< 詩篇 36 >

1 あしきものの愆はわが心のうちにかたりて その目のまへに神をおそるるの畏あることなしといふ
To him that excelleth. A Psalme of Dauid, the servant of the Lord. Wickedness sayeth to the wicked man, euen in mine heart, that there is no feare of God before his eyes.
2 かれはおのが邪曲のあらはるることなく憎まるることなからんとて自からその目にて謟る
For hee flattereth himselfe in his owne eyes, while his iniquitie is foud worthy to be hated.
3 その口のことばは邪曲と虚偽となり智をこばみ善をおこなふことを息たり
The wordes of his mouth are iniquitie and deceit: hee hath left off to vnderstand and to doe good.
4 かつその寝床にてよこしまなる事をはかり よからぬ途にたちとまりて惡をきらはず
Hee imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed: he setteth himselfe vpon a way, that is not good, and doeth not abhorre euill.
5 ヱホバよなんぢの仁慈は天にあり なんぢの眞實は雲にまでおよぶ
Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth vnto the heauens, and thy faithfulnesse vnto the cloudes.
6 汝のただしきは神の山のごとく なんぢの審判はおほいなる淵なり ヱホバよなんぢは人とけものとを護りたまふ
Thy righteousnesse is like the mightie moutaines: thy iudgements are like a great deepe: thou, Lord, doest saue man and beast.
7 神よなんぢの仁慈はたふときかな 人の子はなんぢの翼の蔭にさけどころを得
How excellent is thy mercy, O God! therefore the children of men trust vnder the shadowe of thy wings.
8 なんぢの屋のゆたかなるによりてことごとく飽ことをえん なんぢはその歓樂のかはの水をかれらに飮しめたまはん
They shall be satisfied with the fatnesse of thine house, and thou shalt giue them drinke out of the riuer of thy pleasures.
9 そはいのちの泉はなんぢに在り われらはなんぢの光によりて光をみん
For with thee is the well of life, and in thy light shall we see light.
10 ねがはくはなんぢを知るものにたえず憐憫をほどこし心なほき者にたえず正義をほどこしたまへ
Extend thy louing kindnes vnto them that knowe thee, and thy righteousnesse vnto them that are vpright in heart.
11 たかぶるものの足われをふみ惡きものの手われを逐去ふをゆるし給ふなかれ
Let not ye foote of pride come against me, and let not the hand of ye wicked men moue me.
12 邪曲をおこなふ者はかしこに仆れたり かれら打伏られてまた起ことあたはざるべし
There they are fallen that worke iniquity: they are cast downe, and shall not be able to rise.

< 詩篇 36 >