< 歴代誌Ⅰ 5 >
1 イスラエルの長子ルベンの子らは次のとおりである。ルベンは長子であったが父の床を汚したので、長子の権はイスラエルの子ヨセフの子らに与えられた。それで長子の権による系図にしるされていない。
Reuben was the oldest son of Jacob. Therefore, he should have received the special rights/privileges that belonged to firstborn sons. But he had sex with his father’s slave wife, so [his father] gave the rights if a firstborn son to the sons of Reubers younger brother Joseph. And in the family records, Reuben is not mentioned first, like the firstborn sons always are.
2 またユダは兄弟たちにまさる者となり、その中から君たる者がでたが長子の権はヨセフのものとなったのである。
Although Judah became more influential than his brothers, and a ruler of the tribe descended from him, Joseph’s family received the rights that belonged to firstborn sons.
3 すなわちイスラエルの長子ルベンの子らはハノク、パル、ヘヅロン、カルミ。
But Reuben was Jacob’s oldest son. Reuben’s sons were Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
4 ヨエルの子らはその子はシマヤ、その子はゴグ、その子はシメイ、
[Another descendant of Reuben was Joel]. Joel’s son was Shemaiah. Shemaiah’s son was Gog. Gog’s son was Shimei.
5 その子はミカ、その子はレアヤ、その子はバアル、
Shimei’s son was Micah. Micah’s son was Reaiah. Reaiah’s son was Baal.
6 その子はベエラである。このベエラはアッスリヤの王テルガテ・ピルネセルが捕え移した者である。彼はルベンびとのつかさであった。
Baal’s son was Beerah. Beerah was a leader of the tribe/descendants of Reuben. But Tiglath-Pileser the king of Assyria captured him and took him to Assyria.
7 彼の兄弟たちは、その氏族により、その歴代の系図によれば、かしらエイエルおよびゼカリヤ、
The names of these clans are listed here according to what is written in their family records. The first [name written was] Jeiel. Then Zechariah,
8 ベラなどである。ベラはアザズの子、シマの孫、ヨエルのひこである。彼はアロエルに住み、ネボおよびバアル・メオンまで及んでいたが、
and then Bela. Bela was the son of Azaz, and Azaz was the son of Shema, and Shema was the son of Joel. Reuben’s clan was very large. Some of them lived near Aroer [city] as far [north] as Nebo [town] and Baal-Meon [city].
9 ギレアデの地で彼の家畜がふえ増したので、彼は東の方ユフラテ川のこなたの荒野の入口にまで住んだ。
Some of them lived further east, as far as the edge of the desert [south of] the Euphrates River. [They went there] because they had a huge amount of cattle, [with the result that there was not enough pastureland for them] in [the] Gilead [region].
10 またサウルの時、彼らはハガルびとと戦って、これを撃ち倒し、ギレアデの東の全部にわたって彼らの天幕に住んだ。
When Saul was king [of Israel], Bela’s clan fought against the descendants of Hagar and defeated them. After that, Bela’s clan lived in the tents that the descendants of Hagar had lived in previously, in all the area east of [the] Gilead [region].
11 ガドの子孫はこれと相対してバシャンの地に住み、サルカまで及んでいた。
The tribe of Gad lived near the tribe of Reuben; they lived in [the] Bashan [region], all the way [east] to Salecah [town].
12 そのかしらはヨエル、次はシャパム、ヤアナイ、シャパテで、ともにバシャンに住んだ。
Joel was their chief; Shapham was his assistant; other leaders were Janai and Shaphat.
13 彼らの兄弟たちは、その氏族によればミカエル、メシュラム、シバ、ヨライ、ヤカン、ジア、エベルの七人である。
Other members of the tribe belonged to seven clans, whose leaders were Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia, and Eber.
14 これらはホリの子アビハイルの子らである。ホリはヤロアの子、ヤロアはギレアデの子、ギレアデはミカエルの子、ミカエルはエシサイの子、エシサイはヤドの子、ヤドはブズの子である。
They were descendants of Abihail. Abihail was Huri’s son. Huri was Jaroah’s son. Jaroah was Gilead’s son. Gilead was Michael’s son. Michael was Jeshishai’s son. Jeshishai was Jahdo’s son. Jahdo was the son of Buz.
15 アヒはアブデルの子、アブデルはグニの子、グニはその氏族の長である。
Ahi was Abdiel’s son. Abdiel was Guni’s son. Ahi was the leader of their clan.
16 彼らはギレアデとバシャンとその村里とシャロンのすべての放牧地に住んで、その四方の境にまで及んでいた。
The descendants of Gad lived in the towns in Gilead and Bashan regions, and on all the pastureland on [the] Sharon [plain].
17 これらはみなユダの王ヨタムの世とイスラエルの王ヤラベアムの世に系図にのせられた。
All of those names were written in the records of the clans of Gad during the time that Jotham was the king of Judah and Jeroboam was the king of Israel.
18 ルベンびとと、ガドびとと、マナセの半部族には出て戦いうる者四万四千七百六十人あり、皆勇士で、盾とつるぎをとり、弓をひき、戦いに巧みな人々であった。
There were 44,760 soldiers from the tribes of Reuben and Gad and [the eastern] half of the tribe of Manasseh. They all carried shields and swords and bows [and arrows]. They [were all trained to] fight well in battles.
19 彼らはハガルびとおよびエトル、ネフシ、ノダブなどと戦ったが、
They attacked the descendants of Hagar and the people of Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab [cities].
20 助けを得てこれを攻めたので、ハガルびとおよびこれとともにいた者は皆、彼らの手にわたされた。これは彼らが戦いにあたって神に呼ばわり、神に寄り頼んだので神はその願いを聞かれたからである。
The men from those three tribes prayed to God during the battles, requesting him to help them. So he helped them, because they trusted in him. He enabled them to defeat [IDM] the descendants of Hagar and all those who were helping them.
21 彼らはその家畜を奪い取ったが、らくだ五万、羊二十五万、ろば二千あり、また人は十万人あった。
They took the animals that belonged to the descendants of Hagar: They took 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys. They also captured 100,000 people.
22 これはその戦いが神によったので、多くの者が殺されて倒れたからである。そして彼らは捕え移される時まで、これに代ってその所に住んだ。
But many descendants of Hagar were killed because God helped the people of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. After that, those three tribes lived in that area until [the army of] Babylonia [captured them and] took them away to Babylon.
23 マナセの半部族の人々はこの地に住み、ふえ広がって、ついにバシャンからバアル・ヘルモン、セニルおよびヘルモン山にまで及んだ。
There were many people who belonged to the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh. They lived in [the] Bashan [region east of the Jordan River], as far [north] as Baal-Hermon, Senir, and Hermon Mountain.
24 その氏族の長たちは次のとおりである。すなわち、エペル、イシ、エリエル、アズリエル、エレミヤ、ホダヤ、ヤデエル。これらは皆その氏族の長で名高い大勇士であった。
Their clan leaders were Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel. They were all strong, brave, and famous soldiers, and leaders of their clans.
25 彼らは先祖たちの神にむかって罪を犯し、神が、かつて彼らの前から滅ぼされた国の民の神々を慕って、これと姦淫したので、
But they sinned against God, the one whom their ancestors had worshiped. They began to worship the gods/idols that the people of that region had worshiped, the people whom God had enabled them to destroy!
26 イスラエルの神は、アッスリヤの王プルの心を奮い起し、またアッスリヤの王テルガテ・ピルネセルの心を奮い起されたので、彼はついにルベンびとと、ガドびとと、マナセの半部族を捕えて行き、ハウラとハボルとハラとゴザン川のほとりに移して今日に至っている。
So the God whom the Israelis [worshiped] caused Pul, the king of Assyria, to conquer those tribes. Pul’s other name was Tiglath-Pileser. His [army] captured the people of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh, and took them to [various places in Assyria]: Halah, Habor, Hara and near the Gozan River. [They have lived in those places from that time] to the present time.