< ゼパニヤ書 3 >
Alas for her that is rebellious, and polluted, the city that oppresseth!
2 是は聲を聽いれず敎晦を承ずヱホバに依賴まずおのれの神に近よらず
She hath hearkened to no voice, accepted no correction; in Yahweh, hath not trusted, to her God, hath not drawn near:
3 その中にをる牧伯等は吼る獅子の如くその審士は明旦までに何をも遺さざる 夜求食する狼のごとし
Her rulers in her midst, are roaring lions, —her judges, evening wolves, they have left nothing until morning!
4 その預言者は傲りかつ詐る人なり その祭司は聖物を汚し律法を破ることをなせり
Her prophets, are reckless, treacherous men! her priests, have profaned the holy, done violence to law.
5 その中にいますヱホバは義くして不義を行なひたまはず朝な朝な己の公義を顯して缺ることなし 然るに不義なる者は恥を知ず
Yahweh, the Righteous One, is in her midst, he dealeth not perversely, —Morning by morning, his justice, bringeth he forth the light, He is not found lacking, but the perverse man knoweth no shame.
6 我國々の民を滅したればその櫓は凡て荒たり 我これが街を荒凉れしめたれば往來する者なし その邑々は滅びて人なく住む者なきに至れり
I have cut off nations, deserted are their towers, have made desolate their streets, that none passeth through; ruined are their cities, for want of men of note, from lack of any dweller!
7 われ前に言り 汝ただ我を畏れまた警敎を受べし 然らばその住家は我が凡て之につきて定めたる所の如くに滅されざるべしと 然るに彼等は夙に起て己の一切の行状を壞れり
I said, Surely thou wilt reverence, Me, wilt accept correction, lest her abode, should be cut of, howsoever I had punished her; but, in truth, they soon corrupted all their deeds.
8 ヱホバ曰たまふ 是ゆゑに汝らわが起て獲物をする日いたるまで我を俟て 我もろもろの民を集へ諸の國を聚めてわが憤恨とわが烈き忿怒を盡くその上にそそがんと思ひ定む 全地はわが嫉妬の火に燒ほろぼさるべし
Wherefore, wait for me, urgeth Yahweh, until the day when I rise up as witness, for, my decision, is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out on them mine indignation, all the glow of mine anger, for, in the fire of my jealousy, shall be devoured the whole earth.
9 その時われ國々の民に清き唇をあたへ彼らをして凡てヱホバの名を呼しめ心をあはせて之につかへしめん
Surely, then, will I turn unto the peoples a lip made pure, —that they all may call on the name of Yahweh, may serve him with one consent.
10 わが散せし者等の女即ち我を拜む者エテオピアの河々の彼旁よりもきたりて我に禮ものをささぐべし
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia, [shall come] my suppliants, the daughter of my dispersed ones, shall bear along a gift for me.
11 その日には汝われに對てをかしきたりし諸の行爲をもて羞を得ことなかるべし その時には我なんぢの中より高ぶり樂む者等を除けば汝かさねてわが聖山にて傲り高ぶることなければなり
In that day, wilt thou not turn pale for all thy deeds, wherein thou hast transgressed against me? For, then, will I take away out of thy midst thy proudly exulting ones, and thou shalt not again be haughty any more in my holy mountain:
12 われ柔和にして貧き民をなんぢの中にのこさん 彼らはヱホバの名に依賴むべし
So will I leave remaining in thy midst, a people oppressed and poor, —who will seek refuge in the name of Yahweh:
13 イスラエルの遺れる者は惡を行はず 謊をいはず その口のうちには詐僞の舌なし 彼らは草食ひ臥やすまん 之を懼れしむる者なかるべし
The remnant of Israel—will not do perversity, nor speak falsehood, neither shall there be found in their mouth a tongue of deceit, —surely, they, shall feed and lie down, with none to make them afraid.
14 シオンの女よ歡喜の聲を擧よ イスラエルよ樂み呼はれ エルサレムの女よ心のかぎり喜び樂め
Sing out, O daughter of Zion, shout aloud, O Israel, —rejoice and exult with all thy heart, O daughter Jerusalem:
15 ヱホバすでに汝の鞫を止め汝の敵を逐はらひたまへり イスラエルの王ヱホバ汝の中にいます 汝はかさねて災禍にあふことあらじ
Yahweh, hath set aside, thy judgments, hath turned back thy foe, —The king of Israel, Yahweh, is in thy midst, thou shalt not fear calamity, any more.
16 その日にはエルサレムに向ひて言あらん 懼るるなかれ シオンよ 汝の手をしなえ垂るるなかれと
In that day, shall it be said—to Jerusalem, Do not fear, —O Zion, Let not thy hands hang down:
17 なんぢの神ヱホバなんぢの中にいます 彼は拯救を施す勇士なり 彼なんぢのために喜び樂み愛の餘りに默し汝のために喜びて呼はりたまふ
Yahweh, thy God, in the midst of thee, as a mighty one, will save, —will be glad over thee with rejoicing, will be silent in his love, will exult over thee with shouts of triumph.
18 われ節會のことにつきて憂ふるものを集めん 彼等は汝より出し者なり 恥辱かれらに蒙むること重負のごとし
The sad exiles from the appointed meeting, have I gathered, from thee, had they been! [but were] a burden on thee—a reproach!
19 視よその時われ汝を虐遇る者を盡く處置し足蹇たるものを救ひ逐はなたれたる者を集め彼らをして其羞辱を蒙りし一切の國にて稱譽を得させ名を得さすべし
Behold me! dealing with all thine oppressors, at that time, —and I will save her that is lame, and, her that hath been an outcast, will I carry, and I will make them to be a Praise and a Name, in the whole earth that hath witnessed their shame.
20 その時われ汝らを携へその時われ汝らを集むべし 我なんぢらの目の前において汝らの俘囚をかへし汝らをして地上の萬國に名を得させ稱譽を得さすべし ヱホバこれを言ふ
At that time, will I bring you in, even at the time when I gather you, —Yea I will grant you to become a Name and a Praise, among all the peoples of the earth, when I cause them of your captivities to return before your eyes, saith Yahweh.