< 列王記Ⅰ 12 >

1 レハベアムはシケムへ行った。すべてのイスラエルびとが彼を王にしようとシケムへ行ったからである。
And he went Rehoboam Shechem for Shechem it had gone all Israel to make king him.
2 ネバテの子ヤラベアムはソロモンを避けてエジプトにのがれ、なおそこにいたが、これを聞いてエジプトから帰ったので、
And it was when heard - Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat and he still he [was] in Egypt where he had fled because of the king Solomon and he dwelt Jeroboam in Egypt.
3 人々は人をつかわして彼を招いた。そしてヤラベアムとイスラエルの会衆は皆レハベアムの所にきて言った、
And people sent and they summoned him (and he came *Q(K)*) Jeroboam and all [the] assembly of Israel and they spoke to Rehoboam saying.
4 「父上はわれわれのくびきを重くされましたが、今父上のきびしい使役と、父上がわれわれに負わせられた重いくびきとを軽くしてください。そうすればわれわれはあなたに仕えます」。
Father your he made hard yoke our and you now lighten some of [the] service of father your hard and some of yoke his heavy which he put on us and we will serve you.
5 レハベアムは彼らに言った、「去って、三日過ぎてから、またわたしのところにきなさい」。それで民は立ち去った。
And he said to them go yet three days and return to me and they went the people.
6 レハベアム王は父ソロモンの存命中ソロモンに仕えた老人たちに相談して言った、「この民にどう返答すればよいと思いますか」。
And he consulted the king Rehoboam with the elders who they were standing with [the] presence of Solomon father his when was he alive saying how? [are] you counseling to bring back the people this word.
7 彼らはレハベアムに言った、「もし、あなたが、きょう、この民のしもべとなって彼らに仕え、彼らに答えるとき、ねんごろに語られるならば、彼らは永久にあなたのしもべとなるでしょう」。
(And they spoke *Q(K)*) to him saying if this day you will be a servant of the people this and you will serve them and you will answer them and you will speak to them words kind and they will be of you servants all the days.
8 しかし彼は老人たちが与えた勧めを捨てて、自分と一緒に大きくなって自分に仕えている若者たちに相談して、
And he forsook [the] counsel of the elders which they had counseled him and he consulted with the young men who they had grown up with him who [were] the [ones who] stood before him.
9 彼らに言った、「この民がわたしにむかって『あなたの父がわれわれに負わせたくびきを軽くしてください』というのに、われわれはなんと返答すればよいと思いますか」。
And he said to them what? [are] you counseling and we may bring back word the people this which they have spoken to me saying lighten some of the yoke which he put father your on us.
10 彼と一緒に大きくなった若者たちは彼に言った、「あなたにむかって『父上はわれわれのくびきを重くされましたが、あなたは、それをわれわれのために軽くしてください』と言うこの民に、こう言いなさい、『わたしの小指は父の腰よりも太い。
And they spoke to him the young men who they had grown up with him saying thus you will say to the people this which they have spoken to you saying father your he made heavy yoke our and you lighten from on us thus you will speak to them little finger my it is thick more than [the] loins of father my.
11 父はあなたがたに重いくびきを負わせたが、わたしはさらに、あなたがたのくびきを重くしよう。父はむちであなたがたを懲らしたが、わたしはさそりをもってあなたがたを懲らそう』と」。
And now father my he loaded on you a yoke heavy and I I will add to yoke your father my he disciplined you with whips and I I will discipline you with scorpions.
12 さてヤラベアムと民は皆、王が「三日目に再びわたしのところに来るように」と言ったとおりに、三日目にレハベアムのところにきた。
(And he came *Q(k)*) Jeroboam and all the people to Rehoboam on the day third just as he had spoken the king saying return to me on the day third.
13 王は荒々しく民に答え、老人たちが与えた勧めを捨てて、
And he answered the king the people hard and he forsook [the] counsel of the elders which they had counseled him.
14 若者たちの勧めに従い、彼らに告げて言った、「父はあなたがたのくびきを重くしたが、わたしはあなたがたのくびきを、さらに重くしよう。父はむちであなたがたを懲らしたが、わたしはさそりをもってあなたがたを懲らそう」。
And he spoke to them according to [the] counsel of the young men saying father my he made heavy yoke your and I I will add to yoke your father my he disciplined you with whips and I I will discipline you with scorpions.
15 このように王は民の言うことを聞きいれなかった。これはかつて主がシロびとアヒヤによって、ネバテの子ヤラベアムに言われた言葉を成就するために、主が仕向けられた事であった。
And not he listened the king to the people for it was a turn from with Yahweh so as to establish word his which he had spoken Yahweh by [the] hand of Ahijah Shilonite to Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat.
16 イスラエルの人々は皆、王が自分たちの言うことを聞きいれないのを見たので、民は王に答えて言った、「われわれはダビデのうちに何の分があろうか、エッサイの子のうちに嗣業がない。イスラエルよ、あなたがたの天幕へ帰れ。ダビデよ、今自分の家の事を見よ」。そしてイスラエルはその天幕へ去っていった。
And it saw all Israel that not he had listened the king to them and they brought back the people the king word - saying what? [belongs] to us portion in David and not an inheritance in [the] son of Jesse to tents your O Israel now consider own house your O David and it went Israel to tents its.
17 しかしレハベアムはユダの町々に住んでいるイスラエルの人々を治めた。
And [the] people of Israel who were dwelling in [the] cities of Judah and he reigned over them Rehoboam.
18 レハベアム王は徴募の監督であったアドラムをつかわしたが、イスラエルが皆、彼を石で撃ち殺したので、レハベアム王は急いで車に乗り、エルサレムへ逃げた。
And he sent the king Rehoboam Adoram who [was] over the forced labor and they stoned all Israel him stone[s] and he died and the king Rehoboam he proved himself strong to go up in the chariot to flee Jerusalem.
19 こうしてイスラエルはダビデの家にそむいて今日に至った。
And they have rebelled Israel against [the] house of David until the day this.
20 イスラエルは皆ヤラベアムの帰ってきたのを聞き、人をつかわして彼を集会に招き、イスラエルの全家の上に王とした。ユダの部族のほかはダビデの家に従う者がなかった。
And it was when heard all Israel that he had returned Jeroboam and they sent and they called him to the congregation and they made king him over all Israel not anyone was after [the] house of David except [the] tribe of Judah to only it.
21 ソロモンの子レハベアムはエルサレムに来て、ユダの全家とベニヤミンの部族の者、すなわちえり抜きの軍人十八万を集め、国を取りもどすために、イスラエルの家と戦おうとしたが、
(And he came *Q(K)*) Rehoboam Jerusalem and he called together all [the] house of Judah and [the] tribe of Benjamin one hundred and eighty thousand chosen [man] maker[s] of war to do battle with [the] house of Israel to restore the kingship to Rehoboam [the] son of Solomon.
22 神の言葉が神の人シマヤに臨んだ、
And it came [the] word of God to Shemaiah [the] man of God saying.
23 「ソロモンの子であるユダの王レハベアム、およびユダとベニヤミンの全家、ならびにそのほかの民に言いなさい、
Say to Rehoboam [the] son of Solomon [the] king of Judah and to all [the] house of Judah and Benjamin and [the] rest of the people saying.
24 『主はこう仰せられる。あなたがたは上っていってはならない。あなたがたの兄弟であるイスラエルの人々と戦ってはならない。おのおの家に帰りなさい。この事はわたしから出たのである』」。それで彼らは主の言葉をきき、主の言葉に従って帰っていった。
Thus he says Yahweh not you must go up and not you must do battle! with countrymen your [the] people of Israel return each to own house his for from with me it has occurred the thing this and they listened to [the] word of Yahweh and they turned back to go according to [the] word of Yahweh.
25 ヤラベアムはエフライムの山地にシケムを建てて、そこに住んだ。彼はまたそこから出てペヌエルを建てた。
And he built Jeroboam Shechem in [the] hill country of Ephraim and he dwelt in it and he went out from there and he built Penuel.
26 しかしヤラベアムはその心のうちに言った、「国は今ダビデの家にもどるであろう。
And he said Jeroboam in heart his now it will return the kingdom to [the] house of David.
27 もしこの民がエルサレムにある主の宮に犠牲をささげるために上るならば、この民の心はユダの王である彼らの主君レハベアムに帰り、わたしを殺して、ユダの王レハベアムに帰るであろう」。
If it will go up - the people this to make sacrifices in [the] house of Yahweh in Jerusalem and it will return [the] heart of the people this to to lord their to Rehoboam [the] king of Judah and they will kill me and they will return to Rehoboam [the] king of Judah.
28 そこで王は相談して、二つの金の子牛を造り、民に言った、「あなたがたはもはやエルサレムに上るには、およばない。イスラエルよ、あなたがたをエジプトの国から導き上ったあなたがたの神を見よ」。
And he took counsel the king and he made two calves of gold and he said to them [too] much for you for going up Jerusalem here! gods your O Israel which they brought up you from [the] land of Egypt.
29 そして彼は一つをベテルにすえ、一つをダンに置いた。
And he set the one [calf] in Beth-el and the one [calf] he put in Dan.
30 この事は罪となった。民がベテルへ行って一つを礼拝し、ダンへ行って一つを礼拝したからである。
And it became the thing this sin and they went the people before the one [calf] to Dan.
31 彼はまた高き所に家を造り、レビの子孫でない一般の民を祭司に任命した。
And he made a house of high places and he appointed priests from [the] ends of the people who not they were from [the] descendants of Levi.
32 またヤラベアムはユダで行う祭と同じ祭を八月の十五日に定め、そして祭壇に上った。彼はベテルでそのように行い、彼が造った子牛に犠牲をささげた。また自分の造った高き所の祭司をベテルに立てた。
And he appointed Jeroboam - a festival in the month eighth on [the] fif-teen day - of the month like the festival - which [was] in Judah and he offered up on the altar so he did in Beth-el to sacrifice to the calves which he had made and he stationed in Beth-el [the] priests of the high places which he had made.
33 こうして彼はベテルに造った祭壇に八月の十五日に上った。これは彼が自分で勝手に考えついた月であった。そして彼はイスラエルの人々のために祭を定め、祭壇に上って香をたいた。
And he offered up on the altar - which he had made in Beth-el on [the] fif-teen day in the month eighth in the month which he had devised (from own heart his *Q(K)*) and he appointed a festival for [the] people of Israel and he offered up on the altar to make smoke.

< 列王記Ⅰ 12 >