< 歴代誌Ⅰ 18 >
1 この後ダビデはペリシテびとを撃ってこれを征服し、ペリシテびとの手からガテとその村々を取った。
Now after these things, it happened that David struck the Philistines, and he humbled them, and he took Gath and her daughters from the hand of the Philistines.
2 彼はまたモアブを撃った。モアブびとはダビデのしもべとなって、みつぎを納めた。
And he struck Moab. And the Moabites became the servants of David, offering gifts to him.
3 ダビデはまた、ハマテのゾバの王ハダデゼルがユフラテ川のほとりに、その記念碑を建てようとして行ったとき彼を撃った。
In that time, David also struck Hadadezer, the king of Zobah, in the region of Hamath, when he went forth so that he might extend his dominion as far as the river Euphrates.
4 そしてダビデは彼から戦車一千、騎兵七千人、歩兵二万人を取った。ダビデは一百の戦車の馬を残して、そのほかの戦車の馬はみなその足の筋を切った。
Then David seized one thousand of his four-horse chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand men on foot. And he hamstrung all the chariot horses, except for one hundred four-horse chariots, which he reserved for himself.
5 その時ダマスコのスリヤびとがゾバの王ハダデゼルを助けるために来たので、ダビデはそのスリヤびと二万二千人を殺した。
Then the Syrians of Damascus also arrived, so that they might offer assistance to Hadadezer, the king of Zobah. And so, David then struck of them twenty-two thousand men.
6 そしてダビデはダマスコのスリヤに守備隊を置いた。スリヤびとはみつぎを納めてダビデのしもべとなった。主はダビデにすべてその行く所で勝利を与えられた。
And he stationed soldiers in Damascus, so that Syria also would serve him, and would offer gifts. And the Lord assisted him in all the things to which he went forth.
7 ダビデはハダデゼルのしもべらが持っていた金の盾を奪って、エルサレムに持ってきた。
Also, David took the golden quivers, which the servants of Hadadezer had, and he brought them to Jerusalem.
8 またハダデゼルの町テブハテとクンからダビデは非常に多くの青銅を取った。ソロモンはそれを用いて青銅の海、柱および青銅の器を造った。
In addition, from Tibhath and Cun, cities of Hadadezer, he brought very much brass, from which Solomon made the sea of brass, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass.
9 時にハマテの王トイはダビデがゾバの王ハダデゼルのすべての軍勢を撃ち破ったことを聞き、
Now when Toi, the king of Hamath, had heard this, specifically that David had struck the entire army of Hadadezer, the king of Zobah,
10 その子ハドラムをダビデ王につかわして、彼にあいさつさせ、かつ祝を述べさせた。ハダデゼルはかつてしばしばトイと戦いを交えたが、ダビデはハダデゼルと戦って、これを撃ち破ったからである。ハドラムは金、銀および青銅のさまざまの器を贈ったので、
he sent his son Hadoram to king David so that he might petition peace from him, and so that he might congratulate him that he had struck and defeated Hadadezer. For indeed, Toi was an adversary to Hadadezer.
11 ダビデ王はこれをエドム、モアブ、アンモンの人々、ペリシテびと、アマクレなどの諸国民のうちから取ってきた金銀とともに、主にささげた。
Moreover, all the vessels of gold and silver and brass king David consecrated to the Lord, with the silver and gold that he had taken from all the nations, as much from Idumea, and Moab, and the sons of Ammon, as from the Philistines and Amalek.
12 ゼルヤの子アビシャイは塩の谷で、エドムびと一万八千を撃ち殺した。
Truly, Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, struck eighteen thousand of the Edomites in the Valley of the Salt Pits.
13 ダビデはエドムに守備隊を置き、エドムびとは皆ダビデのしもべとなった。主はダビデにすべてその行く所で勝利を与えられた。
And he stationed a garrison in Edom, so that Idumea would serve David. And the Lord saved David in all the things to which he went forth.
14 こうしてダビデはイスラエルの全地を治め、そのすべての民に公道と正義を行った。
Therefore, David reigned over all of Israel, and he executed judgment and justice among all his people.
15 ゼルヤの子ヨアブは軍の長、アヒルデの子ヨシャパテは史官、
Now Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was over the army, and Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the keeper of records.
16 アヒトブの子ザドクとアビヤタルの子アビメレクは祭司、シャウシャは書記官、
And Zadok, the son of Ahitub, and Ahimelech, the son of Abiathar, were the priests. And Shavsha was the scribe.
17 エホヤダの子ベナヤはケレテびととペレテびとの長、ダビデの子たちは王のかたわらにはべる大臣であった。
Also, Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, was over the legions of the Cherethites and Pelethites. But the sons of David were first at the hand of the king.