< ゼカリヤ書 11 >

1 レバノンよ汝の門を啓き火をして汝の香柏を焚しめよ
Open, O Lebanon, thy doors, —that a fire, may devour, thy cedar,
2 松よ叫べ香柏は倒れ威嚴樹はそこなはれたりバシヤンの橡よ叫べ高らかなる林は倒れたり
Howl, fir-tree, for fallen is the cedar, because, the majestic ones, are spoiled: howl, ye oaks of Bashan, for the inaccessible forest, hath come down.
3 牧者の叫ぶ聲あり其榮そこなはれたればなり猛き獅子の吼る聲ありヨルダンの叢そこなはれたればなり
The noise of the howling of the shepherds, for spoiled is their majesty, —The noise of the roaring of the young lions, for spoiled are the proud banks of the Jordan.
4 我神ヱホバかく言たまふ宰らるべき羔を牧へ
Thus, saith Yahweh my God, —Tend thou the flock doomed to slaughter:
5 之を買ふ者は之を宰るとも罪なし之を賣る者は言ふ我富を得ればヱホバを祝すべしと其牧者もこれを惜まざるなり
Whose, buyers, slay them, and are not held guilty, and whose, sellers, say—Blessed be Yahweh, that I am become rich, And so, their own shepherds, have no pity upon them.
6 ヱホバ言たまふ我かさねて地の居民を惜まじ視よ我人を各々その隣人の手に付しその王の手に付さん彼ら地を荒すべし我これを彼らの手より救ひ出さじ
Surely I will have pity no longer upon the inhabitants of the earth, Declareth Yahweh, —Therefore lo! I am delivering up mankind, every man into the hand of his neighbour, and into the hand of his king, and they will crush the earth, nor will I deliver out of their hand.
7 我すなはち其宰らるべき羊を牧り是は最も憫然なる羊なり我みづから二本の杖を取り一を恩と名け一を結と名けてその羊を牧り
So I tended the flock doomed to slaughter, for the sheep-merchants, —and took unto me two staves, the one, I called Grace, and, the other, I called Union, thus I tended the sheep,
8 我一月に牧者三人を絶り我心に彼らを厭ひしが彼等も心に我を惡めり
And I sent off three shepherds, in one month, —for impatient was my soul with them, moreover also, their soul, felt a loathing against me.
9 我いへり我は汝らを飼はじ死る者は死に絶るる者は絶れ遺る者は互にその肉を食ひあふべし
Then said I—I will not tend you, —the dying, may die, and, the disappearing, may disappear, and, the remainder, may devour one another.
10 我恩といふ杖を取て之を折れり是諸の民に立し我契約を廢せんとてなりき
So I took my staff Grace, and cut it in two, —that I might set aside my covenant which I had solemnised with all the peoples.
11 是は其日に廢せられたり是に於てかの我に聽したがひし憫然なる羊は之をヱホバの言なりしと知れり
When it was broken, on that day, then did the sheep- merchants who were watching me, know, that, the word of Yahweh, it was.
12 我彼らに向ひて汝等もし善と視なば我價を我に授けよ若しからずば止めよと言ければ彼等すなはち銀三十を權りて我價とせり
Then said I unto them, If it be good in your eyes, give me my wage, and, if not, forbear. So they weighed out my wage, thirty pieces of silver.
13 ヱホバ我に言たまひけるは彼等に我が估價せられしその善價を陶人に投あたへよと我すなはち銀三十を取てヱホバの室に投いれて陶人に歸せしむ
Then said Yahweh unto me, Cast it into the treasury, the magnificent price at which I had been valued by them! So I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them, in the house of Yahweh, into the treasury.
14 我また結といふ杖を折れり是ユダとイスラエルの間の和好を絶んとてなりき
Then cut I in two my second staff, even Union, —that I might break the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.
15 ヱホバ我に言たまはく汝また愚なる牧者の器を取れ
Then said Yahweh unto me, —Yet further take thee the implements of a worthless shepherd.
16 視よ我地に一人の牧者を興さん彼は亡ぶる者を顧みず迷へる者を尋ねず傷つける者を醫さず健剛なる者を飼はず肥たる者の肉を食ひ且その蹄を裂ん
For lo! I am raising up a shepherd in the land, the disappearing, will he not visit, the straying, will he not seek, and, the fractured, will he not bind up, —the weak, will he not nourish, but, the flesh of the fat, will he eat, and, their hoofs, will he break in pieces.
17 其羊の群を棄る惡き牧者は禍なるかな劍その腕に臨みその右の目に臨まん其腕は全く枯えその右の目は全く盲れん
Alas! for my worthless shepherd, who forsaketh the flock, A sword upon his arm, and upon his right eye!—his arm, shall be, utterly withered, and, his right eye, shall be, wholly darkened.

< ゼカリヤ書 11 >