< 詩篇 14 >
1 愚なるものは心のうちに神なしといへり かれらは腐れたり かれらは憎むべき事をなせり 善をおこなふ者なし
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David.” The fool saith in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt; abominable are their doings; There is none that doeth good.
2 ヱホバ天より人の子をのぞみみて悟るもの神をたづぬる者ありやと見たまひしに
Jehovah looketh down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any that have understanding, That have regard to God.
3 みな逆きいでてことごとく腐れたり 善をなすものなし一人だになし
They are all gone out of the way; together are they corrupt; There is none that doeth good—no, not one.
4 不義をおこなふ者はみな智覺なきか かれらは物くふごとくわが民をくらひ またヱホバをよぶことをせざるなり
Shall not the evil-doers be requited, Who devour my people like bread, And call not upon Jehovah?
5 視よかかる時かれらは大におそれたり 神はただしきものの類のなかに在せばなり
Yea, then shall they be in great fear; For Jehovah is with the race of the righteous.
6 なんぢらは苦しめるものの謀略をあなどり辱かしむ されどヱホバはその避所なり
Ye would put to shame the counsel of the poor; But Jehovah is their refuge.
7 ねがはくはシオンよりイスラエルの救のいでんことを ヱホバその民のとらはれたるを返したまふときヤコブはよろこびイスラエルは樂まん
Oh that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When Jehovah bringeth back the captives of his people, Then shall Jacob rejoice, and Israel be glad.