< 詩篇 52 >
1 猛者よなんぢ何なればあしき企圖をもて自らほこるや神のあはれみは恒にたえざるなり
To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid to giue instruction. When Doeg the Edomite came and shewed Saul, and saide to him, Dauid is come to the house of Abimelech. Why boastest thou thy selfe in thy wickednesse, O man of power? the louing kindenesse of God indureth dayly.
2 なんぢの舌はあしきことをはかり利き剃刀のごとくいつはりをおこなふ
Thy tongue imagineth mischiefe, and is like a sharpe rasor, that cutteth deceitfully.
3 なんぢは善よりも惡をこのみ正義をいふよりも虚偽をいふをこのむ (セラ)
Thou doest loue euill more then good, and lies more then to speake the trueth. (Selah)
4 たばかりの舌よなんぢはすべての物をくひほろぼす言をこのむ
Thou louest all wordes that may destroye, O deceitfull tongue!
5 されば神とこしへまでも汝をくだき また汝をとらへてその幕屋よりぬきいだし生るものの地よりなんぢの根をたやしたまはん (セラ)
So shall God destroy thee for euer: he shall take thee and plucke thee out of thy tabernacle, and roote thee out of ye land of the liuing. (Selah)
The righteous also shall see it, and feare, and shall laugh at him, saying,
7 神をおのが力となさず その富のゆたかなるをたのみ その惡をもて己をかたくせんとする人をみよと
Beholde the man that tooke not God for his strength, but trusted vnto the multitude of his riches, and put his strength in his malice.
8 然はあれどわれは神の家にあるあをき橄欖の樹のごとし 我はいやとほながに神のあはれみに依賴まん
But I shall bee like a greene oliue tree in the house of God: for I trusted in the mercie of God for euer and euer.
9 なんぢこの事をおこなひ給ひしによりて我とこしへになんぢに感謝し なんぢの聖徒のまへにて聖名をまちのぞまん こは宜しきことなればなり
I will alway praise thee, for that thou hast done this, and I will hope in thy Name, because it is good before thy Saints.