< 詩篇 73 >
1 神はイスラエルにむかひ心のきよきものに對ひてまことに惠あり
A psalm of Asaph. Yes, God is good to the upright, the Lord to the pure in heart.
2 然はあれどわれはわが足つまづくばかりわが歩すべるばかりにてありき
But my feet were almost gone, my steps had nearly slipped,
3 こはわれ惡きものの榮ゆるを見てその誇れる者をねたみしによる
through envy of godless braggarts, when I saw how well they fared.
4 かれらは死るに苦しみなくそのちからは反てかたし
For never a pang have they, their body is sound and sleek.
5 かれらは人のごとく憂にをらず人のごとく患難にあふことなし
They have no trouble like mortals, no share in human pain.
6 このゆゑに傲慢は妝飾のごとくその頸をめぐり強暴はころものごとく彼等をおほへり
So they wear their pride like a necklace, they put on the garment of wrong,
7 かれら肥ふとりてその目とびいで心の欲にまさりて物をうるなり
their eyes stand out with fatness, their heart swells with riotous fancies.
8 また嘲笑をなし惡をもて暴虐のことばをいだし高ぶりてものいふ
Their speech is mocking and evil, condescending and crooked their speech.
They have set their mouth in the heavens, while their tongue struts about on the earth.
10 このゆゑにかれの民はここにかへり水のみちたる杯をしぼりいだして
Small wonder that people resort to them, and drink deep draughts of their lore.
11 いへらく神いかで知たまはんや至上者に知識あらんやと
‘How does God know?’ they say, ‘And has the Most High any knowledge?’
12 視よかれらは惡きものなるに常にやすらかにしてその富ましくははれり
See! These are the godless, with wealth and ease ever increasing.
13 誠に我はいたづらに心をきよめ罪ををかさずして手をあらひたり
Yes, in vain have I kept my heart pure, and washed my hands in innocence;
14 そはわれ終日なやみにあひ朝ごとに責をうけしなり
for all the day long was I plagued not a morning but I was chastised.
15 われもし斯ることを述んといひしならば我なんぢが子輩の代をあやまらせしならん
But to resolve to speak like they do would be treachery to your children.
16 われこれらの道理をしらんとして思ひめぐらししにわが眼いたく痛たり
So I sought to understand it, but a wearisome task it seemed:
17 われ神の聖所にゆきてかれらの結局をふかく思へるまでは然りき
till I entered the holy world of God and saw clearly their destiny.
18 誠になんぢはかれらを滑かなるところにおきかれらを滅亡におとしいれ給ふ
Yes, you set them on slippery places; down to destruction you hurl them.
19 かれらは瞬間にやぶれたるかな彼等は恐怖をもてことごとく滅びたり
One moment and then what a horror of ruin! They are finished and ended in terrors.
20 主よなんぢ目をさましてかれらが像をかろしめたまはんときは夢みし人の目さめたるがごとし
Like a dream, when one wakes, shall they be, whose phantoms the waker despises.
So my bitterness of mind and the pain that stabbed my heart
22 われおろかにして知覺なし聖前にありて獣にひとしかりき
show how dull I was and stupid just like a beast before you.
23 されど我つねになんぢとともにあり汝わが右手をたもちたまへり
But I am always with you, you have hold of my right hand.
24 なんぢその訓諭をもて我をみちびき後またわれをうけて榮光のうちに入たまはん
By a plan of yours you guide me and will afterward take me to glory.
25 汝のほかに我たれをか天にもたん地にはなんぢの他にわが慕ふものなし
Whom have I in the heavens but you? And on earth there is none I desire beside you.
26 わが身とわが心とはおとろふ されど神はわがこころの磐わがとこしへの嗣業なり
Though flesh and heart waste away, yet God is the rock of my heart, yet God is my portion forever.
27 視よなんぢに遠きものは滅びん 汝をはなれて姦淫をおこなふ者はみななんぢ之をほろぼしたまひたり
For see! Those who are far from you must perish, you destroy all who are false to you.
28 神にちかづき奉るは我によきことなり われは主ヱホバを避所としてそのもろもろの事跡をのべつたへん
But I am happy when close to God; the Lord my God I have made my refuge, that I may recount all the things you have done.