< ゼカリヤ書 9 >
1 ヱホバの言詞の重負ハデラクの地に臨むダマスコはその止る所なりヱホバ世の人を眷みイスラエルの一切の支派を眷みたまへばなり
This is the burden of the word of the LORD against the land of Hadrach and Damascus its resting place— for the eyes of men and of all the tribes of Israel are upon the LORD —
2 之に界するハマテも然りツロ、シドンも亦はなはだ怜悧ければ同じく然るべし
and also against Hamath, which borders it, as well as Tyre and Sidon, though they are very shrewd.
3 ツロは自己のために城郭を構へ銀を塵のごとくに積み金を街衢の土のごとくに積めり
Tyre has built herself a fortress; she has heaped up silver like dust, and gold like the dirt of the streets.
4 視よ主これを攻取り海にて之が力を打ほろぼしたまふべし是は火にて焚うせん
Behold, the Lord will impoverish her and cast her wealth into the sea, and she will be consumed by fire.
5 アシケロンこれを見て懼れガザもこれを見て太く慄ふエクロンもその望む所の者辱しめらるるに因て亦然りガザには王絶えアシケロンには住者なきに至らん
Ashkelon will see and fear; Gaza will writhe in agony, as will Ekron, for her hope will wither. There will cease to be a king in Gaza, and Ashkelon will be uninhabited.
6 アシドドにはまた雑種の民すまん我ペリシテ人が誇る所の者を絶べし
A mixed race will occupy Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.
7 我これが口より血を取除き之が齒の間より憎むべき物を取除かん是も遺りて我儕の神に歸しユダの牧伯のごとくに成べしまたエクロンはヱブス人のごとくになるべし
I will remove the blood from their mouths and the abominations from between their teeth. Then they too will become a remnant for our God; they will become like a clan in Judah, and Ekron will be like the Jebusites.
8 我わが家のために陣を張て敵軍に當り之をして往來すること無らしめん虐遇者かさねて逼ること無るべし我いま我目をもて親ら見ればなり
But I will camp around My house because of an army, because of those who march to and fro, and never again will an oppressor overrun My people, for now I keep watch with My own eyes.
9 シオンの女よ大に喜べヱルサレムの女よ呼はれ視よ汝の王汝に來る彼は正義して拯救を賜り柔和にして驢馬に乗る即ち牝驢馬の子なる駒に乗るなり
Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
10 我エフライムより車を絶ちヱルサレムより馬を絶ん戰爭弓も絶るべし彼國々の民に平和を諭さん其政治は海より海に及び河より地の極におよぶべし
And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war will be broken. Then He will proclaim peace to the nations. His dominion will extend from sea to sea, and from the Euphrates to the ends of the earth.
11 汝についてはまた汝の契約の血のために我かの水なき坑より汝の被俘人を放ち出さん
As for you, because of the blood of My covenant, I will release your prisoners from the waterless pit.
12 望を懷く被俘人よ汝等城に歸れ我今日もなほ告て言ふ我かならず倍して汝等に賚ふべし
Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; even today I declare that I will restore to you double.
13 我ユダを張て弓となしエフライムを矢となして之につがへんシオンよ我汝の人々を振起してギリシヤの人々を攻しめ汝をして大丈夫の劍のごとくならしむべし
For I will bend Judah as My bow and fit it with Ephraim. I will rouse your sons, O Zion, against the sons of Greece. I will make you like the sword of a mighty man.
14 ヱホバこれが上に顯れてその箭を電光のごとくに射いだしたまはん主ヱホバ喇叭を吹ならし南の暴風に乗て出來まさん
Then the LORD will appear over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord GOD will sound the ram’s horn and advance in the whirlwinds of the south.
15 萬軍のヱホバ彼らを護りたまはん彼等は食ふことを爲し投石器の石を踏つけん彼等は飮ことを爲し酒に醉るごとくに聲を擧ん其これに盈さるることは血を盛る鉢のごとく祭壇の隅のごとくなるべし
The LORD of Hosts will shield them. They will destroy and conquer with slingstones; they will drink and roar as with wine. And they will be filled like sprinkling bowls, drenched like the corners of the altar.
16 彼らの神ヱホバ當日に彼らを救ひその民を羊のごとくに救ひたまはん彼等は冠冕の玉のごとくになりて其地に輝くべし
On that day the LORD their God will save them as the flock of His people; for like jewels in a crown they will sparkle over His land.
17 その福祉は如何計ぞや其美麗は如何計ぞや穀物は童男を長ぜしめ新酒は童女を長ぜしむ
How lovely they will be, and how beautiful! Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine, the young women.