< ローマ人への手紙 7 >

1 兄弟よ、なんぢら知らぬか、(われ律法を知る者に語る)律法は人の生ける間のみ之に主たるなり。
Surely, friends, you know (for I am speaking to people who know what Law means) that Law has power over a person only as long as they lives.
2 夫ある婦は律法によりて夫の生ける中は之に縛らる。然れど夫 死なば夫の律法より解かるるなり。
For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband while he is living; but, if her husband dies, she is set free from the law that bound her to him.
3 されば夫の生ける中に他の人に適かば淫婦と稱へらるれど、夫 死なばその律法より解放さるる故に、他の人に適くとも淫婦とはならぬなり。
If, then, during her husband’s lifetime, she unites herself to another man, she will be called an adulteress; but, if her husband dies, the law has no further hold on her, nor, if she unites herself to another man, is she an adulteress.
4 わが兄弟よ、斯くのごとく汝 等もキリストの體により律法に就きて死にたり。これ他の者、すなはち死人の中より甦へらせられ給ひし者に適き、神のために實を結ばん爲なり。
And so with you, my friends; as far as the Law was concerned, you underwent death in the crucified body of the Christ, so that you might be united to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that our lives might bear fruit for God.
5 われら肉に在りしとき、律法に由れる罪の情は我らの肢體のうちに働きて、死のために實を結ばせたり。
When we were living merely earthly lives, our sinful passions, aroused by the Law, were active in every part of our bodies, with the result that our lives bore fruit for death.
6 されど縛られたる所に就きて我等いま死にて律法より解かれたれば、儀文の舊きによらず、靈の新しきに從ひて事ふることを得るなり。
But now we are set free from the Law, because we are dead to that which once kept us under restraint; and so we serve under new, spiritual conditions, and not under old, written regulations.
7 さらば何をか言はん、律法は罪なるか、決して然らず、律法に由らでは、われ罪を知らず、律法に『貪る勿れ』と言はずば、慳貪を知らざりき。
What are we to say, then? That Law and sin are the same thing? Heaven forbid! On the contrary, I should not have learned what sin is, had not it been for Law. If the Law did not say ‘You must not covet,’ I should not know what it is to covet.
8 されど罪は機に乘じ誡命によりて各樣の慳貪を我がうちに起せり、律法なくば罪は死にたるものなり。
But sin took advantage of the commandment to arouse in me every form of covetousness, for where there is no consciousness of Law sin shows no sign of life.
9 われ曾て律法なくして生きたれど、誡命きたりし時に罪は生き、我は死にたり。
There was a time when I myself, unconscious of Law, was alive; but when the commandment was brought home to me, sin sprang into life, while I died!
10 而して我は生命にいたるべき誡命の反つて死に到らしむるを見出せり。
The commandment that should have meant life I found to result in death!
11 これ罪は機に乘じ誡命によりて我を欺き、かつ之によりて我を殺せり。
Sin took advantage of the commandment to deceive me, and used it to bring about my death.
12 それ律法は聖なり、誡命もまた聖にして正しく、かつ善なり。
And so the Law is holy, and each commandment is also holy, and just, and good.
13 されば善なるもの我に死となりたるか。決して然らず、罪は罪たることの現れんために、善なる者によりて我が内に死を來らせたるなり。これ誡命によりて罪の甚だしき惡とならん爲なり。
Did, then, a thing, which in itself was good, involve death in my case? Heaven forbid! It was sin that involved death; so that, by its use of what I regarded as good to bring about my death, its true nature might appear; and in this way the commandment showed how intensely sinful sin is.
14 われら律法は靈なるものと知る、されど我は肉なる者にて罪の下に賣られたり。
We know that the Law is spiritual, but I am earthly – sold into slavery to sin.
15 わが行ふことは我しらず、我が欲する所は之をなさず、反つて我が憎むところは之を爲すなり。
I do not understand my own actions. For I am so far from habitually doing what I want to do, that I find myself doing the thing that I hate.
16 わが欲せぬ所を爲すときは律法の善なるを認む。
But when I do what I want not to do, I am admitting that the Law is right.
17 然れば之を行ふは我にあらず、我が中に宿る罪なり。
This being so, the action is no longer my own, but is done by the sin which is within me.
18 我はわが中、すなわち我が肉のうちに善の宿らぬを知る、善を欲すること我にあれど、之を行ふ事なければなり。
I know that there is nothing good in me – I mean in my earthly nature. For, although it is easy for me to want to do right, to act rightly is not easy.
19 わが欲する所の善は之をなさず、反つて欲せぬ所の惡は之をなすなり。
I fail to do the good thing that I want to do, but the bad thing that I want not to do – that I habitually do.
20 我もし欲せぬ所の事をなさば、之を行ふは我にあらず、我が中に宿る罪なり。
But, when I do the thing that I want not to do, the action is no longer my own, but is done by the sin which is within me.
21 然れば善をなさんと欲する我に惡ありとの法を、われ見出せり。
This, then, is the law that I find – when I want to do right, wrong presents itself!
22 われ中なる人にては神の律法を悦べど、
At heart I delight in the Law of God;
23 わが肢體のうちに他の法ありて、我が心の法と戰ひ、我を肢體の中にある罪の法の下に虜とするを見る。
but throughout my body I see a different law, one which is in conflict with the law accepted by my reason, and which endeavors to make me a prisoner to that law of sin which exists throughout my body.
24 噫われ惱める人なるかな、此の死の體より我を救はん者は誰ぞ。
Miserable man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body that is bringing me to this death?
25 我らの主イエス・キリストに頼りて神に感謝す、然れば我みづから心にては神の律法につかへ、内にては罪の法に事ふるなり。
Thank God, there is deliverance through Jesus Christ, our Lord! Well then, for myself, with my reason I serve the Law of God, but with my earthly nature the Law of sin.

< ローマ人への手紙 7 >