< ヨハネの黙示録 17 >
1 七つの鉢を持てる七人の御使の一人きたり、我に語りて言ふ『來れ、われ多くの水の上に坐する大淫婦の審判を汝に示さん。
And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials, came and spoke with me, saying, Come, and I will show you the judgment of the great harlot, that sits upon many waters:
2 地の王たちは之と淫をおこなひ、地に住む者らは其の淫行の葡萄酒に醉ひたり』
with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and all the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her whoredom.
3 かくてわれ御靈に感じ、御使に携へられて荒野にゆき、緋色の獸に乘れる女を見たり、この獸の體は神を涜す名にて覆はれ、また七つの頭と十の角とあり。
And he brought me, in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet beast, full of slanderous names, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 女は紫色と緋とを著、金・寶石・眞珠にて身を飾り、手には憎むべきものと己が淫行の汚とにて滿ちたる金の酒杯を持ち、
And the woman was clothed with purple, and scarlet, and adorned with gold, and precious stones, and pearls; having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abominations and pollution of her whoredom.
5 額には記されたる名あり。曰く『奧義 大なるバビロン、地の淫婦らと憎むべき者との母』
6 我この女を見るに、聖徒の血とイエスの證人の血とに醉ひたり。我これを見て大に怪しみたれば、
And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great amazement.
7 御使われに言ふ『なにゆゑ怪しむか、我この女と之を乘せたる七つの頭、十の角ある獸との奧義を汝に告げん。
And the angel said to me, Why do you wonder? I will tell you the secret of the woman, and of the beast which carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.
8 なんぢの見し獸は前に有りしも今あらず、後に底なき所より上りて滅亡に往かん、地に住む者にて世の創より其の名を生命の書に記されざる者は、獸の前にありて今あらず、後に來るを見て怪しまん。 (Abyssos )
The beast which you saw, was, and is not; and he will ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go to destruction; and the inhabitants of the earth (whose names are not written in the book of life, from the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the beast who was, and is not, yet shall be. (Abyssos )
9 智慧の心は茲にあり。七つの頭は女の坐する七つの山なり、また七人の王なり。
Here is the mind that has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits.
10 五 人は既に倒れて一人は今あり、他の一人は未だ來らず、來らば暫時のほど止るべきなり。
And they are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must endure for a little time.
11 前にありて今あらぬ獸は第八なり、前の七人より出でたる者にして滅亡に往くなり。
And the beast that was, and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, but goes to destruction.
12 汝の見し十の角は十 人の王にして未だ國を受けざれども、一時のあひだ獸と共に王のごとき權威を受くべし。
And the ten horns which you saw, are ten kings, which have not yet received their kingdom, but they shall receive authority with the beast, as kings at the same time.
13 彼らは心を一つにして己が能力と權威とを獸にあたふ。
These have one mind, and shall deliver their own power and authority to the beast.
14 彼らは羔羊と戰はん。而して羔羊かれらに勝ち給ふべし、彼は主の主、王の王なればなり。これと偕なる召されたるもの、選ばれたるもの、忠實なる者も勝を得べし』
These shall make war with the Lamb; and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and King of kings; and those that are with him, are called, and chosen, and faithful.
15 御使また我に言ふ『なんぢの見し水、すなわち淫婦の坐する處は、もろもろの民・群衆・國・國語なり。
And he said to me, The waters which you saw, on which the harlot sat, are people, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
16 なんぢの見し十の角と獸とは、かの淫婦を憎み、之をして荒涼ばしめ、裸ならしめ、且その肉を喰ひ、火をもて之を燒き盡さん。
And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and make her desolate and naked; and they shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire.
17 神は彼らに御旨を行ふことと、心を一つにすることと、神の御言の成就するまで國を獸に與ふることとを思はしめ給ひたればなり。
For God has given it into the hearts to execute his sentence, even to perform one purpose; and to give their kingdoms to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled.
18 なんぢの見し女は地の王たちを宰どる大なる都なり』
And the woman which you saw, is the great city, that rules over the kings of the earth.