< ローマ人への手紙 5 >
1 斯く我ら信仰によりて義とせられたれば、我らの主イエス・キリストに頼り、神に對して平和を得たり。
Now that we have been made right by God by trusting in him, we have peace with him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 また彼により信仰によりて、今 立つところの恩惠に入ることを得、神の榮光を望みて喜ぶなり。
It's through Jesus, trusting in him, that we've gained access to this position of grace where we now stand, looking forward with happiness and confidence to sharing in God's glory.
3 然のみならず患難をも喜ぶ、そは患難は忍耐を生じ、
Not only this—we also remain confident when problems come, because we know that experiencing problems develops spiritual stamina.
4 忍耐は練達を生じ、練達は希望を生ずと知ればなり。
Spiritual stamina in turn develops a mature character, and this mature character results in confident hope.
5 希望は恥を來らせず、我らに賜ひたる聖 靈によりて神の愛われらの心に注げばなり。
Since we have this hope we're never disappointed, for God's love has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit he's given us.
6 我等のなほ弱かりし時、キリスト定りたる日に及びて、敬虔ならぬ者のために死に給へり。
When we were completely helpless, at just the right time Christ died for us ungodly people.
7 それ義人のために死ぬるもの殆どなし、仁者のためには死ぬることを厭はぬ者もやあらん。
Who would die for anybody else, even someone who does what's right? (Though perhaps somebody would be brave enough to die for someone really good.)
8 然れど我等がなほ罪人たりし時、キリスト我等のために死に給ひしに由りて、神は我らに對する愛をあらはし給へり。
But God demonstrates his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
9 斯く今その血に頼りて我ら義とせられたらんには、まして彼によりて怒より救はれざらんや。
Now that we are made right by his death, we can be absolutely sure we'll be saved by him from the coming judgment.
10 我等もし敵たりしとき御子の死に頼りて神と和ぐことを得たらんには、まして和ぎて後その生命によりて救はれざらんや。
While we were his enemies, God made us his friends through the death of his Son, and so we can be absolutely sure that he will save us through the life of his Son.
11 然のみならず今われらに和睦を得させ給へる我らの主イエス・キリストに頼りて神を喜ぶなり。
In addition to this we now celebrate what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile us and make us his friends.
12 それ一人の人によりて罪は世に入り、また罪によりて死は世に入り、凡ての人 罪を犯しし故に、死は凡ての人に及べり。
For through one man sin entered the world, and sin led to death. In this way death came to everyone, for everyone sinned.
13 律法のきたる前にも罪は世にありき、されど律法なくば罪は認めらるること無し。
Even before the law was given, sin was in the world, however it wasn't counted as sin because there was no law.
14 然るにアダムよりモーセに至るまで、アダムの咎と等しき罪を犯さぬ者の上にも死は王たりき。アダムは來らんとする者の型なり。
But death still ruled from Adam until Moses, even over those who didn't sin in the same way as Adam did. Now Adam prefigured the one to come.
15 されど恩惠の賜物は、かの咎の如きにあらず、一人の咎によりて多くの人の死にたらんには、まして神の恩惠と一人の人イエス・キリストによる恩惠の賜物とは、多くの人に溢れざらんや。
But the gift of Jesus is not like the sin of Adam. Though many people died because of one man's sin, God's grace is so much greater and has been shared with so many through his gracious gift in the person of Jesus Christ.
16 又この賜物は罪を犯しし一人より來れるものの如きにあらず、審判は一人よりして罪を定むるに至りしが、恩惠の賜物は多くの咎よりして義とするに至るなり。
The result of the gift is not like that of the sin. The result of Adam's sin was judgment and condemnation, but the gift sets us right with God, despite our many sins.
17 もし一人の咎のために一人によりて死は王となりたらんには、まして恩惠と義の賜物とを豐に受くる者は、一人のイエス・キリストにより生命に在りて王たらざらんや。
As a result of one man's sin, death ruled because of him. But God's grace is so much greater and his gift sets us right, for everyone who receives it will rule in life through the person of Jesus Christ!
18 されば一つの咎によりて罪を定むることの凡ての人に及びしごとく、一つの正しき行爲によりて義とせられ生命を得るに至ることも、凡ての人に及べり。
Just as one sin brought condemnation on everyone, in the same way one right act gave everyone the opportunity to live right.
19 それは一人の不 從順によりて多くの人の罪人とせられし如く、一人の從順によりて多くの人、義人とせらるるなり。
Just as through one man's disobedience many became sinners, in the same way through one man's obedience many are made right with God.
20 律法の來りしは咎の増さんためなり。されど罪の増すところには恩惠も彌増せり。
When the law was introduced, sin became even more obvious. But while sin became much more obvious, grace became even more obvious!
21 これ罪の死によりて王たりし如く、恩惠も義によりて王となり、我らの主イエス・キリストに由りて永遠の生命に至らん爲なり。 (aiōnios )
Just as sin ruled us and brought us death, now grace rules by making us right with God, bringing us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios )