]!” So Joram turned his chariot around and tried to flee.
24 エヒウは手に弓をひきしぼって、ヨラムの両肩の間を射たので、矢は彼の心臓を貫き、彼は車の中に倒れた。
But Jehu drew his bow mightily and shot [an arrow that pierced] Joram between his shoulder blades. The arrow [went through his body and] pierced his heart, and he slumped down dead in his chariot.
25 エヒウはその副官ビデカルに言った、「彼を取りあげて、エズレルびとナボテの畑に投げ捨てなさい。かつて、わたしとあなたと、ふたり共に乗って、彼の父アハブに従ったとき、主が彼について、この預言をされたことを記憶しなさい。
Then Jehu said to his assistant Bidkar, “Take his corpse and throw it here into the field that belonged to Naboth. [I am sure that] you remember that when you and I were riding together [in chariots] behind King Joram’s father Ahab, that Yahweh said this about Ahab:
26 すなわち主は言われた、『まことに、わたしはきのうナボテの血と、その子らの血を見た』。また主は言われた、『わたしはこの地所であなたに報復する』と。それゆえ彼を取りあげて、その地所に投げすて、主の言葉のようにしなさい」。
‘Yesterday I saw Ahab murder [MTY] Naboth and his sons here. And I solemnly promise that I will punish him right here in this same field!’ So take Joram’s corpse and throw it into that field! That will fulfill what Yahweh said would happen.”
27 ユダの王アハジヤはこれを見てベテハガンの方へ逃げたが、エヒウはそのあとを追い、「彼をも撃て」と言ったので、イブレアムのほとりのグルの坂で車の中の彼を撃った。彼はメギドまで逃げていって、そこで死んだ。
When King Ahaziah saw what happened, he fled [in his chariot] toward Beth-Haggan [town]. But Jehu pursued him and said [to his other commanders], “Shoot him, also!” So they shot him [with arrows] while he was riding in his chariot on the road up to Gur, near Ibleam [town]. He continued going in his chariot until he reached Megiddo [city], where he died.
28 その家来たちは彼を車に載せてエルサレムに運び、ダビデの町で彼の墓にその先祖たちと共に葬った。
His officials took his corpse back to Jerusalem and buried it in the tombs in the [part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, where his ancestors had been buried.
29 アハブの子ヨラムの第十一年にアハジヤはユダの王となったのである。
Ahaziah had become the king of Judah when Joram had been ruling Israel for almost eleven years.
30 エヒウがエズレルにきた時、イゼベルはそれを聞いて、その目を塗り、髪を飾って窓から望み見たが、
Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When [Ahab’s widow] Jezebel heard what had happened, she put paint/makeup on her eyelids, and combed her hair to make it beautiful, and looked out the window [of the palace toward the street below].
31 エヒウが門にはいってきたので、「主君を殺したジムリよ、無事ですか」と言った。
While Jehu was entering the city gate, she called out to him, “You [are like] Zimri! You are a murderer! [I think] you are certainly not [RHQ] coming on a peaceful visit!”
32 するとエヒウは顔をあげて窓にむかい、「だれか、わたしに味方する者があるか。だれかあるか」と言うと、二、三人の宦官がエヒウを望み見たので、
Jehu looked up toward the window, and then he said, “Who is (on my side/wants to help me)? Anyone?” Two or three palace officials looked down at him [from a window and pointed to themselves].
33 エヒウは「彼女を投げ落せ」と言った。彼らは彼女を投げ落したので、その血が壁と馬とにはねかかった。そして馬は彼女を踏みつけた。
Jehu said to them, “Throw her down here!” So they threw her down, and [when she hit the ground and died], some of her blood splattered on the city wall and on the horses [that were pulling the chariots].
34 エヒウは内にはいって食い飲みし、そして言った、「あののろわれた女を見、彼女を葬りなさい。彼女は王の娘なのだ」。
Then Jehu went into the palace and ate and drank. Then he said [to some of his men], “Take the corpse of that women whom Yahweh has cursed and bury it, because she is a king’s daughter [and therefore should be buried properly].”
35 しかし彼らが彼女を葬ろうとして行って見ると、頭蓋骨と、足と、たなごころのほか何もなかったので、
But when they went to get her corpse to bury it, all that was left was only her skull and [the bones of] her feet and her hands. Everything else was gone.
36 帰って、彼に告げると、彼は言った、「これは主が、そのしもべ、テシベびとエリヤによってお告げになった言葉である。すなわち『エズレルの地で犬がイゼベルの肉を食うであろう。
When they reported this to Jehu, he said, “That is what Yahweh said would happen! He told his servant/prophet Elijah, ‘In [the city of] Jezreel, dogs will eat the flesh of Jezebel’s corpse.
37 イゼベルの死体はエズレルの地で、糞土のように野のおもてに捨てられて、だれも、これはイゼベルだ、と言うことができないであろう』」。
Her bones will be scattered there in Jezreel like dung, with the result that no one will be able to [recognize them and] say, “These are Jezebel’s bones.”’”