< 詩篇 89 >

1 われヱホバの憐憫をとこしへにうたはん われ口もてヱホバの眞實をよろづ代につげしらせん
A psalm (maskil) of Ethan the Ezraite I will sing of the Lord's trustworthy love forever; I will tell all generations of your faithfulness.
2 われいふ あはれみは永遠にたてらる 汝はその眞實をかたく天にさだめたまはんと
For I have said, “Your unfailing love lasts forever; your faithfulness endures as long as the heavens.”
3 われわが撰びたるものと契約をむすびわが僕ダビデにちかひたり
You said, “I have made an agreement with my chosen one, I gave a binding promise to my servant David:
4 われなんぢの裔をとこしへに固うしなんぢの座位をたてて代々におよばしめん (セラ)
I will make sure your lineage lasts forever; I will keep your throne secure for all generations.” (Selah)
5 ヱホバよもろもろの天はなんぢの奇しき事跡をほめん なんぢの眞實もまた潔きものの會にてほめらるべし
All the heavenly beings will sing of the wonderful things you have done, Lord; angels will gather to sing of your faithfulness.
6 蒼天にてたれかヱホバに類ふものあらんや 神の子のなかに誰かヱホバのごとき者あらんや
For who in heaven can compare to the Lord? Who is like the Lord even among the angels?
7 神はきよきものの公會のなかにて畏むべきものなり その四周にあるすべての者にまさりて懼るべきものなり
The heavenly council are in awe of God; all who surround him are overwhelmed by him.
8 萬軍の神ヱホバよヤハよ汝のごとく大能あるものは誰ぞや なんぢの眞實はなんぢをめぐりたり
Lord God Almighty, who is as powerful as you? In all this, Lord, you are completely trustworthy.
9 なんぢ海のあるるををさめ その浪のたちあがらんときは之をしづめたまふなり
You rule the restless seas; you calm their stormy waves.
10 なんぢラハブを殺されしもののごとく撃碎きおのれの仇どもを力ある腕をもて打散したまへり
You crushed Rahab the sea-monster to death; by your power you scattered your enemies.
11 もろもろの天はなんぢのもの地もまた汝のものなり世界とその中にみつるものとはなんぢの基したまへるなり
The heavens belong to you, and the earth too; you made the world and everything in it.
12 北と南はなんぢ造りたまへり タボル、ヘルモンはなんぢの名によりて歓びよばふ
You created north and south; Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon celebrate you.
13 なんぢは大能のみうでをもちたまふ なんぢの手はつよく汝のみぎの手はたかし
Your arm is powerful. Your hand is strong. Your right hand is held up high in command.
14 義と公平はなんぢの寳座のもとゐなり あはれみと眞實とは聖顔のまへにあらはれゆく
Your character of goodness and fairness is the basis for the way you rule; dependable love and trustworthiness are always with you.
15 よろこびの音をしる民はさいはひなり ヱホバよかれらはみかほの光のなかをあゆめり
How happy are those who know how to shout your praises, Lord. They live in the light of your presence.
16 かれらは名によりて終日よろこび 汝の義によりて高くあげられたり
They celebrate the person you are all day long, so glad that you do what's right.
17 かれらの力の榮光はなんぢなり 汝の惠によりてわれらの角はたかくあげられん
They rely on you, their glory and strength; by your grace you lift us up.
18 そはわれらの盾はヱホバに屬われらの王はイスラエルの聖者につけり
Yes, the Lord is the one who shields us, and our king belongs to the Holy One of Israel.
19 そのとき異象をもてなんぢの聖徒につげたまはく われ佑助をちからあるものに委ねたり わが民のなかより一人をえらびて高くあげたり
Once you spoke in a vision to your faithful servant and said, “I have given strength to the warrior I have chosen from the people to become king.
20 われわが僕ダビデをえて之にわが聖膏をそそげり
I have selected David my servant, and I have anointed him with the oil of my holiness.
21 わが手はかれとともに堅くわが臂はかれを強くせん
I have placed my hand on him to steady him; and I have made him strong by my powerful arm.
22 仇かれをしへたぐることなし惡の子かれを苦しむることなからん
His enemies will not deceive him; the wicked will not bring him down.
23 われかれの前にそのもろもろの敵をたふし彼をにくめるものを撃ん
I will wipe out his enemies before him; I will strike down those who hate him.
24 されどわが眞實とわが憐憫とはダビデとともに居り わが名によりてその角はたかくあげられん
My trustworthiness and unfailing love will be with him, and through me he will be victorious.
25 われ亦かれの手を海のうへにおき そのみぎの手を河のうへにおかん
I will extend his rule from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.
26 ダビデ我にむかひて汝はわが父わが神わがすくひの岩なりとよばん
He will call out to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.’
27 われまた彼をわが初子となし地の王たちのうち最もたかき者となさん
I will also make him my first-born son, the highest of the kings of the earth.
28 われとこしへに憐憫をかれがためにたもち 之とたてし契約はかはることなかるべし
I will love him faithfully forever; my agreement with him shall never come to an end.
29 われまたその裔をとこしへに存へ そのくらゐを天の日數のごとくながらへしめん
I will make sure his royal line lasts forever; his dynasty will continue as long as the heavens endure.
30 もしその子わが法をはなれ わが審判にしたがひて歩まず
But if his descendants abandon my laws, if they do not follow my rules,
31 わが律法をやぶりわが誡命をまもらずば
if they break my decrees, and do not keep my commandments,
32 われ杖をもてかれらの愆をただし鞭をもてその邪曲をただすべし
I will punish their rebellion by beating them with a rod, and their sin by lashing them with a whip.
33 されど彼よりわが憐憫をことごとくはとりさらず わが眞實をおとろへしむることなからん
However, I will not take away my love from him; I will not break my promise to him.
34 われおのれの契約をやぶらず己のくちびるより出しことをかへじ
I will not annul the agreement I have with him; I will not alter a single word I've said.
35 われ曩にわが聖をさして誓へり われダビデに虚偽をいはじ
By my holy character I have made a vow to David that I will not lie to him.
36 その裔はとこしへにつづきその座位は日のごとく恒にわが前にあらん
His royal line will last forever, and his dynasty will continue before me as long as the sun endures.
37 また月のごとく永遠にたてられん空にある證人はまことなり (セラ)
It will continue forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the heavens.” (Selah)
38 されどその受膏者をとほざけて棄たまへり なんぢ之をいきどほりたまへり
But you have rejected and abandoned him! You are angry with your chosen king!
39 なんぢ己がしもべの契約をいみ 其かんむりをけがして地にまでおとし給へり
You have broken the agreement you had with him; you have thrown his crown to the ground!
40 またその垣をことごとく倒し その保砦をあれすたれしめたまへり
You have torn down his defensive walls; you have ruined his fortresses.
41 その道をすぐるすべての者にかすめられ隣人にののしらる
Everyone who passes by has robbed him; he has become an object of mockery to the nations nearby.
42 なんぢかれが敵のみぎの手をたかく擧そのもろもろの仇をよろこばしめたまへり
You have made his enemies strong; you have made them celebrate their victory.
43 なんぢかれの劍の刃をふりかへして戰闘にたつに堪へざらしめたまひき
You have repelled his sharp sword; you have not helped him in battle.
44 またその光輝をけしその座位を地になげおとし
You took away his glory; you threw his throne to the ground.
45 その年若き日をちぢめ恥をそのうへに覆たまへり (セラ)
You have made him grow old before his time; you have totally humiliated him. (Selah)
46 ヱホバよかくて幾何時をへたまふや自己をとこしへに隠したまふや忿怒は火のもゆるごとくなるべきか
How long, Lord? Will you hide yourself from us forever, your anger burning like fire?
47 ねがはくはわが時のいかに短かきかを思ひたまへ 汝いたづらにすべての人の子をつくりたまはんや
Remember me—my life is so short! Why did you bother creating futile humanity?
48 誰かいきて死をみず又おのがたましひを陰府より救ひうるものあらんや (セラ) (Sheol h7585)
There's no one who doesn't die—no one can save themselves from the power of the grave. (Selah) (Sheol h7585)
49 主よなんぢが眞實をもてダビデに誓ひたまへる昔日のあはれみはいづこにありや
Where is the trustworthy love you used to have, Lord, that you faithfully promised to David?
50 主よねがはくはなんぢの僕のうくる謗をみこころにとめたまへ ヱホバよ汝のもろもろの仇はわれをそしりなんぢの受膏者のあしあとをそしれり 我もろもろの民のそしりをわが懐中にいだく
Don't forget, Lord, how your servants are being humiliated! I'm burdened down with the insults of so many nations!
51 主よねがはくはなんぢの僕のうくる謗をみこころにとめたまへ ヱホバよ汝のもろもろの仇はわれをそしりなんぢの受膏者のあしあとをそしれり 我もろもろの民のそしりをわが懐中にいだく
Your enemies taunt me, Lord, mocking your king wherever he goes.
52 ヱホバは永遠にほむべきかな アーメン アーメン
May the Lord be blessed for ever. Amen and amen.

< 詩篇 89 >