< 歴代誌Ⅱ 2 >

1 さてソロモンは主の名のために一つの宮を建て、また自分のために一つの王宮を建てようと思った。
Solomon ordered that a temple should be built where Yahweh would be worshiped and also that a palace should be built for himself.
2 そしてソロモンは荷を負う者七万人、山で石を切り出す者八万人、これらを監督する者三千六百人を数え出した。
He selected 70,000 men to carry the building supplies and 80,000 men to cut stones [(from quarries/walls of rock) in] the hills. He also chose 3,600 men to supervise them.
3 ソロモンはまずツロのヒラムに人をつかわして言わせた、「あなたはわたしの父ダビデに、その住むべき家を建てるために香柏を送られました。どうぞ彼にされたように、わたしにもして下さい。
Solomon sent this message to King Hiram of Tyre [city]: “[Many years ago] when my father David was building his palace, you sent to him cedar logs. Will you send me cedar logs, too?
4 見よ、わたしはわが神、主の名のために一つの家を建て、これを聖別して彼にささげ、彼の前にこうばしい香をたき、常供のパンを供え、また燔祭を安息日、新月、およびわれらの神、主の定めの祭に朝夕ささげ、これをイスラエルのながく守るべき定めにしようとしています。
“We are about to build a temple where we will worship Yahweh our God. We want to dedicate it to be a place where we will burn fragrant incense to [honor] him, and a place to put loaves of sacred bread, and for making sacrifices every morning and every evening and every Sabbath day, and to celebrate on the day of every new moon and at other special religious festivals to [honor] Yahweh our God. We want to do those things forever, like Yahweh has commanded.
5 またわたしの建てる家は大きな家です。われらの神はすべての神よりも大いなる神だからです。
[We want] this temple [to] be a great temple, because our God is greater than all other gods.
6 しかし、天も、諸天の天も彼を入れることができないのに、だれが彼のために家を建てることができましょうか。わたしは何者ですか、彼のために家を建てるというのも、ただ彼の前に香をたく所に、ほかならないのです。
But no one can really build a temple that would be big enough for God [to live in], because even the highest heavens are not big enough for him. And I am worthy only to build a place where we can burn sacrifices to him.
7 それで、どうぞ金、銀、青銅、鉄の細工および紫糸、緋糸、青糸の織物にくわしく、また彫刻の術に巧みな工人ひとりをわたしに送って、父ダビデが備えておいたユダとエルサレムのわたしの工人たちと一緒に働かせてください。
Therefore, please send me a man who knows well how to make things from gold and silver and bronze and iron, and to make things from purple and red and blue cloth. He should also know well how to engrave designs. I want him to work in Jerusalem and in other places in Judah with my skilled craftsmen, the ones whom my father David appointed.
8 またどうぞレバノンから香柏、いとすぎ、びゃくだんを送ってください。わたしはあなたのしもべたちがレバノンで木を切ることをよくわきまえているのを知っています。わたしのしもべたちも、あなたのしもべたちと一緒に働かせ、
I know that your workers are skilled in cutting timber, so also please send me cedar logs, pine logs, and juniper logs from the Lebanon mountains. My workers will work with your workers.
9 わたしのためにたくさんの材木を備えさせてください。わたしの建てる家は非常に広大なものですから。
In that way, those workers will provide me with plenty of lumber. [We will need plenty, ] because I want the temple that we will build to be large and beautiful.
10 わたしは木を切るあなたのしもべたちに砕いた小麦二万コル、大麦二万コル、ぶどう酒二万バテ、油二万バテを与えます」。
I will pay your workers, the men who cut the logs, 100,000 bushels of ground wheat, 100,000 bushels of barley, 110,000 gallons of wine, and 110,000 gallons of olive oil.”
11 そこでツロの王ヒラムは手紙をソロモンに送って答えた、「主はその民を愛するゆえに、あなたを彼らの王とされました」。
[When] Hiram [received that message, he] replied by sending this message to Solomon: “Because Yahweh loves his people, he has appointed you to be their king.”
12 ヒラムはまた言った、「天地を造られたイスラエルの神、主はほむべきかな。彼はダビデ王に賢い子を与え、これに分別と知恵を授けて、主のために宮を建て、また自分のために、王宮を建てることをさせられた。
[And Hiram added, ] “Praise Yahweh, the God to whom the Israeli people belong, the one who created the sky and the earth! He has given King David a wise son, one who is very smart/intelligent and who has good skill and understanding. He wants to build a temple for Yahweh and a palace for himself.
13 いまわたしは達人ヒラムという知恵のある工人をつかわします。
“I will be sending to you Huram-Abi, a man who is very skilled.
14 彼はダンの子孫である女を母とし、ツロの人を父とし、金銀、青銅、鉄、石、木の細工および紫糸、青糸、亜麻糸、緋糸の織物にくわしく、またよくもろもろの彫刻をし、意匠を凝らしてもろもろの工作をします。彼を用いてあなたの工人およびあなたの父、わが主ダビデの工人と一緒に働かせなさい。
His mother was from the tribe of Dan, and his father was from [here in] Tyre. He is very able to make things from gold and silver and bronze and iron and stone and wood, but he also makes nice things from purple and blue and red cloth, and he does all kinds of engraving. He can make things using any design/pattern that you give to him. He will work with your craftsmen, and the craftsmen who did work for your father, King David.
15 それでいまわが主の言われた小麦、大麦、油およびぶどう酒をそのしもべどもに送ってください。
“Now please send us the wheat and barley and olive oil and wine that you promised to send to us.
16 あなたの求められる材木はレバノンから切りだし、いかだに組んで、海からヨッパに送ります。あなたはそれをエルサレムに運び上げなさい」。
When you do that, my workers will cut from trees in the Lebanon mountains all the logs that you need [and bring them down to the sea]. Then we will [tie the logs together to] form rafts with them, and float them in the sea to Joppa [city]. From there, you [can arrange for] them [to be] taken up to Jerusalem.
17 そこでソロモンはその父ダビデが数えたようにイスラエルの国にいるすべての他国人を数えたが、合わせて十五万三千六百人あった。
Solomon told his workers to count all the people from other countries who were living in Israel, similar to what his father David had done. There were 153,600 of them.
18 彼はその七万人を荷を負う者とし、八万人を山で木や石を切る者とし、三千六百人を民を働かせる監督者とした。
Solomon assigned 70,000 of them to carry materials, and 80,000 to cut stone [from quarries in] the hills, and 3,600 of them to supervise the others and be sure that they worked steadily.

< 歴代誌Ⅱ 2 >