< ローマ人への手紙 8 >

1 この故に今やキリスト・イエスに在る者は罪の定めらるることなし。
Now then there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus, which walke not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
2 キリスト・イエスに在る生命の御靈の法は、なんじを罪と死との法より解放したればなり。
For the Lawe of the Spirite of life, which is in Christ Iesus, hath freed mee from the lawe of sinne and of death.
3 肉によりて弱くなれる律法の成し能はぬ所を神は爲し給へり、即ち己の子を罪ある肉の形にて罪のために遣し、肉に於て罪を定めたまへり。
For (that that was impossible to ye Lawe, in as much as it was weake, because of ye flesh) God sending his owne Sonne, in ye similitude of sinful flesh, and for sinne, condened sinne in the flesh,
4 これ肉に從はず靈に從ひて歩む我らの中に、律法の義の完うせられん爲なり。
That that righteousnes of the Law might be fulfilled in vs, which walke not after ye flesh, but after the Spirit.
5 肉にしたがふ者は肉の事をおもひ、靈にしたがふ者は靈の事をおもふ。
For they that are after the flesh, sauour the things of the flesh: but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.
6 肉の念は死なり、靈の念は生命なり、平安なり。
For the wisedome of the flesh is death: but the wisedome of the Spirit is life and peace,
7 肉の念は神に逆ふ、それは神の律法に服はず、否したがふこと能はず、
Because the wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against God: for it is not subiect to the Lawe of God, neither in deede can be.
8 また肉に居る者は神を悦ばすこと能はざるなり。
So then they that are in the flesh, can not please God.
9 然れど神の御靈なんぢらの中に宿り給はば、汝らは肉に居らで靈に居らん、キリストの御靈なき者はキリストに屬する者にあらず。
Now ye are not in the flesh, but in ye Spirit, because ye spirit of God dwelleth in you: but if any man hath not ye Spirit of Christ, ye same is not his.
10 若しキリスト汝らに在さば、體は罪によりて死にたる者なれど、靈は義によりて生命に在らん。
And if Christ bee in you, the body is dead, because of sinne: but the Spirite is life for righteousnesse sake.
11 若しイエスを死人の中より甦へらせ給ひし者の御靈なんぢらの中に宿り給はば、キリスト・イエスを死人の中より甦へらせ給ひし者は、汝らの中に宿りたまふ御靈によりて、汝らの死ぬべき體をも活し給はん。
But if the Spirit of him that raised vp Iesus from the dead, dwell in you, he that raised vp Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortall bodies, by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
12 されば兄弟よ、われらは負債あれど、肉に負ふ者ならねば、肉に從ひて活くべきにあらず。
Therefore brethren, wee are detters not to the flesh, to liue after the flesh:
13 汝 等もし肉に從ひて活きなば、死なん。もし靈によりて體の行爲を殺さば活くべし。
For if ye liue after the flesh, ye shall die: but if yee mortifie the deedes of the body by the Spirit, ye shall liue.
14 すべて神の御靈に導かるる者は、これ神の子なり。
For as many as are ledde by the Spirit of God, they are the sonnes of God.
15 汝らは再び懼を懷くために僕たる靈を受けしにあらず、子とせられたる者の靈を受けたり、之によりて我らはアバ父と呼ぶなり。
For ye haue not receiued the Spirit of bodage, to feare againe: but ye haue receiued the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father.
16 御靈みづから我らの靈とともに我らが神の子たることを證す。
The same Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
17 もし子たらば世嗣たらん、神の嗣子にしてキリストと共に世嗣たるなり。これはキリストとともに榮光を受けん爲に、その苦難をも共に受くるに因る。
If we be children, we are also heires, euen the heires of God, and heires annexed with Christ: if so be that we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him.
18 われ思うに、今の時の苦難は、われらの上に顯れんとする榮光にくらぶるに足らず。
For I count that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glory, which shalbe shewed vnto vs.
19 それ造られたる者は、切に慕ひて神の子たちの現れんことを待つ。
For the feruent desire of the creature waiteth when the sonnes of God shalbe reueiled,
20 造られたるものの虚無に服せしは、己が願によるにあらず、服せしめ給ひし者によるなり。
Because the creature is subiect to vanitie, not of it owne will, but by reason of him, which hath subdued it vnder hope,
21 然れどなほ造られたる者にも滅亡の僕たる状より解かれて、神の子たちの光榮の自由に入る望は存れり。
Because the creature also shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of God.
22 我らは知る、すべて造られたるものの今に至るまで共に嘆き、ともに苦しむことを。
For we knowe that euery creature groneth with vs also, and trauaileth in paine together vnto this present.
23 然のみならず、御靈の初の實をもつ我らも自ら心のうちに嘆きて、子とせられんこと、即ちおのが軆の贖はれんことを待つなり。
And not onely the creature, but we also which haue the first fruites of the Spirit, euen we doe sigh in our selues, waiting for the adoption, euen the redemption of our body.
24 我らは望によりて救はれたり、眼に見ゆる望は望にあらず、人その見るところを爭でなほ望まんや。
For we are saued by hope: but hope that is seene, is not hope: for how can a man hope for that which he seeth?
25 我等もし其の見ぬところを望まば、忍耐をもて之を待たん。
But if we hope for that we see not, we doe with patience abide for it.
26 斯くのごとく御靈も我らの弱を助けたまふ。我らは如何に祈るべきかを知らざれども、御靈みづから言ひ難き歎をもて執成し給ふ。
Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we knowe not what to pray as wee ought: but the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighs, which cannot be expressed.
27 また人の心を極めたまふ者は御靈の念をも知りたまふ。御靈は神の御意に適ひて聖徒のために執成し給へばなり。
But he that searcheth the heartes, knoweth what is the meaning of the Spirit: for he maketh request for ye Saints, according to the wil of God.
28 神を愛する者、すなはち御旨によりて召されたる者の爲には、凡てのこと相 働きて益となるを我らは知る。
Also we knowe that all thinges worke together for the best vnto them that loue God, euen to them that are called of his purpose.
29 神は預じめ知りたまふ者を御子の像に象らせんと預じめ定め給へり。これ多くの兄弟のうちに、御子を嫡子たらせんが爲なり。
For those which hee knewe before, he also predestinate to bee made like to the image of his Sonne, that hee might be the first borne among many brethren.
30 又その預じめ定めたる者を召し、召したる者を義とし、義としたる者には光榮を得させ給ふ。
Moreouer whom he predestinate, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he iustified, and whom he iustified, them he also glorified.
31 然れば此 等の事につきて何をか言はん、神もし我らの味方ならば、誰か我らに敵せんや。
What shall we then say to these thinges? If God be on our side, who can be against vs?
32 己の御子を惜まずして我ら衆のために付し給ひし者は、などか之にそへて萬物を我らに賜はざらんや。
Who spared not his owne Sonne, but gaue him for vs all to death, how shall he not with him giue vs all things also?
33 誰か神の選び給へる者を訴へん、神は之を義とし給ふ。
Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen? it is God that iustifieth,
34 誰か之を罪に定めん、死にて甦へり給ひしキリスト・イエスは神の右に在して、我らの爲に執成し給ふなり。
Who shall condemne? it is Christ which is dead, yea, or rather, which is risen againe, who is also at the right hand of God, and maketh request also for vs.
35 我等をキリストの愛より離れしむる者は誰ぞ、患難か、苦難か、迫害か、飢か、裸か、危險か、劍か。
Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ? shall tribulation or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakednesse, or perill, or sworde?
36 録して『汝のために我らは、終日ころされて屠らるべき羊の如きものとせられたり』とあるが如し。
As it is written, For thy sake are we killed all day long: we are counted as sheepe for the slaughter.
37 されど凡てこれらの事の中にありても、我らを愛したまふ者に頼り、勝ち得て餘あり。
Neuerthelesse, in all these thinges we are more then coquerours through him that loued vs.
38 われ確く信ず、死も生命も、御使も、權威ある者も、今ある者も後あらん者も、力ある者も、
For I am perswaded that neither death, nor life, nor Angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 高きも深きも、此の他の造られたるものも、我らの主キリスト・イエスにある神の愛より、我らを離れしむるを得ざることを。
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shalbe able to separate vs from the loue of God, which is in Christ Iesus our Lord.

< ローマ人への手紙 8 >