< 詩篇 84 >

1 萬軍のヱホバよなんぢの帷幄はいかに愛すべきかな
TO THE OVERSEER. ON THE GITTITH. A PSALM OF THE SONS OF KORAH. How beloved Your dwelling places, YHWH of Hosts!
2 わが霊魂はたえいるばかりにヱホバの大庭をしたひ わが心わが身はいける神にむかひて呼ふ
My soul desired, indeed, it has also been consumed, For the courts of YHWH, My heart and my flesh cry aloud to the living God,
3 誠やすずめは窩をえ燕子はその雛をいるる巣をえたり萬軍のヱホバわが王わが神よ これなんぢの祭壇なり
Even a sparrow has found a house, And a swallow a nest for herself, Where she has placed her brood—Your altars, O YHWH of Hosts, My king and my God.
4 なんぢの家にすむものは福ひなり かかるひとはつねに汝をたたへまつらん (セラ)
O the blessedness of those inhabiting Your house, Yet they praise You. (Selah)
5 その力なんぢにあり その心シオンの大路にある者はさいはひなり
O the blessedness of a man whose strength is in You, Highways [are] in their heart.
6 かれらは涙の谷をすぐれども其處をおほくの泉あるところとなす また前の雨はもろもろの惠をもて之をおほへり
Those passing through a valley of weeping make it a spring, The early rain covers it with pools.
7 かれらは力より力にすすみ遂におのおのシオンにいたりて神にまみゆ
They go from strength to strength, He appears to God in Zion.
8 ばんぐんの神ヱホバよわが祈をききたまへ ヤコブの神よ耳をかたぶけたまへ (セラ)
O YHWH, God of Hosts, hear my prayer, Give ear, O God of Jacob. (Selah)
9 われらの盾なる神よ みそなはして なんぢの受膏者の顔をかへりみたまへ
Our shield, see, O God, And behold the face of Your anointed,
10 なんぢの大庭にすまふ一日は千日にもまされり われ惡の幕屋にをらんよりは 寧ろわが神のいへの門守とならんことを欲ふなり
For a day in Your courts [is] good, O Teacher! I have chosen rather to be at the threshold, In the house of my God, Than to dwell in tents of wickedness.
11 そは神ヱホバは日なり盾なり ヱホバは恩とえいくわうとをあたへ直くあゆむものに善物をこばみたまふことなし
For YHWH God [is] a sun and a shield, YHWH gives grace and glory. He does not withhold good To those walking in uprightness.
12 萬軍のヱホバよなんぢに依賴むものはさいはひなり
YHWH of Hosts! O the blessedness of a man trusting in You.

< 詩篇 84 >