< 詩篇 76 >

1 神はユダにしられたまへり その名はイスラエルに大なり
For the music director. To be accompanied by stringed instruments. A psalm of Asaph. A song. God is famous in Judah; his reputation is great throughout Israel.
2 またサレムの中にその幕屋あり その居所はシオンにあり
He lives in Jerusalem; his home is in Zion.
3 彼所にてかれは弓の火矢ををり盾と劍と戰陣とをやぶりたまひき (セラ)
There he broke the flaming arrows, the shields, the swords, and the weapons of war. (Selah)
4 なんぢ榮光あり掠めうばふ山よりもたふとし
You shine with light; you are more majestic than the everlasting mountains.
5 心のつよきものは掠めらる かれらは睡にしづみ勇ましきものは皆その手を見うしなへり
Our most courageous enemies have been plundered. They sleep the sleep of death. Even the strongest of them could not raise a hand against us.
6 ヤコブの神よなんぢの叱咤によりて戰車と馬とともに深睡につけり
At your command, God of Jacob, both horse and rider fell down dead.
7 神よなんぢこそ懼るべきものなれ 一たび怒りたまふときは誰かみまへに立えんや
You are terrifying—who can stand before you when you are angry?
8 なんぢ天より宣告をのりたまへり 地のへりくだる者をみなすくはんとて神のさばきに立たまへるとき地はおそれて默したり (セラ)
From heaven you announced judgment. Everyone on earth was afraid and stood still,
9 なんぢ天より宣告をのりたまへり 地のへりくだる者をみなすくはんとて神のさばきに立たまへるとき地はおそれて默したり (セラ)
when you stood up to judge, to save the oppressed people of the earth. (Selah)
10 實に人のいかりは汝をほむべし 怒のあまりは汝おのれの帶としたまはん
Even human anger against you makes you look glorious, for you wear it alike a crown.
11 なんぢの神ヱホバにちかひをたてて償へ そのまはりなるすべての者はおそるべきヱホバに禮物をささぐべし
Make your promises to God and be sure to keep them. Everyone bring gifts to the awe-inspiring one.
12 ヱホバはもろもろの諸侯のたましひを絶たまはん ヱホバは地の王たちのおそるべき者なり
For he humbles proud leaders; he terrifies the kings of the earth.

< 詩篇 76 >