< 詩篇 149 >

1 ヱホバをほめたたへよ ヱホバに對ひてあたらしき歌をうたへ 聖徒のつどひにてヱホバの頌美をうたへ
Hallelujah. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and His praise in the assembly of the saints.
2 イスラエルはおのれを造りたまひしものをよろこび シオンの子輩は己が王のゆゑによりて樂しむべし
Let Israel rejoice in his Maker; let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
3 かれらをどりつつその聖名をほめたたへ 琴鼓にてヱホバをほめうたべし
Let them praise His name in the dance; let them sing praises unto Him with the timbrel and harp.
4 ヱホバはおのが民をよろこび 救にて柔和なるものを美しくしたまへばなり
For the LORD taketh pleasure in His people; He adorneth the humble with salvation.
5 聖徒はえいくわうの故によりてよろこび その寝牀にてよろこびうたふべし
Let the saints exult in glory; let them sing for joy upon their beds.
6 その口に神をほむるうたあり その手にもろはの劍あり
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;
7 こはもろもろの國に仇をかへし もろもろの民をつみなひ
To execute vengeance upon the nations, and chastisements upon the peoples;
8 かれらの王たちを鏈にてかれらの貴人をくろかねの械にていましめ
To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 録したる審判をかれらに行ふべきためなり 斯るほまれはそのもろもろの聖徒にあり ヱホバをほめたたへよ
To execute upon them the judgment written; He is the glory of all His saints. Hallelujah.

< 詩篇 149 >