< ヨハネの黙示録 22 +
1 御使また水晶のごとく透徹れる生命の水の河を我に見せたり。この河は神と羔羊との御座より出でて都の大路の眞中を流る。
And the angel showed me a river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, issuing from the throne of God and of the Lamb,
2 河の左右に生命の樹ありて十二 種の實を結び、その實は月 毎に生じ、その樹の葉は諸國の民を醫すなり。
in the middle of the street of the city. On each side of the river was a Tree of life which bore twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
3 今よりのち詛はるべき者は一つもなかるべし。神と羔羊との御座は都の中にあり。その僕らは之に事へ、
Every thing that is accursed will cease to be. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be within it, and his servants will worship him;
4 且その御顏を見ん、その御名は彼らの額にあるべし。
they will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads.
5 今よりのち夜ある事なし、燈火の光をも日の光をも要せず、主なる神かれらを照し給へばなり。彼らは世々 限りなく王たるべし。 (aiōn )
Night will cease to be. They have no need of the light of a lamp, nor have they the light of the sun; for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign for ever and ever. (aiōn )
6 彼また我に言ふ『これらの言は信ずべきなり、眞なり、預言者たちの靈魂の神たる主は、速かに起るべき事をその僕どもに示さんとて、御使を遣し給へるなり。
Then the angel said to me – ‘These words may be trusted and are true. The Lord, the God that inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants what must quickly take place;
7 視よ、われ速かに到らん、この書の預言の言を守る者は幸福なり』
and they said “I will come quickly.” Blessed will he be who lays to heart the words of the prophecy contained in this book.’
8 これらの事を聞き、かつ見し者は我ヨハネなり。かくて見 聞せしとき我これらの事を示したる御使の足下に平伏して拜せんとせしに、
It was I, John, who heard and saw these things; and, when I heard and saw them, I prostrated myself in worship at the feet of the angel that showed them to me.
9 かれ言ふ『つつしみて然すな、われは汝および汝の兄弟たる預言者、また此の書の言を守る者と等しく僕たるなり、なんじ神を拜せよ』
But he said to me – ‘Forbear; I am your fellow servant, and the fellow servant of your fellow prophets, and of all who lay to heart the words in this book. Worship God.’
10 また我に言ふ『この書の預言の言を封ずな、時 近ければなり。
Then the angel said to me – ‘Do not keep secret the words of the prophecy contained in this book; for the time is near.
11 不義をなす者はいよいよ不義をなし不淨なる者はいよいよ不淨をなし、義なる者はいよいよ義をおこなひ、清き者はいよいよ清くすべし。
Let the wrongdoer continue to do wrong; the filthy-minded continue to be filthy; the righteous continue to act righteously; and the holy-minded continue to be holy.’
12 視よ、われ報をもて速かに到らん、各人の行爲に隨ひて之を與ふべし。
(“I will come quickly. I bring my rewards with me, to give to each what their actions deserve.
13 我はアルパなり、オメガなり、最先なり、最後なり、始なり、終なり、
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the End.”)
14 おのが衣を洗ふ者は幸福なり、彼らは生命の樹にゆく權威を與へられ、門を通りて都に入ることを得るなり。
Blessed will they be who wash their robes! They will have the right to approach the Tree of life, and may enter the city by the gates.
15 犬および咒術をなすもの、淫行のもの、人を殺すもの、偶像を拜する者、また凡て虚僞を愛して之を行ふ者は外にあり。
Outside will be the filthy, the sorcerers, the impure, the murderers, the idolaters, and all who love the false and live it.
16 われイエスは我が使を遣して諸 教會のために此 等のことを汝らに證せり。我はダビデの萠蘗また其の裔なり、輝ける曙の明星なり』
“I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear testimony to you about these things before the churches. I am the Scion and the Offspring of David, the bright star of the Morning.”
17 御靈も新婦もいふ『來りたまへ』聞く者も言へ『きたり給へ』と、渇く者はきたれ、望む者は價なくして生命の水を受けよ。
“Come,” say the Spirit and the Bride; and all who hear, say “Come.” All who thirst, come; anyone who wants, take the water of life freely.
18 われ凡てこの書の預言の言を聞く者に證す。もし之に加ふる者あらば、神はこの書に記されたる苦難を彼に加へ給はん。
I declare to all who hear the words of the prophecy contained in this book – “If anyone adds to it, God will add to his troubles the curses described in this book;
19 若しこの預言の書の言を省く者あらば、神はこの書に記されたる生命の樹、また聖なる都より彼の受くべき分を省き給はん。
and if anyone takes away any of the words in the book containing this prophecy, God will take away his share in the Tree of life, and in the Holy City – as described in this book.”
20 これらの事を證する者いひ給ふ『然り、われ速かに到らん』アァメン、主イエスよ、來りたまへ。
He whose testimony this is says – “Assuredly I will come quickly.” “Amen, come, Lord Jesus.”
21 願はくは主イエスの恩惠なんぢら凡ての者と偕に在らんことを。
May the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ, be with his people.