< 詩篇 78 >

1 わが民よわが敎訓をきき、わが口のことばになんぢらの耳をかたぶけよ
“A Maskil of Assaph.” Give ear, O my people, to my instruction: incline thy ear to the words of my mouth.
2 われ口をひらきて譬喩をまうけ いにしへの玄幽なる語をかたりいでん
I will open with a parable my mouth: I will utter riddles out of ancient times;
3 是われらが曩にききしところ知しところ又われらが列祖のかたりつたへし所なり
Which we have heard and know, and which our fathers have related unto us.
4 われら之をその子孫にかくさずヱホバのもろもろの頌美と能力とそのなしたまへる奇しき事跡とをきたらんとする世につげん
We will not conceal them from their children, relating to the latest generation the praises of the Lord, and his strength, and his wonderful deeds which he hath done.
5 そはヱホバ證詞をヤコブのうちにたて律法をイスラエルのうちに定めてその子孫にしらすべきことをわれらの列祖におほせたまひたればなり
Yea, he established a testimony in Jacob, and instituted a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:
6 これ來らんとする代のちに生るる子孫がこれを知みづから起りてそのまた子孫につたへ
In order that the latest generation might know them, even the children that are to be born; that they may arise and relate them to their children;
7 かれらをして神によりたのみ神のみわざを忘れずその誡命をまもらしめん爲なり
That they may place in God their hope, and not forget the doings of God, but observe his commandments;
8 またその列祖のごとく頑固にしてそむくものの類となり そのこころ修まらず そのたましひ神に忠ならざる類とならざらん爲なり
And that they may not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that had not directed their heart firmly, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.
9 エフライムのこらは武具ととのへ弓をたづさへしに戰ひの日にうしろをそむけたり
The children of Ephraim, like well-armed archers, that turn round on the day of battle,
10 かれら神のちかひをまもらず そのおきてを履ことをいなみ
Kept not the covenant of God, and in his law they refused to walk;
11 ヱホバのなしたまへることとかれらに示したまへる奇しき事跡とをわすれたり
And they forgot his deeds, as also his wonders, which he had permitted them to see.
12 神はエジプトの國にてゾアンの野にて妙なる事をかれらの列祖のまへになしたまへり
In the presence of their fathers did he do wonders, in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zo'an.
13 すなはち海をさきてかれらを過ぎしめ水をつみて堆かくしたまへり
He divided the sea, and caused them to pass through; and he made the waters stand upright as a wall.
14 ひるは雲をもてかれらをみちびき夜はよもすがら火の光をもてこれを導きたまへり
And he led them with the cloud by day, and all the night with a light of fire.
15 神はあれのにて磐をさき大なる淵より汲がごとくにかれらに飮しめ
He split rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the mighty deep.
16 また磐より流をひきて河のごとくに水をながれしめたまへり
And he brought forth running streams out of the rock, and caused water to run down like rivers.
17 然るにかれら尚たえまなく罪ををかして神にさからひ荒野にて至上者にそむき
But they repeated to sin yet more against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert.
18 またおのが慾のために食をもとめてその心のうちに神をこころみたり
And they tempted God in their heart, by asking food for their desire.
19 然のみならずかれらは神にさからひていへり 神は荒野にて筵をまうけたまふを得んや
Yea, they spoke against God: they said, Will God be able to set in order a table in the wilderness?
20 みよ神いはを撃たまへば水ほどばしりいで流あぶれたり 糧をもあたへたまふを得んや神はその民のために肉をそなへたまはんやと
Behold, he smote the rock, so that waters gushed out, and streams overflowed: shall he also be able to give bread? or can he provide flesh for his people?
21 この故にヱホバこれを聞ていきどほりたまひき 火はヤコブにむかひてもえあがり怒はイスラエルにむかひて立騰れり
Therefore, when the Lord heard this, he became wroth: and a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also ascended against Israel,
22 こはかれら神を信ぜずその救にたのまざりし故なり
Because they had not believed in God, and had not trusted in his salvation.
23 されどなほ神はうへなる雲に命じて天の戸をひらき
Then he ordained the skies from above, and the doors of heaven he opened;
24 彼等のうへにマナをふらせて食はしめ天の穀物をあたへたまへり
And he let rain down upon them manna to eat, and the corn of heaven gave he unto them.
25 人みな勇士の糧をくらへり 神はかれらに食物をおくりて飽足らしめたまふ
Angels' bread did man eat: he sent them provision to satisfaction.
26 神は天に東風をふかせ大能もて南の風をみちびきたまへり
He caused an east wind to pass along the heavens; and he led forth by his strength the south wind.
27 神はかれらのうへに塵のごとく肉をふらせ海の沙のごとく翼ある鳥をふらせて
And he let rain upon them flesh [as plentiful] as the dust, and winged birds like the sand of the sea;
28 その營のなかその住所のまはりに落したまへり
And he let them fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations.
29 斯てかれらは食ひて飽たりぬ 神はこれにその欲みしものを與へたまへり
And they ate, and were greatly satisfied, and what they longed for he brought unto them.
30 かれらが未だその慾をはなれず食物のなほ口のうちにあるほどに
They were not estranged from their longing, yet was their food in their mouth:
31 神のいかり旣にかれらに對ひてたちのぼり彼等のうちにて最もこえたる者をころしイスラエルのわかき男をうちたふしたまへり
When the wrath of God ascended against them, and he slew some of the fattest of them, and the young men of Israel did he strike down.
32 これらの事ありしかど彼等はなほ罪ををかしてその奇しきみわざを信ぜざりしかば
With all this they sinned again, and believed not in his wonders.
33 神はかれらの日を空しくすぐさせ その年をおそれつつ過させたまへり
Therefore he caused their days to come to an end in nought, and their years in dread.
34 神かれらを殺したまへる時かれら神をたづね歸りきたりて懇ろに神をもとめたり
When he slew them, then did they seek him, and they returned and inquired earnestly after God.
35 かくて神はおのれの磐いとたかき神はおのれの贖主なることをおもひいでたり
And they remembered that God was their rock, and the most high God their redeemer.
36 然はあれど彼等はただその口をもて神にへつらひその舌をもて神にいつはりをいひたりしのみ
Nevertheless they prayed insincerely to him with their mouth, and with their tongue they lied unto him.
37 そはかれらのこころは神にむかひて堅からず その契約をまもるに忠信ならざりき
For their heart was not firm with him, and they were not faithful in his covenant.
38 されど神はあはれみに充たまへばかれらの不義をゆるして亡したまはず屡ばそのみいかりを轉してことごとくは忿恚をふりおこし給はざりき
But he, being merciful, forgave the iniquity, and destroyed [them] not: yea, many a time turned he his anger away, and did not awaken all his fury.
39 又かれがただ肉にして過去ばふたたび歸りこぬ風なるをおもひいで給へり
And he remembered that they are but flesh, a spirit that passeth away, and returneth not again.
40 かれらは野にて神にそむき荒野にて神をうれへしめしこと幾次ぞや
How oft did they rebel against him in the wilderness, grieve him in the desert!
41 かれらかへすがへす神をこころみイスラエルの聖者をはづかしめたり
Yea, they once more tempted God, and set limits to the Holy One of Israel.
42 かれらは神の手をも敵より贖ひたまひし日をもおもひいでざりき
They remembered not his hand, the day when he ransomed them from the adversary;
43 神はそのもろもろの豫兆をエジプトにあらはしその奇しき事をゾアンの野にあらはし
When he displayed in Egypt his signs, and his wonderful tokens in the fields of Zo'an.
44 かれらの河を血にかはらせてその流を飮あたはざらしめ
And he changed their rivers into blood; and their running streams, that they could not drink [of them].
45 また蝿の群をおくりてかれらをくはしめ蛙をおくりてかれらを亡させたまへり
He sent out among them various wild beasts, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them.
46 神はかれらの田產を蟊賊にわたし かれらの勤勞を蝗にあたへたまへり
And he gave unto the cricket their products, and their labor unto the locust.
47 神は雹をもてかれらの葡萄の樹をからし霜をもてかれらの桑の樹をからし
He slew with hail their vines, and their sycamore-trees with ice-bolts.
48 その家畜をへうにわたしその群をもゆる閃電にわたし
And he surrendered to the hail their cattle, and their herds to the lightning's flashes.
49 かれらの上にはげしき怒といきどほりと怨恨となやみと禍害のつかひの群とをなげいだし給へり
He let loose against them the fierceness of his anger, wrath and indignation, and distress, a host of angels of misfortune.
50 神はその怒をもらす道をまうけ かれらのたましひを死よりまぬかれしめず そのいのちを疫癘にわたし
He leveled a path for his anger; he withheld not from death their soul, and their life he surrendered to the pestilence;
51 エジプトにてすべての初子をうちハムの幕屋にてかれらの力の始をうちたまへり
And he smote all the first-born in Egypt; the first of their strength in the tents of Ham;
52 されどおのれの民を羊のごとくに引いだし かれらを曠野にてけだものの群のごとくにみちびき
But he caused his own people to depart like flocks, and guided them like a drove in the wilderness.
53 かれらをともなひておそれなく安けからしめ給へり されど海はかれらの仇をおほへり
And he led them in safety, so that they felt no dread; but the sea covered over their enemies.
54 神はその聖所のさかひ その右の手にて購たまへるこの山に彼らを携へたまへり
And he brought them to his holy territory, even to this mount, which his right hand had acquired.
55 又かれらの前にてもろもろの國人をおもひいだし準縄をもちゐ その地をわかちて嗣業となし イスラエルの族をかれらの幕屋にすまはせたまへり
And he drove out from before them nations, and divided them by the measuring-line as an inheritance, and he caused to dwell in their tents the tribes of Israel.
56 然はあれど彼等はいとたかき神をこころみ之にそむきてそのもろもろの證詞をまもらず
Yet they tempted and rebelled against the most high God, and his testimonies they kept not;
57 叛きしりぞきてその列祖の如く眞實をうしなひ くるへる弓のごとくひるがへりて逸ゆけり
But swerved aside, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers; they turned about like a deceitful bow.
58 高處をまうけて神のいきどほりをひき刻める像にて神の嫉妬をおこしたり
And they provoked him to anger with their high-places, and with their graven images they moved him to jealousy.
59 神ききたまひて甚だしくいかり大にイスラエルを憎みたまひしかば
God heard this, and he became wroth, and felt greatly disgusted with Israel;
60 人々の間におきたまひし幕屋なるシロのあげばりを棄さり
And he cast off the dwelling at Shiloh, the tabernacle where he had dwelt among men;
61 その力をとりことならしめ その榮光を敵の手にわたし
And he gave up his strength unto captivity, and his glory into the adversary's hand.
62 その民を劍にあたへ その嗣業にむかひて甚だしく怒りたまへり
And he surrendered his people unto the sword; and with his inheritance was he wroth.
63 火はかれらのわかき男をやきつくし かれらの處女はその婚姻の歌によりて譽らるることなく
His young men the fire devoured; and his virgins were not demanded in marriage.
64 かれらの祭司はつるぎにて仆れ かれらの寡婦は喪のなげきだにせざりき
His priests fell by the sword; and his widows did not weep.
65 斯るときに主はねぶりし者のさめしごとく勇士の酒によりてさけぶがごとく目さめたまひて
Then awoke the Lord as one that sleepeth, like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine.
66 その敵をうちしりぞけ とこしへの辱をかれらに負せたまへり
And he smote his enemies backward: a perpetual disgrace on them.
67 またヨセフの幕屋をいなみエフライムの族をえらばず
Yet was he disgusted with the tent of Joseph, and of the tribe of Ephraim he made not choice;
68 ユダの族そのいつくしみたまふシオンの山をえらびたまへり
But he chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved.
69 その聖所を山のごとく永遠にさだめたまへる地のごとくに立たまへり
And he built like high [mountains] his sanctuary, like the earth which he hath founded for ever.
70 またその僕ダビデをえらびて羊の牢のなかよりとり
And he made choice of David his servant, and took him from the sheep-folds:
71 乳をあたふる牝羊にしたがひゆく勤のうちより携へきたりてその民ヤコブその嗣業イスラエルを牧はせたまへり
From following the ewes with young he brought him, to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance.
72 斯てダビデはそのこころの完全にしたがひてかれらを牧ひ その手のたくみをもて之をみちびけり
And he fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and by the skilfulness of his hands did he lead them.

< 詩篇 78 >