< ゼカリヤ書 10 >
1 汝ら春の雨の時に雨をヱホバに乞へヱホバは電光を造り大雨を人々に賜ひ田野において草蔬を各々に賜ふべし
Ask ye from Yahweh rain, in the time of the latter rain, Yahweh, who causeth flashes of lightning, —and, rain in abundant showers, giveth he unto them, to every man, herbage in the field;
2 夫テラピムは空虚き事を言ひ卜筮師はその見る所眞實ならずして虚僞の夢を語る其慰むる所は徒然なり是をもて民は羊のごとくに迷ひ牧者なきに因て惱む
For, the household gods, have spoken vanity, and, the diviners, have had vision of falsehood, and, deceitful dreams, do they relate, vainly, do they console, —for this reason, have they moved about like a flock, they suffer ill, because there is no shepherd.
3 我牧者にむかひて怒を發す我牡山羊を罰せん萬軍のヱホバその群なるユダの家を顧み之をしてその美しき軍馬のごとくならしめたまふ
Against the shepherds, is kindled mine anger, and, upon the leaders of the flock, will I bring punishment, —for Yahweh of hosts hath visited his flock, the house of Judah, and will make them like his noble horse in battle:
4 隅石彼より出で釘かれより出で軍弓かれより出で宰たる者みな齊く彼より出ん
From him, the commander, from him, the supporter, from him, the war-bow, —from him, shall proceed every one that driveth on, together;
5 彼等戰ふ時は勇士のごとくにして街衢の泥の中に敵を蹂躙らんヱホバかれらとともに在せば彼ら戰はん馬に騎れる者等すなはち媿を抱くべし
So shall they become like mighty ones, trampling on the mire of lanes, in battle, and they will fight because, Yahweh, is with them, —and will abash the riders of horses.
6 我ユダの家を強くしヨセフの家を救はん我かれらを恤むが故に彼らをして歸り住しめん彼らは我に棄られし事なきが如くなるべし我は彼らの神ヱホバなり我かれらに聽べし
So will I make mighty ones of the house of Judah, and, the house of Joseph, will I save, and will cause them to continue, because I have had compassion upon them, So shall they be as though I had not rejected them, —for, I, Yahweh, will be their God, and will answer them;
7 エフライム人は勇士に等しくして酒を飮たるごとく心に歡ばん其子等は見て喜びヱホバに因て心に樂しまん
And they shall be as the mighty one of Ephraim, and their heart, shall rejoice, as through wine, —yea, their children, shall see and rejoice, their heart, shall exult, in Yahweh.
8 我かれらに向ひて嘯きて之を集めん其は我これを贖ひたればなり彼等は昔殖増たる如くに殖増ん
I will signal for them, and will gather them, because I have ransomed them, —and they shall multiply, according as they have multiplied;
9 我かれらを國々の民の中に捲ん彼等は遠き國において我をおぼへん彼らは其子等とともに生ながらへて歸り來るべし
Though I scatter them among the peoples, yet, in places far away, shall they remember me, —and they shall live with their children, and shall return;
10 我かれらをエジプトの國より携へかへりアッスリヤより彼等を集めギレアデの地およびレバノンに彼らを携へゆかんその居處も無きほどなるべし
And I will bring them back out of the land of Egypt, and, out of Assyria, will I gather them, —and, into the land of Gilead and Lebanon, will I bring them, and [room] shall not be found for them:
11 彼艱難の海を通り海の浪を撃破りたまふナイルの淵は盡く涸るアッスリヤの傲慢は卑くせられエジプトの杖は移り去ん
Though he pass through a sea of affliction, yet shall he smite the sea, with its waves, and the roaring depths of the Nile, shall appear dry, —So shall be brought down the pride of Assyria, and, the sceptre of Egypt, shall depart;
12 我彼らをしてヱホバに由て強くならしめん彼等はヱホバの名をもて歩まんヱホバこれを言たまふ
And I will make them mighty in Yahweh, and, in his name, shall they march to and fro, —Declareth Yahweh.